View Full Version : Does your lady conceal carry?

11-29-2016, 10:53 AM

11-29-2016, 10:55 AM
Maybe a new purse for your love


11-29-2016, 11:02 AM
Christmas is coming - think outside the box for her - maybe just need to get her a training class?

11-29-2016, 11:19 AM
Mine carries a lasersight LCP in a FlashBang



11-29-2016, 12:16 PM
My wife both conceal carries, and open carries. A SMC380 is in a CC purse, and a Colt Police Positive on her hip.

A few years back I bought her a Glock but she has never liked it. Still insists on OCing the CPP, or my Star Super.

11-29-2016, 12:28 PM
My ex-wife carried a lifetime of baggage.

11-29-2016, 02:11 PM
My wife is not a gun person and doesn't carry. Honestly, if she is not going to practice I would rather she didn't carry. She fully supports my decision to carry, which is what counts.

11-29-2016, 02:24 PM
Yes, It saved her from being robbed once.

11-29-2016, 02:44 PM
Yes all the ladies in my life who are of age do so, wouldn't let my wife leave the house without money keys and phone so a edc is just another part of our dress code!

11-29-2016, 02:58 PM
My wife carries. If it is in a situation where she needs ultra hidden concealment, it's a little NAA 22lr revolver. In 99.9% other situations, a taurus T85 38spl snubby revolver with a bobbed hammer

11-29-2016, 03:41 PM
My wife carries. If it is in a situation where she needs ultra hidden concealment, it's a little NAA 22lr revolver. In 99.9% other situations, a taurus T85 38spl snubby revolver with a bobbed hammer

My mother carried a NAA 5 shot stainless for most of 20 years.

Bought the Mrs. a purse last year that has a built-in Faraday cage and two 1/16" stainless aircraft cables sown into the strap. For now she carries non-lethal defense. Once we get out of Kali she'll add a pistol.

11-29-2016, 09:06 PM
The video in post #1 may be the hottest thing I have seen this month.

11-29-2016, 09:35 PM

the Purse in #2 looks familiar. Change it to a nice brown, soft (like tanned deer skin) purse and you have the wife's pride and joy "Carry Vehicle". She complained after a couple of years carrying it about the weight so I swapped the 3" S&W six shot .357 for a 1.75" S&W 5 shot .38 Special revolver. She's happy now.

Of course I have become smarter in my old age and bit my tongue when I was about to tell her to clean all that junk out of the purse and it'd be lighter. The swap out to a smaller revolver was a much better marital solution than opening my big mouth.

11-29-2016, 10:07 PM
She carries a 38 airweight and a couple of double-d's

11-29-2016, 10:53 PM
My ex-wife carried a lifetime of baggage.

I still miss my ex, but with practice, I'm confident my aim will improve.

11-29-2016, 11:20 PM
My wife, my sister, and my DIL all carry CCW. We teach the NRA WOT clinics too. I enjoyed the video in the first post.

11-30-2016, 04:16 AM
My wife isn't much of a gun person either. She has warmed up to the 9mm for home defense and keeps asking me to switch with her so she can have the 45acp instead of the 9. The reason I won't is she won't shoot the 45 but she will shoot the 9 occasonaly. I've explaining to her why I refuse to leave her a gun she's never shot for her protection but she still want the 45 cause it has a hammer and small beaver tail so the slide won't bit here. I will eventually get her a revolver for home defence when funds allow. If I can get her to practice with it I'll send her for her ccdw. She has expressed interest in obtaining them but is honestly still on the fence. Just gotta keep prodding her in the right direction though.

11-30-2016, 10:48 AM
My wife isn't much of a gun person either. She has warmed up to the 9mm for home defense and keeps asking me to switch with her so she can have the 45acp instead of the 9. The reason I won't is she won't shoot the 45 but she will shoot the 9 occasonaly. I've explaining to her why I refuse to leave her a gun she's never shot for her protection but she still want the 45 cause it has a hammer and small beaver tail so the slide won't bit here. I will eventually get her a revolver for home defence when funds allow. If I can get her to practice with it I'll send her for her ccdw. She has expressed interest in obtaining them but is honestly still on the fence. Just gotta keep prodding her in the right direction though.

