View Full Version : Did God show up?

Pine Baron
11-10-2016, 10:13 AM
Did God show up? In watching the news after the election, the secular media keep asking “How did this happen?” “What went wrong?” “How did we miss this?” Some are in shock. Political pundits are stunned. Many thought the Trump/Pence ticket didn’t have a chance. None of them understand the God-factor.
Hundreds of thousands of Christians from across the United States have been praying. This year they came out to every state capitol to pray for this election and for the future of America. Prayer groups were started. Families prayed. Churches prayed. Then Christians went to the polls, and God showed up.
While the media scratches their heads and tries to understand how this happened, I believe that God’s hand intervened Tuesday night to stop the godless, atheistic progressive agenda from taking control of our country.
President-elect Donald J. Trump (https://www.facebook.com/DonaldTrump/) and Vice President-elect Mike Pence (https://www.facebook.com/mikepence/) are going to need a lot of help and they will continue to need a lot of prayer. I pray that President-elect Trump will surround himself with godly men and women to help advise and counsel him as he leads the nation. My prayer is that God will bless America again!

From a FB post from Franklin Graham. I think we here sure did our part.
Go in peace

11-10-2016, 10:23 AM
You are 100% right . The faithful finally got their head out of the sand . Our Lord has given us a reprieve , a gift of time . It will be up to us to use it . Thank you Pine Baron !

11-10-2016, 10:27 AM
The large Demoncratic pockets of America, notably Ca and the New England area, have forgotten they are not the only ones. The world does not revolve around them and there is a large subset of hard working, God fearing and loving Americans that pay for this other subset of freeloaders that are tired of not being heard. The founding fathers in their infinite wisdom developed this electoral college to prevent one large concentrated group with their special interests from ruling over the entire country. I hope there is a conservative revival as we have completely lost touch with what matters most. God, family, country. There comes a point this moral turpitude could not be tolerated. Hopefully we will see a change for the better, I am optimistic but cautious. I continue to pray for a new direction for our country.

11-10-2016, 10:29 AM
Amen,now for fire and brimstone on the unrighteous that has led this country for the last 8 years.

square butte
11-10-2016, 10:40 AM
I believe He did - Also believe this is no time to cease our prayers and labor. Rest for a minute or two ... We have come a long way - Praise God

11-10-2016, 11:05 AM
In my little world of rural MI, there were people who had not voted for years who voted for Trump because they feared Hillary. These are not religious people.

If believing God interceded makes you feel good or helps justify your beliefs, go for it! Those, like w5pv, who wish "fire and brimstone on the unrighteous" puzzle me. As I said in another post, "the unrighteous" will be with us in Heaven if they repent and accept Jesus - we will need to deal with their companionship for eternity. In the end, our judgments of who will suffer "fire and brimstone" mean nothing...it is only God's that count.

Also, thinking the results of one election justify or confirm a set of beliefs is short sighted at best. It ignores, the countless other times God has not interceded when He could have. We have no way of understanding His plan, or why things happen as they do.

Don Verna

11-10-2016, 02:17 PM
Yes... This has God's hand in it.... I believe that with all my heart...


11-10-2016, 02:34 PM
Great post, PB, and God's fingerprints are all over this election. Why would a man like Trump, with all his billions, who has met every challenge and overcome almost all of them to get to where he is now, at the age of 70, when most are glad to retire, seek the presidency, knowing what all it would mean? I think he's one of the very, very few who COULD hear the call of the Lord, and who'd answer it by throwing his hat in the ring. God works in very mysterious ways sometimes. Trump has often, if not usually, operated out of his gut feelings. He may indeed not realize that it was God who put this thought within him. It also may be God's way of giving Trump a chance to atone, in spades, any past unrighteousness he may have in his past. He's just the type of man - a man of passion who won't stand for being told "No you can't" - that God has often chosen to achieve His ends.

People who haven't voted for many years and many election cycles came out to vote for Trump this time. And many who said they'd vote for HRC didn't even go to the polls because their support was so weak for her, and their belief in her was so misplaced even they couldn't deny it. It really IS a miracle that we have Trump now. So many little things along the way all went toward Trump, even when it was reluctantly and subtly. If that's not a sign of the Hand of God at work, what could be? He generally seems to want to work as subtly as possible, possibly in order to emphasize the necessity of OUR doing so much if we're to at least try to earn a little something for Him TO bless.

If this nation doesn't return to worshiping God now, we never will, and we'll earn what will inevitably occur next, after that. I remember that line from the Bible or a hymn "Let it begin with ME." I disremember just where it came from, but I think it was a hymn. Someone help me here with the source, will ya'? My forgetter is the only thing I've got getting stronger, and I hate to not give credit where it's due.

