View Full Version : A Tumbleweed Christmas needs a Christmas gift

12-04-2016, 11:32 AM

I got this Christmas card from my parents several years ago. I really
like it and I saved it. This poor cowboy is working on trimming a
tumbleweed to look like a Christmas tree, He even has the paint ready to
paint it green.

I suspect there aren't going to be many gifts under his Christmas tree.

I suspect some of our newer members are going to have a Christmas like my cowboy's Christmas.

Some of our newer members need to start casting to afford ammo, but can't afford the basics to cast with. Or to load with!

So here is a little Merry Christmas help for a fairly new member:

To be eligible for this Christmas gift you must have been a member more
than a month and less than a year on Christmas day. Also, you must not
have received a Christmas gift from me last year.

Since it is still before Thanksgiving, I haven't decided what to give as a gift.

To apply for this post a short post of why you need help with gifts
under your Christmas tree. Then send me a PM titled "Christmas gift"
with a more detailed description of why you need assistance, what
reloading experience and reloading tools you have, and what casting
experience and casting tools you have. Include your name and mailing
address in the PM, but not in the post.

I will likely have members pledge to help me with this. More are welcome
to join in. To join in, please PM me on how you would like to help and
please do not post in this thread unless you are eligible for the
Christmas gift and requesting the Christmas gift.


12-04-2016, 11:47 AM
Don't be shy. We have all had years where we have fallen on hard times.
I post this Tumbleweed Christmas every year. Many members enjoy helping me as much as I enjoy this.
Cowboy Dan was one of our previous winners.

Here is a poem by Cowboy Dan and a picture of his Christmas tree that year:

Poem by Cowboy Dan

'Twas a week before Christmas
and in the reloading room,
not a sound was to be heard
ere the crash and the boom.
I jumped from my seat
and thought, "My homebrew's exploded!"
The floor was dry near the
door, so my fears eroded.
And what I saw there
gave me such a start.
A man dressed in red
with a golden heart.
And all 'round his belt
empty cartridges hung,
so that each time he stepped,
each one of them rung.
Then Brassy Clause said,
"You have been a good boy,
so I and the elves thought,
'Let's get him a new toy.' "
I looked at my bench
and what did I see?
A new Lyman mold
was waiting for me.
But that was not all,
for he opened his pack
and then the gifts
began to stack.
Brass and sizing dies
And goodies to boot
were all laid out by
The man in the red suit.
Then I gave him a homebrew
and as I said "adieu,"
He said "Merry Christmas
e'ryone, from me to you."


12-07-2016, 03:14 PM
Don't be shy!
Last year a whole bunch of presents went unclaimed!

12-09-2016, 07:20 PM
Well, either everyone is shy or everyone believes this is a scam!

If you have received a Tumbleweed Christmas present in previous years, feel free to post in this thread about your experience.
If you want to help out with Christmas gifts, please PM me rather than cluttering up this thread.
If you could use a little help so there is something for you under the tree, please follow the rules in post #1, i.e. post here and then PM me with the information requested. The information requested will let me and my friends know what you can use that we can provide.

12-10-2016, 11:42 AM
I would like to nominate the member from california that lost all his reloading stuff in the fire, he's not a newbie but maybe deserving. can not remember his exact handle "mel paso" or something like that.

12-10-2016, 11:46 AM
I would like to nominate the member from california that lost all his reloading stuff in the fire, he's not a newbie but maybe deserving. can not remember his exact handle "mel paso" or something like that.

I Pm'ed him an offer of a replacement powder measure and he did not reply.

12-10-2016, 12:42 PM
If you have been a member more than a month and less than a year when Christmas Day rolls around, please read these previous Tumbleweed Christmas threads from 2014 and 2015:





As you can see, we had a lot of fun with this!

12-13-2016, 01:02 PM
I don't understand why it is so hard to find newer members in need of assistance!

Soon it will be too late to put these gifts under the tree.

It sure looks like this is going to be another year when gifts go to waste due to too few qualified applicants!

Oklahoma Rebel
12-13-2016, 06:16 PM
I am one month too senior to qualify, boo hoo everyone feel sorry for me! lol

Rattlesnake Charlie
12-13-2016, 06:27 PM
My mother decorated one once. A branch from an elm tree another year. There were some lean years growing up on a small time dirt farm and cattle ranch. She was quite proud when she got one of the aluminum trees with the light that shown through the multi-colored rotating wheel. The price of cattle must have been up that year. I suspect it blew away with the tornado this past May.