Might be time to trade her current 9mm for another 9mm that has the features she wants. There is something going on that makes here reluctant to shoot more. She may be fearful of the .45 and comfortable with the 9mm; but overcoming the 9mm configuration sh currently has is what I would try.

11-30-2016, 12:14 PM
She carries a 38 airweight and a couple of double-d's

I once asked my best friend, "Hey, Becky carries a gun, doesn't she?"
"No, why do you ask?"
"Well, the other day you told me she was packin' twin 38's that would knock a man dead!":roll:

11-30-2016, 01:21 PM
Nope. Can't get her to take shooting seriously. I'm just glad one of the girls at the thrift store she runs carries in her purse. However, she shot my .44 mag. SuperB once. We were at the old home place when Mom and Dad were still with us, and she called us to come inside for dinner. We were shooting in the back yard, and kept shooting to "finish." She came back out and threatened to eat it all up if we didn't get in there NOW! I smiled, and told her we'd come in if she'd come out and shoot my .44 just once. It was the gun she (surprisingly) kept by her bedside when I was away at night. She put her fists on her hips, pooched her lips out, and strode out, took the .44 from my hands, and one-handed, fired the .44, and then put it back in my hands, and said, "Now c'mon in and lets eat!" Then she marched back in the house, leaving me and the son looking at each other as if to say, "Wha' hoppened???" Not knowing anything better to do, we picked up our ammo and went inside to eat.

I think she'd do very well if she ever had to, as long as I've got a revolver for her to use. She just doesn't "get" autos, with their safeties, and different order of arms. Anyone who ever scares her will probably get a full cylinderful of rounds to munch on, if not two! She knows how to reload a revolver pretty well!

Wayne Smith
11-30-2016, 01:42 PM
About 12 years ago LOML and I took the concealed carry classes and she did well. Then she realized open carry was leagl in this state and refused to get her concealed license. "If I'm carrying I want people to know it!" This was her statement, and she has carried open at work a couple of times - she is a geologist.

11-30-2016, 01:52 PM
About 12 years ago LOML and I took the concealed carry classes and she did well. Then she realized open carry was leagl in this state and refused to get her concealed license. "If I'm carrying I want people to know it!" This was her statement, and she has carried open at work a couple of times - she is a geologist.

Smart lady. When people ask why we open carry I respond "Because I am not a victim". While CC is fine, but it's only purpose is to be deployed AFTER there is an attack. Properly concealed carriers look just like any other unarmed person. We hear many times of CC holders coming out on top after an attempted crime, which is good. But it the person does not come away unscathed, and will live with it for some time. Plus losing their gun until the courts return it. There just are very few incidences of open carriers attacked, or involved in shootings.

12-01-2016, 04:52 AM
Well the think is she's afraid of the loud noise of a centerfire. She will flat burn threw the 22lr. Also she's afraid of the slide on a semi-auto. That's why I said as soon as funds allow I'm getting her a revolver. Also she has a fear that every gun she picks up will hurt her from recoil when she fires it. I'm finally getting her out of the notion she had that guns just go off and kill people. Her dad was showing me a new revolver he had baught once and she wigged out about us handling it around her. O and the cylinder was swung out with the gun unloaded, mataining muzzle discipline by both of us the whole time. Threw exposure to fire arms she's starting to clam down a bit but is still apprehensive when it comes to firing anything that's not a 22lr rifle.

And while your suggestion is a reasonable one I couldn't part with the 9. It's just a hi point c9 which means it isn't worth much but that gun is special to me. It was my first handgun and it was given to me by my wife as a present. I had been wanting a pistol for a while because at the time I still had my motorcycle and when I went on rides I was yousaly alone. There's still places way back in the mountains where a stranger can feel the eyes watching your every move. When your passing threw you don't stop, and it's to your benefit to have back up in some form or fashion.

12-01-2016, 09:53 AM
Yep, alot of wild places and people back there. Pills and unemployment have really hurt Appalachia.

12-01-2016, 10:37 AM
my wife carries a pepper spray gun in her purse.

12-01-2016, 10:46 AM
Ahh good, nothing like an iritated, angry guy stabbing you, vs the guy that originally just wanted your purse and threatened to stab you.

