View Full Version : thanks to the forum for my success

11-22-2016, 03:24 PM
new to the forum but not really 'new'

hunting small/medium game for over 40 years.
reloading just over 40 years.

last couple seasons I used a mosin with store bought soft points.
they did ok but overkill for the place I hunt and unpleasant after awhile of rec shooting.

this year, though, was my FIRST EVER deer hunt with:

a projectile cast by my hand, loaded by my hand.

from the advice and comments garnered here, I hunted with the following:

ruger American predator version .308 bought new by me this year. other than some david tubb final finish, only cast projectiles have seen the bore.

lee c309-170-rf projectile using ww/pure+tin
tl,size/check,tl (lla+mineral spirits)
2400 powder at just a hair over 17gn giving 1600fps
Nikon buckmaster scope left on 3x

the result:
a button buck for the freezer.
(10lb of 'hams' are brining for the backwoods brown sugar ham kit right now!)

paced at 74+/- yards and hit correctly.
he ran 20 yards and quit.
I would have liked to see a dead right there but 20 yards in the open was fine.

this was the only deer I sighted after 3 days, so I happily took it.
I don't look sideways at trophy takers but I'm just hungry :)
glad I did as there wasn't another deer the rest of the season.

thanks to all the help on the forum, I now have a tried, tested, and approved deer rifle for my neck of the woods.
it is light, a real pleasure to shoot, and easily repeatable hand loads of cast projectiles.


11-22-2016, 03:27 PM
congrads on a successful casting and hunting session

Powder Burn
11-22-2016, 03:42 PM
Good deal. I like them young and tasty. Nothing like casting your own. If it wasn't for the guys on this site i'd still be using a shotgun with slugs. Improved not only my accuracy with a muzzleloader but reduced my shooting costs substantially.

11-22-2016, 03:58 PM
Congrats Monkey.....some good eating there. I too owe a great deal of thanks to the guys on this forum. I have read til my eyes were darned near bleeding and researched all I wanted to know about cast. Many have come and gone before us, and I am forever grateful for all the help, encouragement, trials and R&D that went into the loads that I now use. Again...thank you to all of you who contribute to this forum

11-22-2016, 07:32 PM
Congrats! Looking forward to my (hopefully) success later this year.

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11-22-2016, 07:38 PM

11-22-2016, 08:00 PM
Congrats Monkey !

11-22-2016, 08:11 PM
Feels good, doesn't it?

I've been using pretty similar loads to yours for six years now and they work well. Just make good shot placement and don't get crazy about the range and you're good to go.

11-22-2016, 11:32 PM
Congrats! I got my son a Ruger American in 308 last Christmas and have found virtually the same load in it to be quite accurate. If I may ask, does the flat nose bullet feed well from the magazine for you? It doesn't in his, so the second round in the magazine is a spitzer boolit for a reliable second shot if needed.

11-22-2016, 11:49 PM

11-22-2016, 11:55 PM
Yessir! I am going to make it through this year with freezer venison but next year might get out and get one with an LBT WFN in my 45 Schofield Vaquero..

Good shooting there WebMonkey!

11-23-2016, 12:38 AM
Congratulations, 'Monkey! Nice write-up and picture too.
Semper Fi, Treetop

11-23-2016, 01:36 AM
You can relive it every meal that he provides for you.

Right now my goal for this years season is cast boolit, no matter what gun I am carrying.

RU shooter
11-23-2016, 09:09 AM
Good job !! Yes there's a lot of extra satisfaction taking an animal with a bullet you made yourself out of something that used to be attached to the rim of a car wheel and then loading your Ammo with it . Hope it won't be your last .


Silvercreek Farmer
11-23-2016, 10:07 AM
Nice! This forum convinced me to shoot my first deer with cast as well. Just be careful, or before long, you'll want to have that rifle rebored to 358 Win!

Brad Cayton
11-23-2016, 10:14 AM
Congratulations! It does feel good to do it that way.

11-23-2016, 12:50 PM
Congrats! I got my son a Ruger American in 308 last Christmas and have found virtually the same load in it to be quite accurate. If I may ask, does the flat nose bullet feed well from the magazine for you? It doesn't in his, so the second round in the magazine is a spitzer boolit for a reliable second shot if needed.

only twice have i had a subsequent round stutter on chambering.
that was early on.
now, over 100 of those lee flat nosed later, i haven't repeated the stutter/stoppage on chambering.

i would say it has a little to do with settling in the action but MORE to do with my familiarization with the action.
(how to operate the action in the most reliable/consistent manner)


11-23-2016, 12:52 PM
Yessir! I am going to make it through this year with freezer venison but next year might get out and get one with an LBT WFN in my 45 Schofield Vaquero..

Good shooting there WebMonkey!

i hope to get another during alternative season.
using the beautifully worked cylinder YOU DID for my blackhawk of course!

(alternative season means anything OTHER than centerfire/breech loaded rifle or shotgun)


11-23-2016, 03:34 PM
That's one big button buck! Most buttons around here a German Shepherd sized. Congratulations on the load and the tasty buck!