View Full Version : Small Score

12-01-2016, 08:40 PM
A friend just dropped off about 1/4th of a bucket of wheelweights. Not a big score, but free. After sorting, I only found 11 weights that were not lead. About 50/50 between zinc and iron. The few strips of stick-on weights were the painted variety that are like clip-on weights. Its good to know that the yield of lead is holding up well around here, even though its getting harder to find. He also had a few dozen battery cable ends.

Its kinda funny, but He and I were returning from a morning deer hunt last year when we stopped at the intersection on two rural State highways. I spotted a weight near the curb and made him wait while I retrieved it. This got him on the lookout and He's constantly texting me pictures of rescued weights that he finds. He also scavenges brass for me, so all in all not a bad deal!

12-01-2016, 10:56 PM
See, networking is paying off. Looking forward to the change from this past November and suspecting less push on the lead issue from big brother.

12-02-2016, 02:23 PM
It all adds up and the price was right.i have the same thing with some of my friends.it is all good eveing if it is a ww or 2 or lb or 2 here and there.I would bet I have 100lbs or more given to me like that.

12-03-2016, 05:04 AM
+1...soon a full pot to melt!!

12-03-2016, 12:02 PM
The score, weight wise, was not a big deal. I just wanted to reinforce the idea that networking really does work. And that lead is still out there. I was also pleased that the lead to non lead ratio is still pretty good around here. These weights came from a local shop, one where I also get weights here when I have tire work done.

12-03-2016, 05:40 PM
I think a lot depends on what state you are in as far as what regulations are in place for lead.I get a lot of variation in useable lead from 1/3 to to about 3/4.Bottom line get it when and while you can.And yes networking is working for me.wait till someone shows up with a buck of solder bars lol.It do happen happy hunting lightman