View Full Version : Send some love to this guy before he is gone

11-12-2016, 09:26 AM
Friends, there is a guy from Handloads.com and he comes here I think but not often. Paul5388. He is very sick and may not make it. He is an amazing man and when I was physically down he sent me encouragement and a box of shooting stuff in the mail. He is a veteran as well. I asked his daughter for his mail address to send a card and asked if I could post it for others to see and this is what she said:

This is what his daughter wrote to me:

This is Mom and Dad's address. He MAY be going home Monday or Tuesday, so this would be your best bet. He has a LONG road to recovery, so any encouragement would be MOST welcome!
Thank you!

9981 CR 3129D
Long Branch, Texas 75669

Address to Paul Jett and let's send some love to a fella that is one heck of a man.

Personally I would send whatever besides a card like gun jokes or farming jokes, but that's just me.


Pine Baron
11-12-2016, 09:37 AM
Thanks Frog, for bringing this here. My prayers are for Paul and a successful recovery and comfort for his family. I'll see what I can do.

11-12-2016, 09:50 AM
I will sent a letter . Thanks for letting us know !

Der Gebirgsjager
11-12-2016, 10:31 AM
I'll put a get well card and a note in the mail.

11-12-2016, 11:01 AM
Another thanks for letting us know about this. Prayers up for him and family.

11-12-2016, 11:04 AM
When I was in a wheelchair with no money and no material to reload this guy sent me a box of cast boolits he poured for me to try in my 30-30 with a note of encouragement. Sentimental or selfish, I could not bring myself to reload and shoot those boolits and I keep them as a reminder of how kind people can be. He is also a farmer, and one heck of a family man that I admire. Thanks folks, I know it will mean more than words to this man.

11-12-2016, 11:59 AM
Man I love this place ..people never give up ..
When I was in a wheelchair with no money and no material to reload this guy sent me a box of cast boolits he poured for me to try in my 30-30 with a note of encouragement. Sentimental or selfish, I could not bring myself to reload and shoot those boolits and I keep them as a reminder of how kind people can be. He is also a farmer, and one heck of a family man that I admire. Thanks folks, I know it will mean more than words to this man.

11-12-2016, 02:40 PM
bump to top

Preacher Jim
11-12-2016, 03:43 PM
Lord you hold Paul and his family in your loving arms and comfort them with your grace

11-12-2016, 09:25 PM
Prayers for Paul.

11-12-2016, 11:08 PM
118 views and 7 positive commitments . Creates the realization within me the pathetic condition of conviction and care . How can they not care ! A man suffers and is in distress but they walk on . DANG IT !

11-13-2016, 12:14 AM
Prayers sent get well soon Paul.

11-13-2016, 12:28 AM
Prays for Paul and his family. God Bless you too Bullfrog. Love that you kept those boolits.

11-14-2016, 05:29 PM
Thank you bullfrog I'll do my part

11-14-2016, 07:47 PM
I don't know Paul, but I do know how hard on a family this can be.
Paul, my prayers to you and your family. God bless.

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11-15-2016, 11:51 AM
118 views and 7 positive commitments . Creates the realization within me the pathetic condition of conviction and care . How can they not care ! A man suffers and is in distress but they walk on . DANG IT !

Don't worry, Boaz. It seems many come here just to see what's going on. Some folks have to see an awful lot, and let it gestate, before it bears fruit in them. Some come here expecting to find "angels," when all we CAN be is saved sinners, humans who are trying to finally "get it all right," and NOT "angels." But the Lord works in mysterious ways, His wonders to fulfill. He allows anyone who will simply accept it, complete and total forgiveness. We're not perfect, just forgiven. Those who turn that away don't like to accept that, but it's the only way God can be. Now that OTHER fella', Satan? He whispers in folks' ears all the time, filling them with all sorts of "questions" and pretensions and whatever else he can come up with to keep them from coming to Christ. It's just what he does. And we all have to make our individual choices. And if someone chooses to turn away from the Truth, then it's their right, given by God himself, and not one of us has any say in that. It's their choice, totally. But that's no excuse for us to stop doing what WE have been instructed and advised to do. It's our lot to just accept the choices of others, even if it hurts to see them waste their lives and leave their souls condemned. What God has decreed, let none of us put asunder. It's wrong of us to NOT accept what we see. It's our duty to challenge it, though, and I thank God for you and your constant dedication to doing that. Just don't let it get to be too much with you. It's all gonna' work out like it's supposed to. I know because I read ahead in the book at the end, and believers will live happily eveer after. What greater assurance could God give us than that? Yeah, it's a shame many have "feet'a clay" as Hemmingway put it, but don't go assuming that many of those didn't quietly pray at their keyboards. That's an erroneous assumption in many cases. But I sure do understand the frustration and sentiment. Circumspection is something that comes to me often AFTER I've said something. But ..... I'm getting better ..... slowly .... but I'm getting better.

11-15-2016, 08:36 PM
I'll start a post , this one is dedicated to a man that needs encouragement , not opinion (mine) and I'm sorry I posted my comment , my bad decision . Thank you for making realize this .
If anyone can help this man through encouragement in his situation please do . Piece of notebook paper , envelope , 50 cent stamp and a few min's of time can help .

11-15-2016, 08:50 PM
Have a little faith in your fellow man/reloader. I do my praying by myself and mostly as a silent prayer at that. I have said a prayer for Paul and his family just like I suspect many others have as well.

118 views and 7 positive commitments . Creates the realization within me the pathetic condition of conviction and care . How can they not care ! A man suffers and is in distress but they walk on . DANG IT !

11-15-2016, 08:58 PM
Yup this^^^ Just because people viewed but didn't reply to this thread, doesn't mean they didn't say a prayer or send some love. I'll go ahead and say both have been sent...although earlier in the day.

PS Paul
11-15-2016, 09:14 PM
Man. Tough situation. Seems there has been a rash of ailments for several long-timemembers lately.

Ain't getting old great?
In my prayers, I promise that.
PS Paul

11-15-2016, 09:19 PM
Yes, getting old sucks. I'm getting up there too and feel it in my bones. I don't visit "Our Chapel" often, or go to Church either for that matter. It's a reminder to not wait until the "last minute" to pray for our salvation. Even though I don't go to Church, God knows who I am and is a very forgiving God. Amen. Another Prayer for Paul just sent.

11-15-2016, 09:20 PM
Prayer sent and I will try to get something in the mail.

11-15-2016, 10:16 PM
Have a little faith in your fellow man/reloader. I do my praying by myself and mostly as a silent prayer at that. I have said a prayer for Paul and his family just like I suspect many others have as well.

Could be .

11-15-2016, 10:16 PM
Yes, getting old sucks. I'm getting up there too and feel it in my bones. I don't visit "Our Chapel" often, or go to Church either for that matter. It's a reminder to not wait until the "last minute" to pray for our salvation. Even though I don't go to Church, God knows who I am and is a very forgiving God. Amen. Another Prayer for Paul just sent.

Yea , could be .

11-16-2016, 11:11 AM
Who would have thought that "the Golden Years" involved urine.:(

11-16-2016, 11:39 AM
Agreed...^^^Not sure what Boaz problem is.

11-17-2016, 11:21 AM
No problem .

11-17-2016, 09:22 PM
Prayer offered for Paul and his family - I'll see if I can find an uplifting card.