View Full Version : Student of the Boolit: Lessons Learned and the future. (Long Post)

11-21-2016, 04:06 AM

Hello to you all. It has been a long time since I posted a SotB. May of 2014. If you would like to indulge in the beginning progress and poor pre-college writing class posts, the links are below. Hell, I could write this sucker in APA formatting with the amount of college writing I have done! :happy dance:

What started it all: http://castboolits.gunloads.com/showthread.php?210303-Student-of-the-Boolit
Winter Camp: http://castboolits.gunloads.com/showthread.php?225869-Student-of-the-Boolit-Its-To-Cold-and-To-Much-Brass!
Hahahaha... no: http://castboolits.gunloads.com/showthread.php?243358-Student-of-the-Boolit-Mandatory-Fun

Now. A question was poised by BrassMagnet that someone else asked him and it was, how have a grown and what have I learned? Well.... Stay with me here as we play here. :coffeecom

Starting with after my May 2014 post. I casted a lot. A LOT. Then the bullets came in and became .32 Winchester Special ammo. The lesson right after was the loading stage of powder measures and how to use a powder trickle for consistent ammo. It is 2016 and may be 2017 before I am able to sit down and shoot the ammo for group. The .32WS fun is coming back around so don't worry! This summer was more or less dedicated to .32WS production (I think) and A LOT of great reading material. Well, school showed up again and I had to disappear again. That winter was more loading. I really don't remember summer of 2015 (sadly). I do remember the good parts like my friends bachelor party and wedding. I do remember the start is pistol training and rifle training which has all worked out beautifully (except for handgun, I keep jerking the trigger. :killingpc). School happened again and I had to disappear. This summer has been interesting. The rifle training has paid off and I have learned a lot! So has the pistol training to some degree but I have to learn myself how to not jerk the trigger. :killingpc

That has been the abbreviated update on 2 years of info but really the growth has been more in myself and my knowledge. So lets get to the actual question, what have I learned and how have I grown. Lets work with what I have learned.

1.) Grabbing an ingot with a hole in your glove will mean you wont look at it very long.
2.) How to alloy boolit metal.
3.) Don't keep stuff around the Mold Shed when George gives you advance warning.
4.) How to handle money better. (thanks to Dave Ramsey!)
5.) How to set up a Star Sizer/Luber.
6.) How sometimes you have to make a choice in reloading by the seat of your pants (but not with powder loads... well actually kinda yea there too.)
7.) How to cast efficiently and that 4 cavity molds are you best friends.
8.) How to properly flux metal and really make it clean.
9.) You get used to the whip after a while.
10.) How to get some work ethic.
11.) Understanding that there is a method to the madness.
12.) How to fireform lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of brass.
13.) How to make myself a more well-rounded individual.
14.) A better understanding of how consistency is key to accuracy.
15.) Ounces = Pounds = Pain
16.) How to put together a dripper system.
17.) You can never read too much.
18.) That shooting is fun.
19.) Casting is still soothing but can be a pain when hands are numb.
20.) Experimenting is key.
21.) Learning how to organize.
22.) Learning that you must go forward in the face of a storm.
23.) How to make my ammo from start to finish.
24.) That you need a mentor if you want to succeed!
25.) That this is fun!

That is a short list of what I have learned but I have learned a lot since that fateful day in 2013. The biggest question is how have I grown. It is also the most difficult to answer. :target_smiley:

I have grown in the sense that I have a lot of appreciation for what it takes to become a better shooter. It requires an understanding and patients that few may have in my generation. I have found huge success with rifle when I was able to nail a half inch chain at 300 yards shot after shot. That was amazing! My pistol shooting is suffering due to my favor of jerking the trigger and not truly controlling the gun and making it a part myself. That will be something I will conquer in the 365 days. I will become a master in rifle, pistol, and shotgun but that journey will need to start this year. I have also grown in the area of patients. If things are not going my way, I just simply look at the problem on work on it. I don't angry or upset, I just take the lesson that was there and apply it and try again. I have found this really has helped me to handle situations better. I have also found that consistency is key. Not just with reloaded ammo, but with life. Through reloading, I have found this lesson to be spot on. Another lesson I have learned is that generosity is an important skill to learn and help others out. This lesson has helped me keep people around me in school from taking their own lives by being generous with my time and any resources available to me. It is amazing how some time and going out to eat really help improve someone's outlook on their own life. Another growth is how to be resourceful. In reloading, you need to learn this skill. Being resourceful allows you to get what you need in order to get things done. Another area that I have grown but still needs a lot of improvement is work ethic. Mainly in how to speed myself up and make things happen quicker. I have also picked up a lot of new skills to add to my tool chest of life. Important to have many tools for many possible problems. Ill finish this portion off with this. I have learned how to be a better man. How to have some compassion and understanding. How to be patient and kind. How to go with the ebbs and flows. I have grown in my humility, or how to be humble. Yes, I have grown through reloading and mentorship in these ways. Reloading can be a amazing life tool in which you take the lessons and challenges that reloading throws at you and you grow.

Another question I sense coming so I will bring it up and answer it now. What do I want to learn and grow in? You could say what my goals are as well. I will go with the list format again.

1.) Become match-grade in my shooting. (Rifle, Handgun, Shotgun)
2.) Become a Flight Instructor by May 2017. (I love aviation. It is my lifeblood. My reason for existence.)
3.) Learn how to reload for shotgun! (Have not learned this yet.)
4.) Become even more self-sufficient.
5.) Become a better man.

While the list is simple and short, it is the basic list that I have for my goals and my growth for the future for now. I know next semester I will have to disappear again and have to double down on school. With that said... Being a Student of the Boolit is not just a report, but a way of life. See you all on the flipside.

11-21-2016, 10:25 AM
After reading your post I must commend you for growing, learning and maturing in so many ways and that deserves a huge well done. Sounds like you had a very good mentor in your casting/shooting hobby. If I remember correctly, I think Mr BrassMagnet had something to do with the casting/shooting portion. He is a very generous man. Keep up the hard work and determination and your goals will be met and exceeded. Best of luck to you.


11-22-2016, 12:01 AM
Awesome post brother! Keep learning and soon it will be time for you to mentor someone and start another whole new learning experience!!