View Full Version : Christmas Present

Chris C
11-24-2016, 11:28 AM
Bought myself a Christmas Present today. I've put it off for the past 5 years because I have a good friend who has always been willing to give me BHN readings. I finally bought a Lee Lead Hardness Tester. Something else to help guide me down this willowy path I've chosen. Convoluted as it is, I realize there's a path even though sometimes it isn't well defined. This tester, I hope, will define the path a little better. "Jingle Bells"[smilie=w:[smilie=p:

11-24-2016, 11:43 AM
For getting the most information out of a tool like that BHN tester, try this...

Test ingots prior to putting them in for a casting session.
Test the casts on the same day after casting.
Test the next 2 or three days later.
Test a week later and so on and so forth.
Test after PC'ing, same as above.

Depending on the Pb content, you will be surprised at how BHN changes with time...for me it was quite an eye opener.

That is a great little tool so long as you are careful not to make the plunger over-travel...derive a method where you are comfy at full stroke and you can excerpt a sideways push to help lock the travel at full stroke...constantly keep the index finger of the other hand on top wiping back and forth over the plunger hole to detect any difference in stroke, keep it flush as best as you can.

Good luck with your new toy!

Chris C
11-24-2016, 12:49 PM
Well, I'll be sure and do all the above.............except I don't powder coat. :mrgreen:

11-24-2016, 01:07 PM
Well, I'll be sure and do all the above.............except I don't powder coat. :mrgreen:

You don't YET, but you will. :)


11-24-2016, 01:27 PM
Right as rain Marine...it's only a matter of time!

Semper Fi...charlie

Chris C
11-24-2016, 02:24 PM
Dream on guys. You folks have all the fun you want with your plastic. I'll stick with lubes. I say that and I might have to change my tune later on for pistol bullets........................but don't hold your breath. :bigsmyl2:

11-24-2016, 02:50 PM
Never shoot more 'crow' than what you are prepared to eat! ...:bigsmyl2:

Chris C
11-24-2016, 03:20 PM
I never do, OS OK, I never do. I've reversed decisions and admitted it, on occasion. But I don't usually change my mind. Like I said, I "may" change my mind over pistol bullets............but I kind of doubt it.