View Full Version : Hope Lost

11-12-2016, 11:19 PM
Admittedly I have gotten some pleasure watching the reactions of the left. It occurred to me this evening that all the head hanging, crying, and protesting is really sad! All these people put their hope in Hillary and are now without hope. How sad to put all your hope in a person unless that person is Jesus!

11-12-2016, 11:29 PM
The sadness is their being misled .

11-12-2016, 11:50 PM
I agree with both of you my brothers. Jesus is the only hope we have. If God had not heard the prayers of His people and intervened we would really be in a mess. Thank God He is in control.

Preacher Jim
11-12-2016, 11:52 PM
A person will fail you but Jesus will never leave us or forsake us

11-13-2016, 12:01 AM
The sadness is in their letting themselves be misused and abused!

white eagle
11-13-2016, 12:12 AM
pied piper had his followers to

11-13-2016, 12:41 AM
The day after the election I was seeing and hearing about people demonstrating, crying and yes rioting because their candidate had lost.

My first reaction to this was disdain and even anger. I did not like my reaction and went to bed and prayed for forgiveness and understanding.
Many people are very frightened of change but change always comes, whether it is good or bad.Our job is not to judge but to follow the Gospel with acts, acts of kindness, understanding, compassion,mercy, reconciliation, and most of all love.

11-13-2016, 12:55 AM
My first reaction to this was disdain and even anger. I did not like my reaction and went to bed and prayed for forgiveness and understanding.Many people are very frightened of change but change always comes, whether it is good or bad.Our job is not to judge but to follow the Gospel with acts, acts of kindness, understanding, compassion,mercy, reconciliation, and most of all love

You are welcome to excuse this criminal activity in any way that you choose.

Most of these people are not suffering the symptoms that you describe.

Now, I am not suggesting that we don't take their disappointment into account, be we also should not discount their actions and their demeanor while carrying out these actions.

Also, how do you reconcile with someone, that you have done NOTHING to?

We have not wronged them in any way, by voting for the person that we think will do what is in the best interest of the country. Do you not see what catering to this group of people has done to this country. It is incumbent upon us to stand on our faith and do what we know is right for this country, to stop this place from spiraling into an even larger moral swamp. We are obligated to offer them the opportunity to join us in this project...if they demand to continue this road to destruction...we should leave them and get on with our work.

11-13-2016, 02:11 AM
Obviously they don't believe in our Republic. The system played out & the results are the results. I don't discount that passionate people have elations and disappointments but to protest ---------- really? I pray for Trump and the hard road he has in front of him. The whiners need to put their big boy pants on and "ask what they can do for the country."

11-13-2016, 08:14 AM
We heard one of them say: "I guess I am going to have to get a job!" What a poor baby.....imagine having to get a job and work for a living!

Pine Baron
11-13-2016, 09:44 AM
Sad indeed. The misunderstanding, confusion and fear is a culmination of the past 8 (actually 40) years of a divisive, dishonest, and downright evil agenda, propagated by the Godless progressive left. (I won't call them Democrats, as that would insult those who actually have the best interests of our country in their hearts)
These people have been misled into a desperate corner. (and desperate people, do desperate things) They ARE afraid. They have been indoctrinated to believe that WE are racist, misogynist bigots. We have been labeled as Teabaggers, bitter clingers and a basket of deplorables. We have allowed this to happen by proudly accepting these labels and turning them into badges of honor. No wonder they're afraid.
The time has come for healing. THEY need a leader to emerge to set things right. I don't see it happening. God help us.
With malice towards none and charity towards all.
Go in peace.

11-13-2016, 11:10 AM
It's their time to rethink and return to or find reality . Discover they have been lead down the garden path . It is my fervent hope we will emerge as a strong people once more....united .

11-13-2016, 11:34 AM
Amen Craig! If they'll only learn from this experience. Not many seem inclined to do so, but unlike them, WE haven't lost hope of even things like this. At some point, every eye shall see, and every head shall bow to the Lord, when he comes again. I truly feel sorry for those who have yet to learn the crucial lessons in life, nor sought the Truth, much less found it, when that day comes. And "no man knoweth the hour." So, it's imperative that we prepare ourselves whenever the opportunity arises, which is pretty much to say, whenever the sun comes up again. Thanks. Great post.