View Full Version : For thought and meditation

11-18-2016, 07:56 AM
Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you.—Ephesians 4:32 (http://harvest.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=4f108f827aed8d503b5fca9fa&id=67ce6d84eb&e=3dd732485b)If you're someone who holds grudges, if you keep score and can't let things go, then you need to know something: You will suffer in life. You also will see your prayer life come to a screeching halt.

Forgiveness is the key to all healthy, strong, and lasting relationships. That's why we must realize how important it is to forgive. Jesus said, "So if you are presenting a sacrifice at the altar in the Temple and you suddenly remember that someone has something against you, leave your sacrifice there at the altar. Go and be reconciled to that person. Then come and offer your sacrifice to God" (Matthew 5:23–24).

Maybe you've decided that you won't forgive someone who has wronged you. Guess who will be the one to get hurt? You will. Harboring resentment and unforgiveness will hurt you more than the person you're refusing to forgive. If you want to be healthy and vibrant spiritually, then you must learn to forgive.

Jesus taught us to pray, "Forgive us our sins, as we have forgiven those who sin against us" (Matthew 6:12 (http://castboolits.gunloads.com/x-apple-data-detectors://2)).

You may think they don't deserve forgiveness. But do you? Do I? No, we don't. Our forgiveness doesn't hinge on forgiving others, but forgiving others should hinge on God's gracious and generous forgiveness toward us.

The forgiveness that comes to us from Christ is based on His merit and on His death and His love for us. If we know anything about what Christ has done for us, then we should forgive others.

The Bible says, "Be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you" (Ephesians 4:32 (http://castboolits.gunloads.com/x-apple-data-detectors://3)).

Forgiven people should be forgiving people. And if you want to be healthy and vibrant spiritually, then you must learn to forgive

Pine Baron
11-18-2016, 09:56 AM
Not only forgiving, but kind and tenderhearted. Thank you rl69.

11-18-2016, 10:04 AM
Such great and sorely needed advice and counsel! I'm SO glad we have a leader now who knows how to do this. It's the key to healing, rather than reopening old wounds and purposefully festering them. I'm humbled by seeing this sort of thing. Kind'a hits me in a "soft spot!"

11-18-2016, 03:02 PM
A very hard request....one that I work at and over time my list gets shorter and shorter....in fact I told my better half that things that use to really tick me off does not even bother me anymore....there is hope for me yet I pray.....thanks for the daily Bible Study!!!! rl69

11-18-2016, 03:34 PM
About 2 months ago I ran one of my hands off . Hired him straight out of prison 3 years ago . He went down for drug and assault spent 3 years in the pen .
About a year later he got back on meth , I ran him off .

He went through rehab and I rehired him , second chance . I knew someone was stealing money out of the cash drawer a while back . Set up a camera and caught him on video .

I was mad , treated him right , tried to help him . That night I asked GOD to help him straighten his life out.................BUT I DID NOT FORGIVE HIM .

I failed in forgiving . .

11-20-2016, 10:58 PM
That's not uncommon at all, Boaz. We, in our self-centered way, instinctively think in terms of our "rights" to be free from this type thing. But we're not. We know it'll happen, and when we hire one who's been "inside," we know the chances are higher than average that they'll let us down. But still, some will take that chance. You did good, even if it wasn't perfect in all respects. And let's not forget that "forgiving" is definitely NOT the same as "forgetting," especially when our livlihoods and security/safety are involved. We have to be wise, and yet, forgiving as well. Let me know when you reach that lofty pinnacle. I need you to counsel ME on that one!

11-21-2016, 07:25 AM
Blackwater I doubt I'll be using myself as a shining example in forgiveness . rl69's lessons have put it on me to be more aware of the failing .

11-21-2016, 11:25 AM
You're far from alone, Boaz. FAR from alone!

11-21-2016, 12:35 PM
Brother Boaz I believe that once we can see our failings we can start to work on them.

The easy answer here is to go to your knees, tell all to the Lord. Ask for his help to help heal the pain so that you can forgive. It is in my experience very very hard to forgive someone for causing you pain when you are still feeling it. Instead of adding guilt to the mix ask for help.

I think you will find a better outcome.

I also know how hard it can be for an independent stubborn man to ask for help. And just for the record no I am not talking about you, I am talking about me. When they passed out stubborn way back when I thought it was something good and cut back in line for a double dose.

11-21-2016, 01:41 PM
Brother Boaz I believe that once we can see our failings we can start to work on them.

The easy answer here is to go to your knees, tell all to the Lord. Ask for his help to help heal the pain so that you can forgive. It is in my experience very very hard to forgive someone for causing you pain when you are still feeling it. Instead of adding guilt to the mix ask for help.

I think you will find a better outcome.

I also know how hard it can be for an independent stubborn man to ask for help. And just for the record no I am not talking about you, I am talking about me. When they passed out stubborn way back when I thought it was something good and cut back in line for a double dose.

You are correct .
But first you have to SEE and WANT to fix the failing ...which ever that may be . Mileage may vary on the 'WANT TO' part .
Since rl69 has been posting these lessons on forgiveness it has made me do some thinking . Seems to me that after living over half a century I should be far ahead of where I am now . yep ! Being stubborn (and not too bright) pretty much retards the learning process .
Again ...Thank you rl69 !

11-21-2016, 06:04 PM
I'm sitting here smiling. Being "human" does NOT mean we learn much in whatever our year count is. Really coming to understand ourselves is a matter of will, just as you note, and a whole lot of folks don't really WANT to know themselves well enough to identify their own failings. Far too easy to point out the glaring ones of others! I believe the Lord had something to say about this. I believe it involved a mote and a log?

The old Scots poet Robert Burns wrote, "Ah but would the gift to give us, to see ourselves as others see us." Sometimes, that's no fun, but in the end, it's always worth it. And if we can just drop the ego, and forget PC theology, and start looking within our own selves rather than outward, we'd find lots of stuff that needs some attention and adjustment. The great asset we have is that God can use even flawed people to achieve and promote His ends. Of course, there's no other kind FOR Him to use, so ... I guess that's a natural, if we just think about it precisely. And thank God for HIS forgiveness. Without that, we'd have zero motivations to learn to practice it ourselves!

Truly, He's given us everything we could possibly need, if we'd just use what He's given us! We see through the glass darkly indeed, and it's not God that clouds our sight. It's US! Even sometimes when our motivations are good. This is why I've consistently said that humility is the greatest mark of a true Christian. If we just realize how flawed we are, and how lucky we are to be forgiven, and loved, even when we err ..... what other reaction CAN we have? Humility is our rightful place in this world. It's just not a popular concept these days.

God gives us all sorts of things to keep us humble. He gives us challenges we don't think we can meet alone, so we HAVE to turn to Him. He gives us trials and tribulations, that drive us to humble ourselves before Him for help. He gives us good minds, and instead of using them to better understand Him, and seek His wisdom, we all too often go off on our own and declare that we're righteous in doing so. What a work is man! Shakespeare said it, and he was a VERY keen observer of our species. How can we rightly be anything BUT humble?

11-21-2016, 09:11 PM
Boaz Did you go get that donut