View Full Version : Separation of church and state

11-19-2016, 09:33 AM
Separation of church and state
a member of gun and game posted this this morning and I wanted to share.
I have been saying this same thing for years just not so eloquently

Separation of Church and State

Galatians 2:21
I do not frustrate the grace of God: for if righteousness come by the law, then Christ is dead in vain.

In this verse, we find that God's grace and God's law serve different functions. We know the law reveals when we have done wrong. The Bible teaches us that God's grace cleanses us from that wrong doing and makes us right in God's eyes. To try and combine the two would be like combining a saw with a hammer and nails. One cuts and separates while the other joins together. So it is the law which separates us from God and His grace which joins us together with Him.

God created civil government many centuries before he created the church. Civil government was designed to declare and enforce the law, to point out people's wrong doing and maintain lawful order. On the other hand, Christ died on the cross to create the church which is God's agency of grace which joins man back together with God.

Therefore, while God created both state and church, He has two distinct purposes for them. The law and civil government is His left hand of justice and the church is His right hand of grace and the two must operate independent of each other. The problem is this: The government is trying to extend grace through welfare and entitlements and many churches are more judgmental than gracious.

If the state would get back to focusing on law and justice and if the church would get back to preaching grace and caring for the poor, we would be much better off. Church and state have two distinct ministries and God has designed them to operate as two separate entities under His divine authority.

Pine Baron
11-19-2016, 09:36 AM
Thanks rl69 for this excellent post.

Preacher Jim
11-19-2016, 09:38 AM
RL great post and a reminder of God is in Control but we need to do things God's way

11-19-2016, 10:13 AM
Yes, good post. Laws and justice are necessary because many people do not believe in God. To safeguard society, man must exercise these means of control.

I have a bit of disagreement though. Some "welfare" is necessary to protect those who do not seek/receive assistance from the church. The issue is how much government assistance is appropriate.

Don Verna

11-19-2016, 10:38 AM
I agree everyones needs should be met even if you don't except Christ. Just not by goverment

11-20-2016, 10:51 PM
What a great post! Most really haven't given a whole lot of thought to this - the difference between church and state. And they are indeed best considered separately, for they are and have always been intended to achieve different ends. But they DO relate to each other, and that relationship was intended to be seamless and functional. It was NEVER intended that we argue which comes first, or is the superior to the other. They were always INTENDED to be for our benefit, and our edification, so that we can all get along like we were always intended to relate to each other. Would that we could and would all learn this lesson better!