And whether we like it or feel able or not, it MUST begin for all of us with "me," and we just can't afford to sit and expect others to carry our water for us. The good part, if we DO this, is the feeling of pride and satisfaction when we get off our derrieres, and do a little righteous striving. Ain't it funny how that works? Almost like it was planned long, long ago, isn't it?

11-10-2016, 02:37 PM
Did God show up?Yes I believe he did.

11-10-2016, 02:46 PM
In my little world of rural MI, there were people who had not voted for years who voted for Trump because they feared Hillary. These are not religious people.

If believing God interceded makes you feel good or helps justify your beliefs, go for it! Those, like w5pv, who wish "fire and brimstone on the unrighteous" puzzle me. As I said in another post, "the unrighteous" will be with us in Heaven if they repent and accept Jesus - we will need to deal with their companionship for eternity. In the end, our judgments of who will suffer "fire and brimstone" mean nothing...it is only God's that count.

Also, thinking the results of one election justify or confirm a set of beliefs is short sighted at best. It ignores, the countless other times God has not interceded when He could have. We have no way of understanding His plan, or why things happen as they do.

Don Verna

Amen. Thank you, brother.

11-10-2016, 02:48 PM
God always shows up. Sometimes we fail to look for and hear him. He also answers prayers, but not always the way that we ask. I have faith, but also believe he expects us to be a part in executing his plan, sometimes we let God down.

11-10-2016, 02:52 PM
Mustang has it right

11-10-2016, 03:03 PM
yup, many demo's were suprised. Must be all of their election rigging did not pan out ( hand of God )..

11-10-2016, 04:05 PM
On the day of the election I was sitting in the deer blind at 5:15 am when I said a prayer......not for a big ol' deer but for the people to vote for saving AMERICA.....I believe that God answered my prayer.....Thank You, Lord for Your intervention!

11-10-2016, 07:24 PM
I think many of us prayed for the same thing.

11-10-2016, 07:29 PM
God left it to us. He doesn't give us anything unless we're willing to work for it.
For eight years we've been told to "sit down and shut up, you don't matter." We expressed our disagreement on Tuesday.

11-10-2016, 09:00 PM
Amen, GOD showed His might for sure.

11-10-2016, 10:13 PM
There is NO doubt in my mind...that GOD showed up.

There is no other explanation for what happened, Tuesday.

11-10-2016, 10:19 PM
Yup, and he prevented enough of the dem's vote rigging from occurring as needed for a Trump win.

That's why the media and Dem's called it an unexpected turn of events...

11-10-2016, 10:24 PM
In order for God to bless this country again WE have to turn back to him. We have to repent as a nation.
He is beyond wrath about abortion, gay marriage. We have turned everything topsy turvy. As a nation we call evil good and good evil.

He has given us a chance, the shaking that was falling on us like a doom has been held back for a time.
We were headed for something similar to Sodom and for the same reason as the great flood.

But it is up to US to reach out. To urge our representatives to get some solid judges on the supreme court. To turn things back a bit to a better time.

I am not sure our country has the will.

Lest this seem like I am holier than thou, I will testify a bit here. I am not against 2 people who love each other living together, no matter their sex. My wife and I have two good friends who we dearly love.
And they don't push it on anyone. But is there any real reason it has to be called Marriage? Can't it be written into law to give those people the same legal protections they lack? A civil union instead of a religious Marriage. The LORD see's marriage as his covenant with us. To see them using the same term and doing what they do in the privacy of their dwelling drives him near mad with rage.

As to abortion, all my life I felt like the woman had to live with her choices.
Sometimes it was better if she was young, unmarried, unsettled, with no way to raise a baby and support herself that perhaps an abortion was a better option.

The LORD see's things differently. Folks I'll admit that we argued over this one. Until finally I screamed at the sky. LORD, why? And he answered. Because abortion does not just kill one life. It kills two lives, and does great damage to the mother. "Two lives lord?" I questioned. Yes, the physical child that will be. And soul which is bound within it at the moment of conception or very shortly thereafter.

Two lives.

My daughter had an abortion, and I supported her through it. Lots of long talks first with the 3 of us.

Thankfully she is married, went on to have 2 children, a boy James and a girl Lily. Perfect amazing wonderful children.

The LORD gets angry when they are wasted for "convenience" or because a young mother does not want to go through the hassle of bearing it and giving it up for adoption.

I don't know the answers here people, but I do know that this is a big part of why HE is angry.
Along with plenty of other stuff like Arch's to Ba al reconstructed.

Don't those people on the east coast know who Ba al was? Surely you have heard of Baalzubub?
Being more or less translated as Prince of Ba al, yeah, that guy with the cloven feet and horns with the fork who lives in the lake of fire. Well if Satan is Baal's #1 guy how bad is Ba al?

But don't take my word for it. For any of you who don't know, Micheal and Miranda are very good writers, they do youtube video's, so far I have yet to catch either of them in a provable mistake. They "feel" like very good, solid, God loving people.