Pepper is for steak grilling.. lead is for bad guys.. ( ok maybee a little copper gilding to go with the lead if that's how you swing. ) ;)

12-01-2016, 10:46 AM
W/o stepping on toes or anything, I;d like to get in on this discussion a bit.
My wonderful better half was asked to hold a NRA Women On Target over 15 years ago. It was a new program, initially designed to get women into hunting. Well, there wasn't any real guidance,,, so we created our own clinic, more around handguns, and it was a huge success. What was to be a one time thing became a 4-5 times a year event. We have taught hundreds of ladies to shoot.
First, it's a ladies ONLY clinic, save for the few select male instructors my wife picks. No macho attitude, calm, patient & very gentlemanly guys only. (This is because we do not have enough qualified ladies to run an entire clinic.)
This atmosphere allows the ladies to relax & see that almost everyone else there is the same as they are. New, unfamiliar, scared (sometimes,) & female. Many have never handled a firearm before, or worse, have had some macho type hand them a recoiling handgun that hurts & scares them, then laugh at them. Sadly, some male types do not want their women to enjoy shooting.
After a 2 hr classroom, where safety, grip, sights stance, etc is all covered, they are put with individual instructors who take them one on one, & have them shoot handguns. We require all of them to start with 22's, where they shoot 50 rounds. Then we move to DA revolvers & have them shoot 38 spl light loads. Lastly, we have them try 9mm semi's. W/o fail, most of them PREFER the simplicity, the ease of handling, & general abilities of the DA revolvers. We never force our opinions upon them, we allow them to see what works for them, and let them decide which type of handgun is their best choice.

After they have had our basic clinic, we have held Level II clinics, where we just use 22's, and have them shoot different "stages" to make them have to reload, move, shoot through a window or door, around a wall, sitting, etc. All basic, but a building skill.

My point in sharing this here is to let folks know that ladies can & will learn to shoot,, IF GIVEN THE RIGHT CONDITIONS & ATTITUDE. It would surprise you how many of these ladies are widows who inherited a few guns from their deceased husbands & now decide that they need to learn to protect themselves.
If you have a lady in your life who may want to learn, or who is a bit apprehensive etc, look into a ladies ONLY clinic. Especially if it has a female instructor. Look for a WOT clinic near you. Find a woman who teaches, especially beginner classes. And from what we have learned, stay away from any of the "tactical" types,, even the ladies who teach that.

We have learned the following;
Ladies can & will learn to shoot, quite easily when offered a chance to work with other beginner ladies.
They usually sign up in pairs or families. (They like a familiar friend with them.)
Keep things on a simple level.
Make it FUN!
Never start with anything bigger than a .22 LR.
Allow the lady to work up to other calibers.
Make them work the guns, do not do it for them. (This is important in that you make them load a 9mm magazine, rack the slide, operate all the mechanisms, etc.) If they can not do it,, especially a lot of the older ladies who no longer have the strength, DO NOT FORCE them.
Always keep the tried & true statement; KISS. Keep It Simple Stupid.
Have a lady teach them about how to carry a gun. They are built differently, (Thank goodness :D ) they wear their clothes differently, rarely wear a heavy enough belt to carry a firearm, & in general, have a lot of challenges in how to carry.

Because of how successful we have been, and how well our students have done, in 2009, my wonderful better half was chosen as one of the top 10 ladies in the NRA WOT program.

We'll be glad to discuss things with anyone who wants help.

I offer all this after reading about how the lady above likes the revolver, or the ones who shoot the 22's have been. It did not surprise me at all.
Nurture their feelings & cater to their desires, and you may find they will carefully expand their attitudes about firearms.

12-01-2016, 05:26 PM
Contender, alot of guys would benefit from a beginner focused/no testosterone class as well. I am 6'4/275 but cannot shoot anything stronger than 9mm or .38 +P with any kind of accuracy. I carry .380 and .38 Special and practice alot, I feel confident and well protected. When I tell this to the gun shop commandos they recoil in horror as if my "girly" carry guns are a threat to their manhood.:oops:

Surprisingly, my mom and sister have no interest in wheelguns at all. They gravitate towards the full size 9's.

12-01-2016, 10:51 PM
My wife carries a S&W Model 32 "Terrier" in 38 S&W On the range I can call her the shots and at 7 yds puts them were I ask in double action! Far better then I can do in single action. I don't worry about my little lady when she goes out!

