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11-19-2016, 10:06 PM
Are we all we can be or we all GOD would have us be .

11-19-2016, 10:25 PM
Not even close IMO. God is perfect, holy, does not sin. He would like us I believe to "Try" to live up to that ideal. But I think if he truly expected that Heaven would be a pretty lonely place.

I believe that he wants us to love. That he knows hate is corrosive, it hurts the one who hates more than the one hated. I truly believe that he hates to see us hurt.

Look at his 10 commandments. They are designed to allow people to live in proximity to other people with a minimum amount of friction and pain.

Now he knows from experience that it is not possible for us to live our lives within that framework. We are going to fall, we will fail.

But just like riding a horse, the idea is to get up, get on again, and try harder.

Honesty he respects, honesty with yourself above all, with all dealings with others to the extent possible.

Faith, hope, and Love, but the greatest of these is love.

It is my opinion that he wants us to spread all 3. And that is all it is, my opinion. Can't take it to the bank, won't buy you a cup of coffee.

But every morning I get up and I try again. And try to do it with a smile on my face and a kind word not a scowl and a growl. But it is hard. But I keep trying.

11-19-2016, 10:26 PM
Not likely, not a single one of us. Your question lacks a question mark. Wonder what God thinks of my response. Not sure any of us are any different than he expected. Did I just contradict myself?


11-20-2016, 12:38 AM
I agree with GhostHawk, inasmuch as if we were all God wanted us to be, there would've been no need for Jesus or the cross.

Pine Baron
11-20-2016, 08:27 AM
We should strive for both. Don't be discouraged if we achieve neither.

11-20-2016, 10:32 PM
It's God and CHrist's divine nature to always be right. It's our lacivious nature to usually serve our own wills rather than His. So I'd say no on both counts. I doubt any human who's ever lived has ever been ALL he COULD have been. And none, I'm certain, is all that Christ would have us be. We follow Him like little children, wanting to go first this way and then that, like little kids holding onto Mommy's hands in a mall. Sometimes, children break away and get lost from Mommy. And sometimes, we break away and get lost from Christ. It takes help to find the way back for both. And a penitent heart that's willing to admit we erred, and start seeking a solution to our dilema.

Perfection just doesn't seem to be something that God ever had in mind for us.

11-20-2016, 10:50 PM
Can we be anything but what we are? Doesn't God already know who we are and what we will do, how could he expect anything else?


11-21-2016, 01:30 AM
Are we all we can be or we all GOD would have us be .

I know I have disappointed God and myself so the answer in my case is neither. I'll never be all I can be or all our Creator wants me to be but I'm hoping to score a few points for trying.

11-21-2016, 01:46 AM
Perfection just doesn't seem to be something that God ever had in mind for us.

Hebrews 10:14 ESV

For by a single offering he has perfected for all time those who are being sanctified.

11-21-2016, 11:33 AM
Can we be anything but what we are? Doesn't God already know who we are and what we will do, how could he expect anything else?


Ultimately, we're all what we make of ourselves, due to the options in life we select to go with. So it'll never be God's fault that we're imperfect. We're made imperfect so we can LEARN, and sort our true natures out, so he'll know how to separate the real wheat from the chaff in the end. It's not God who tempts us. He only reaches out His hand to each of us. It's satan that tempts and lures us from that.

Some try to blame God for not dropping perfection into our laps. But if He'd done that, we'd simply be automatons, devoid of choice and any real will of our own. God gave us ALL that we are, and we have too many great examples of what man CAN become, like Billy Graham and so many, many who've literally given their lives in the service of our Lord. Praise be to His name, whether all recognize Him for all that He is or not. God doesn't make mistakes, but we humans seem to be particularly susceptible to error and sin and following our own wills and thoughts, rather than His. He's warned us about that, but many seem to ignore those warnings, and go off on their own anyway. I truly hope they'll all realize their error at some point. It's never been God's will that any be lost, no matter how many may argue otherwise. It's all up to us, and what we CHOOSE to do with Him, and what we opt to believe in.

