View Full Version : Thank You America

11-12-2016, 10:49 PM
I've been a firearms enthusiast for over 30 years, but have seen my 2nd amendment rights consistently whittled away with each of those passing 30 years. I live in California where the politicians have successfully put almost all local firearms establishments out of business and made it nearly impossible to find a place to shoot because of insane anti-Constitutional gun laws and paralyzing nonsensical regulations that hardly any of the ranges can afford to comply with. The majority of the people in California have settled into being wards of the State and buy into anything their liberal masters tell them to believe, which doesn't include God or the God given right to keep and bear arms. So on behalf of those of us in the minority, I would like to offer a heartfelt thanks to free America for preserving the US Constitution. I had feared this election would mark the end of personal firearms ownership, free speech, and a host of other freedoms because of the relevance of the Supreme Court and the right of the next president to replace Scalia. Thank you free America for giving this Californian renewed hope that the rejuvenated court will put an end some of the madness going on in California such as the new registration and finger print requirement to purchase ammunition and ammo limits. I would also like to thank God himself for not abandoning free America and for one again demonstrating that His will remains sovereign no matter what the pollsters say. God bless America.

11-12-2016, 11:00 PM
Our Lord is always with us . Everyone was worried about this election . We have been given time , need to use it .

11-12-2016, 11:08 PM
It was a team effort, God's grace and (I believe) Christians finally getting out and voting!

11-12-2016, 11:18 PM
I agree . Standing up . What the heck has happened that we allow this madness to happen anyway?

Pine Baron
11-13-2016, 10:12 AM
SingleSeven, I feel your pain brother, from The Peoples Republic of New Germany (NJ). We have been fighting (and losing) a long time. There is renewed hope for a right turn in this country. What we have achieved is just a nudge in the right direction. Stay vigilant, stay involved, stay aware. God's mighty hand is upon us. Time to turn the blue states red.

11-13-2016, 11:26 AM
Seven, you're a very intelligent and good man. It's hard, in your position, to be thankful when the stuff around you still seems to be going downhill. At least, as you note, there's a light at the end of the tunnel. It's hard to have faith, when you're up to your ears in alligators, but it's not impossible. A lot of folks need to learn from your attitude. So many are so wrapped up in their insistence that God doesn't really "love" them unless He drops everything right into their laps, without their even having to lift a finger to bring it all about!

You're a real breath of fresh air, sir, and I respect you immediately. I'm on the other coast, so we'll likely never meet, but I'd love to meet any man like you. At least we can all get together here, through the medium of modern science and technology. So many forget that there are real, live human beings on the other side of these pixels! God bless you and heal your state. It may take a little while, but I sense help is on the way. It's just so unfortunate you have to wait on the right thing to be done.

11-13-2016, 12:26 PM
Thanks everyone for the kind words. Many of the good people I grew up with have already left California for greener pastures, but I'm the stupid, stubborn one who just can't seem to stop hoping and fighting for a return to decency. Part of me believes that the departure of these good people, and so many like them, is the reason why the State has fallen from grace - you know, that old saying "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing" (or in this case to cut and run). I've even accused a few of them of cowardice for giving up the good fight. But alas, my wife is already researching other destinations for our relocation after I retire. In all honesty, I'll hate to leave, but the State's economics will make life unsustainable for us (it almost already has). I have family and friends who I love here, and the State itself is extraordinarily beautiful, but politics and Godlessness have tainted that beauty to the point where only divine intervention can save it. I do believe that the last election was God's hand at work, and I will continue to pray as long as I have the breath to do so for the return of Godly politicians who understand and are willing to defend the US Constitution in California and elsewhere. It is an immense battle though with so many people here honestly believing they are entitled to stuff they've never worked for and so willing to give up their birthright for the equivalence of shiny baubles and lentil soup. God bless America.

Ithaca Gunner
11-13-2016, 01:13 PM
Through turmoil and peace, we as Christians must stand and be counted. The price may at times seem steep, but being with the Lord when it's all over will be it's own reward.

11-14-2016, 04:20 PM
Seven, this isn't quite the same thing, but it's related. My father in law was a simple man, 8th grade education, never could write really well, but managed, WWII vet (61st Seabees), and he or the guys he trained drilled most or all the wells so his buddies could have a good sip of good, clean, cold water in the Pacific campaign. He came home, and - quite predictably, became a water well driller. And he was one of those old guys who could take a pair of pliers, a hammer, a wrench, a screwdriver and a piece of bailing wire, and fix just about anything that needed fixing. He built his own well rig by mounting an old tractor on a long heavy duty truck's frame. He could weld or do most anything. But if he tried to teach you how to spell "cat," you'd know less after his explanation than you did beforehand. That's the reason I didn't become a well driller. But I loved him like a 2nd father.

Well, he didn't like the way the Democrats has such a lock on the whole state's population, and early on after the war, became a Republican just out of a sheer sense that it wasn't right for those decisions to be made in the old "smoke filled back rooms." He wanted and believed real competition was necessary for us to get the kind of representation we ought to have. So, every election, he'd go out singlehandedly, on his own without asking permission or consent from anyone, and would canvass the whole county, simply intriducing himself and asking folks humbly to consider the Republican candidate. Some kind'a resented it, but they were few. Mostly, they just thought of him as "odd," and almost looked forward to the next election so they could find the humor in his next visit and beseechment. Over time, and it was many years, folks finally saw his point - that we DO need good, honorable competition IF we're to receive the kind of representation we ought to have.

So very slowly and gradually, folks began to come around, and he became known as "Mr. Republican" in the county. And he even once did a stint as county commissioner, but he didn't cow-tow to the folks with money and political power, and he lost the next election. For all his efforts for the R's, he could never bring himself to ask folks to vote for him. He was too humble.

When he went to DC, Reagan was President, and they must apparently check folks out somehow, or one of his friends called ahead, and he was invited into the Oval Office with Reagan, and the presidential photographer took a picture of he, his wife and Reagan. He was so honored he nearly cried, and that old man NEVER cried!

So Seven, keep up the great work. Even if you can't see the light at the end of the tunnel, it's there, even if it's too far ahead just yet to see it. Thank God for guys and folks like you who'll do the HARD things in this land. We'd be dead in the water without folks like you. And guys like you ALWAYS matter, even if the results are slow in coming sometimes. That's a REAL test of essential character, and not many today can or will pass that test. But it matters every time someone DOES pass that test. Just keep casting your bread. What's laughed at today, CAN become tomorrow's "religion!" Emanuel Co., where my FIL lived, hasn't gone Democrat in a presidential election since ol' Auby woke them up! And that's the real prize, that many simply don't have the gumption to pursue! Wars are only won when we enter enemy territory, and leave our mark. Keep up the great work!