12-02-2016, 09:34 AM
FergusonTO35,,, I see NO problem with what you carry. You carry what YOU like, what fits YOU, and to heck with what these armchair commandos think.
That said,,, read my post again,,, it's about beginners & a lot of them are older ladies. As such, due to age, arthritis, etc,, just racking a slide, or loading a magazine can be a struggle. BUT,,,,,,, but some of the younger ladies, have had zero issues with semi-autos. But when we explain how you NEED to spend TIME with a firearm to become muscle memory friendly of it's operations,,, otherwise under stress you will not be able to operate it, many see why a DA revolver is a good choice.
And before any of the nay-sayers disagree with me,,, I taught my mother to shoot, and she had a .22 cal Colt Junior my Dad had given her. I insisted she shoot this gun of HER choice at least once a month. I had cleaned her gun the day before she really needed it. It was in a holster, wrapped in a handkerchief, safety on, empty chamber, in her pocket, when a thug came into her store & pepper-sprayed her in the face. During the robbery, she was pepper-sprayed a total of 3 times, yet managed to get the gun out of her pocket, out of the handkerchief, out of the holster, yet UNABLE to rack the slide and dis-engage the safety. The thug attacked her, tried to get the gun, failing as she balled up in the fetal position, despite being thrown into shelving, breaking ribs, bruising her a lot etc. He succeeded in stealing cash & ran.
She retired the Colt, and immediately got her a Ruger SP-101 in 357 & began to practice with it. Under stress, MOST ladies will not be able to remember all the things needed to do unless they get muscle memory friendly with the gun.

First rule of self defense; Be able to defend yourself.

PS; Mom has passed away since all this, the thug, along with his 2 accomplices were caught, 2 made bail, upon which both of those committed other crimes while on bail. The one who attacked Mom made bail after several months, jumped bail, and when caught 5 years later, FAILED to get any more time than the time he'd served. I wish mom had shot the SOB.

12-02-2016, 10:31 PM
Great work, Contender! Good on ya' and the wife both! And all your asst's, too!

12-04-2016, 03:56 PM
My ex-wife carried a lifetime of baggage.

:bigsmyl2::popcorn: That's funny......

12-06-2016, 06:25 PM
My wife carries a S&W Shield in 9mm. She shoots it great. Now we're thinking about maybe putting an apex trigger at it to make it even better to shoot.

12-08-2016, 07:49 PM
Mine carries a S&W 642. It's simple and she likes it. Practice rounds are low power loads with carry being +P.

12-08-2016, 07:56 PM
My wife is quite athletic....Very good tennis player: but is one of those gals that just can not rack an auto ...even my Ruger 22's!
That is why for her a revolver is the best bet! And as I said before, she can out shoot me with her's in double action vs me shooting single action!
I think that is a big plus for her
It all come down to what they are comfortable with!..... not what we want them to carry!
( she hates my 45 auto colt!)

12-08-2016, 08:19 PM
My wife used to shoot my empty tic tax boxes with my ruger 22 sa.

Good shot, can't rack a sa slide either. Revolver girl.

12-09-2016, 12:36 AM
My wife carries a Model 30 S & W. Went through her CC class and bugs me to shoot. Only adverse problem is one time at church, her purse fell over and her gun fell out on the carpet in plain view. I though the lady sitting next to us would pass gas./beagle

Texas by God
12-09-2016, 12:53 AM
My wife took her S&W 67 to LTC class and put all 50 rounds in a 4" rathole in the ten ring. The instructor winked at me and said I better mind. That said, when she discovered she could rack the slide on my 9mm Shield- it's no longer mine. I had to go get myself a .40 Shield. My oldest daughter carries a Glock .380 and my youngest daughter carries a P97 Ruger .45 because she likes it.

12-09-2016, 07:05 PM
My wife took her S&W 67 to LTC class and put all 50 rounds in a 4" rathole in the ten ring. The instructor winked at me and said I better mind. That said, when she discovered she could rack the slide on my 9mm Shield- it's no longer mine. I had to go get myself a .40 Shield. My oldest daughter carries a Glock .380 and my youngest daughter carries a P97 Ruger .45 because she likes it.

Reminds me of when I let my wife use my beautiful 6" blued python.. Pretty much my favorite handgun period... Well, its not mine now... I had to settle for a 4" Nickle...