11-21-2016, 12:27 PM
John 15.13 Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.

This is I believe the standard that the Lord would prefer to have us live up to.
Often we fall far short of it. Those who do live up to that standard deserve our respect.

Remember Firemen both paid and volunteer who run into burning buildings to save others.
And remember the LEO's who step between a would be victim and an armed would be killer.

They are human, and like us they fail, but they are trying to live to a higher standard. We should remember that in our dealings with them.

Good post and lots of good discussion brothers!

11-21-2016, 06:10 PM
Amen, Ghost. So many today look up to and admire the young ones who get half naked and strut around loudly singing or "rapping" (I refuse to call that "singing") and advocating giving in to temptations of all kinds, and giving NO thought or homage to what's right or wise in life. Is it any wonder that with those types of "heroes," our young have become willful and "dumbed down?" And THEY will wind up inheriting whatever kind of country we leave them! Thank God there are so many great young ones coming up now! In their hands lies the destiny of mankind. I have a sense they'll be like going after an elephant with a willow stick, but our God is a powerful God, and He can make up any difference, if the faithful just remain true. I admire the young who are coming up righteously SO much! They truly humble me!

11-22-2016, 12:06 AM
Ultimately, we're all what we make of ourselves, due to the options in life we select to go with. So it'll never be God's fault that we're imperfect. We're made imperfect so we can LEARN, and sort our true natures out, so he'll know how to separate the real wheat from the chaff in the end. It's not God who tempts us. He only reaches out His hand to each of us. It's satan that tempts and lures us from that.

Some try to blame God for not dropping perfection into our laps. But if He'd done that, we'd simply be automatons, devoid of choice and any real will of our own. God gave us ALL that we are, and we have too many great examples of what man CAN become, like Billy Graham and so many, many who've literally given their lives in the service of our Lord. Praise be to His name, whether all recognize Him for all that He is or not. God doesn't make mistakes, but we humans seem to be particularly susceptible to error and sin and following our own wills and thoughts, rather than His. He's warned us about that, but many seem to ignore those warnings, and go off on their own anyway. I truly hope they'll all realize their error at some point. It's never been God's will that any be lost, no matter how many may argue otherwise. It's all up to us, and what we CHOOSE to do with Him, and what we opt to believe in.

The day I am born, doesn't God know everything I will do and why? Doesn't he know what trials he will put before me and how I will respond? Before I am born doesn't he know whether I will be with him in Heaven after I die? I might have free will but he know how I will exercise that free will? I might pray to him for guidance but he knows before I ask what he will do with my prayers.

Just as I know that if I throw a stone over a pond, it will drop into the water, make ripples and sink to the bottom, God knows if and when I will wake in the morning.


11-22-2016, 01:42 AM
Ultimately, we're all what we make of ourselves, due to the options in life we select to go with. So it'll never be God's fault that we're imperfect. We're made imperfect so we can LEARN, and sort our true natures out, so he'll know how to separate the real wheat from the chaff in the end. It's not God who tempts us. He only reaches out His hand to each of us. It's satan that tempts and lures us from that.

Some try to blame God for not dropping perfection into our laps. But if He'd done that, we'd simply be automatons, devoid of choice and any real will of our own. God gave us ALL that we are, and we have too many great examples of what man CAN become, like Billy Graham and so many, many who've literally given their lives in the service of our Lord. Praise be to His name, whether all recognize Him for all that He is or not. God doesn't make mistakes, but we humans seem to be particularly susceptible to error and sin and following our own wills and thoughts, rather than His. He's warned us about that, but many seem to ignore those warnings, and go off on their own anyway. I truly hope they'll all realize their error at some point. It's never been God's will that any be lost, no matter how many may argue otherwise. It's all up to us, and what we CHOOSE to do with Him, and what we opt to believe in.

BW, you must realize tim has a different outlook on Christian Religion and God and man than the majority of folks!

11-22-2016, 08:00 PM
I do.

11-22-2016, 08:20 PM
We should all strive to please God, even then we fall short.

The very reason I go to confession!