Oklahoma Rebel
12-13-2016, 11:20 PM
sorry tto hear that, my grandma had an aluminum tree! but my mom doesn't much care for them

Oklahoma Rebel
12-13-2016, 11:21 PM
I know all about tornados, although we have been lucky and not been hit, we have had a house fire. most people around here go out to watch tornadoes instead of go for cover.lol

fast ronnie
12-15-2016, 01:08 AM
I haven't been shooting for several months, now, as I have been busy doing other things. Some of the projects have been getting done, but many more to go. I just made some parts for the wing of an F4-u Corsair that is being restored. We have also done some parts for Sea Furys, too, as that is their specialty in restoration. All three of the Furys that I work on finished in the Gold cup at Reno again this year. Sanders is the only team to ever finish with three entries in the Gold cup, and they have done it multiple times. It is a feather in everyone's' cap that works on those planes.

I ran the dragbike a couple of times this year, and did a best ever pass in September. I shut off early, but when I shut it down, I was running 198 + mph. I have one more pass to do to finish my license runs, then I'll be able to run side by side with a couple of the guys that I hang out with. We have wanted to run Kawasaki vs. Harley top fuel exhibition runs for quite a while and are nearly ready for that. From the way the bike ran the last few passes, those Harleys are going to have a rough time keeping up with my old Kawasaki. The spectators at the track would love to see the Harleys put a spanking on the Jap bikes, so should be a good spectator draw.

I've been doing a little reloading lately, getting ready to go out to the range. I may go in the next week or two, but we have a walk-thru nativity scene at church that starts tomorrow night, and will run Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, so maybe next week.

There have been several new members here this year. A couple of years ago, Brass and I got to talking here on the forum, and ended up being friends. I spent a day with him at his home, then went to the range with him. We had a good time, and proceeded to eat a pretty good sized watermelon to boot.

The year that I met him, I received a Christmas package from him through his Tumbleweed Christmas, along with some other stuff. This is a pretty nice way of saying Merry Christmas and Hello to new guys on the forum. he has a heart of gold, but is having a hard time to find the right guys so that George can find the address of a special Christmas tree.

Don't be shy, guys. I know there are others out here on this sight that could use a bit of help.

As a reminder, there is a set of casting videos out there that needs to be watched. Brass is also the one who has made them available. I got to see them a couple of years ago, and they are a great resource.

Please help the Brass Magnet by either putting your name in the hat if you qualify, or nominate someone who could use a little encouragement.

If you don't qualify or don't know who to nominate, consider the Christmas exchange thingy. You might just be able to provide someone with something they desperately need and that you might have just gathering dust.

At any rate, I hope you all have a Merry Christmas, and don't forget the purpose Christ came for. After all, He is the reason for the season.

Anyway, I guess I've rambled long enough for now, so I'll get back to reading on the forum.

fast ronnie
12-16-2016, 07:42 PM
Come on guys!!!!

I can't believe no one has posted or responded to BrassMagnet's offer. There's got to be someone out there that could use a little help that fits his Criteria.

Maybe, I'm mistaken and nobody on the forum needs anything this year.

I talked to Brass yesterday, and he said that last year, not one person responded for Two loading setups that he bought just to bless someone at Christmas. If I fit the profile, I sure would be asking or trying to find someone that did.


12-17-2016, 09:07 AM
It is almost time to close this thread down. So far, there are no qualified applicants and two offers to assist with the gift giving.

I am now opening this thread up to posts by those who are willing to give. If you are willing to give, but want the gift to be anonymous just send me a PM with "Christmas" in the title.

12-18-2016, 12:35 PM
Speak up now or forever hold your peace!
I will be closing this thread soon.
If you are qualified IAW post one and active on CastBoolits then no one is more qualified to receive a Christmas present through this Tumbleweed Christmas thread than you are. Quit being shy and post!

Oklahoma Rebel
12-18-2016, 03:48 PM
I wonder if people are just too shy? it's ok to ask for help every now and again

Oklahoma Rebel
12-18-2016, 03:50 PM
I wonder if people are just too shy/proud? it's ok to ask for help every now and again. and brassmagnet don't bite, he is a very kind person

Preacher Jim
12-18-2016, 04:47 PM
Brass magnet is one great guy and this is a legitimate program to help you get what you need. PM or post let him know

Oklahoma Rebel
12-18-2016, 07:54 PM
yeah, im not sure why noe one is contacting this thread,anyone who knows him knows brass is a genuine guy, maybe the people who Do need things are too new to know that.?

12-18-2016, 10:33 PM
I'm surprised there's no takers. I'm too forum old ha, and didn't even see this last year or I would have asked for this help. Very cool thing you're doing here, good luck.

Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk

pull the trigger
12-19-2016, 09:00 PM
I have always refused any kind of help with anything. So I understand it.

12-20-2016, 08:42 AM
This thread is now closed to applicants!

Preacher Jim
12-20-2016, 01:11 PM
with all the new members this year it must be foolish pride stopping you from saying, "I could use help" speak up or know you missed a great oppurtunity.
and now your to late sorry for you

Oklahoma Rebel
12-20-2016, 07:43 PM
Well merry Christmas to all!

12-21-2016, 05:55 PM
No qualified applicants

Two almost qualified applicants.

Merry Christmas Sean357 and Oklahoma Rebel!

Oklahoma Rebel
12-21-2016, 11:29 PM
Merry christmas!!!

Oklahoma Rebel
12-21-2016, 11:30 PM
And thank you very much!

12-22-2016, 12:32 AM
Merry Christmas to you too! Thank you!

Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk

12-25-2016, 08:50 PM
Merry Christmas Sean357!
This Lyman 45 did not make it under the tree, but the old lube is cleaned out, new Tac1 from RandyRat of CastBoolits is in, and it has been tested lubing some H&G 68 boolits that were laying around.
It is ready to box and mail tomorrow. It will have a little bit of company in the box.

Ready to size:


Sized and lubed:


A better view:


12-28-2016, 11:38 PM
Lyman 45 Sizer #2 for Oklahoma Rebel failed check out. The jack screw was damaged and the ratchet jammed in place and wouldn't come off without excessive force.
It sure is a good thing I keep spare parts around! Like spare jack screws! So it will need some more work!

12-28-2016, 11:56 PM
George has taught you well, Yoda
he he he

12-30-2016, 12:48 PM
Merry Christmas Oklahoma Rebel!

Ready to size:

Sized, lubed, gas checked:

Another view:

Another view:

Comes with .314 die and #413 top punch and lube, RandyRat's Tac1 lube.

12-30-2016, 03:05 PM
Wonderful, wonderful
Oklahoma Rebel who loves you now!!!
Yeeeee Hawwww
The entire clan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

12-30-2016, 03:22 PM
All mailed today.
I might have seen George in one of the mail trucks. He hid so fast I couldn't be sure!

Oklahoma Rebel
12-30-2016, 04:05 PM
looks very cool, from what I here George has one of those little mail trucks you see in town, but it has a Porsche flat six sitting over the rear wheels. heard it'll do the 1/4 mile in 12 seconds! anyways, who knows where he will hit next! good day to you!

Oklahoma Rebel
12-30-2016, 04:08 PM
the whole clan? aint that somethin':guntootsmiley:

12-30-2016, 04:25 PM
I don't know how I missed this thread but I did. Just wanted to say don't get discouraged Brass Magnet! You do a lot of very nice things for friends you haven't even met yet and just wanted to give a big ​THANK YOU!

12-31-2016, 03:40 AM
It's funny, orange has always been my favorite color! I like the look of the wood handle too.

Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk

Oklahoma Rebel
01-06-2017, 05:38 PM
yep, we definitely got some very cool gadgets! now, if it weren't so darned cold! working on a warmer, still gotta find a healthy chunk o' aluminum. I doubt I have anything out there, but im gonna look around the garage, see whats out there. thanks again! Travis

01-08-2017, 07:52 PM
Here's the results of my first casting session, using what was sent to me for Tumbleweed Christmas! Still need practice but very happy with these. Lyman 311410 for 7.62x39.

01-08-2017, 08:14 PM
All I can say is wow, I've been totally outfitted! Even got some extra brass! Thank you very much!



01-08-2017, 08:47 PM
About two weeks ago on a cold, dark, snowy Friday night, me and the wife checked the mail before heading home. I saw her through the glass bringing out a box. I wasn't expecting anything that week so wondered what it was.
She got back in the car and asked "who's George? It's for you" I looked at the name and it sounded familiar, George Onedollarbill.
I said "yeah he's one of the guys on the forum".
And then like a bat to the head it hit me! I said "oh no! We gotta go now!" She gave me an odd look, but she just didn't understand! So I floored it and raced down the street and up the hill, trying to explain on the way.
I pulled in the car and jumped out. Running to the front door I quickly unlocked it and went to the back room. Somebody had rummaged through everything! I did a quick check but nothing was missing, he must have had mercy on me for now. But he did give half the jar of treats to the dog and helped himself to the scotch.
I finally opened the box and there was a RCBS scale in perfect shape, with a pound of solder too! He sure does know a good scale, I had no idea what I was missing using only the Lee scale.
And although all was well this time, I know he'll be back someday.