View Full Version : where do you get your strength

11-07-2016, 07:38 PM
New American Standard Bible
The LORD, the Psalmist’s Shepherd.

A Psalm of David.

1 (http://biblehub.com/psalms/23-1.htm)The LORD is my shepherd,
I shall not want. 2 (http://biblehub.com/psalms/23-2.htm)He makes me lie down in green pastures;
He leads me beside quiet waters.
3 (http://biblehub.com/psalms/23-3.htm)He restores my soul;
He guides me in the paths of righteousness
For His name’s sake.
4 (http://biblehub.com/psalms/23-4.htm)Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I fear no evil, for You are with me;
Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.
5 (http://biblehub.com/psalms/23-5.htm)You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies;
You have anointed my head with oil;
My cup overflows.
6 (http://biblehub.com/psalms/23-6.htm)Surely goodness and lovingkindness will follow me all the days of my life,
And I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.

one thing for sure David knew where he got his strength from. Do you know where your strength comes from?

Do we do God a disservice by being afraid, tiered or lonely ? If He is with us who could be against us?

Verse 4
your rod and your staff
the first time I read this I was looking at God using his staff to guide us. And I beleave that is evedent in verse 2-3
and I was thinking His rod was for discipline but after reading it a few more times I see it is for protecting us

11-07-2016, 08:39 PM
Strength is never as strong as it needs to be. Just like our faith, it seems to falter at all the wrong and most crucial moments. But this is how we flex our muscles, and develop strength - by trying and testing them, and giving them a good workout. Our spiritual strength needs testing and use just as much as our physical muscles. And sooner or later, we all face trials where our faith and courage are tested. When we think our strength is not enough to sustain us, that's when the Lord's grace and that alone can lift us up, and carry us through whatever it is we're facing.

I just emailed a short message to a guy I met coming home after the hurricane. He was 77, and taught flying, sailing and survival. He had a beautiful place on St. Simon's Isl., and had a pic in his phone of it taken from the air. Hurricane Matthew washed it all out to sea. And yet, even at his age (or maybe because of it?) he was at peace with it all. What an example for all of us! Lost "everything," and yet, he was as cheerful as anyone you'd meet on any given day when things are just rocking along normally! THIS is courage and faith in action!

He was a Viet Nam vet like myself, and he knew what real loss was - losing a friend, surviving when many didn't, etc. What a shining example of faith and courage in action! I let him know how much he meant to me. It's all I can do. Hope to hear back from him soon. Don't even know where he is or what he's doing or planning, but something tells me he's OK. Men of faith and trust and strong belief can survive just about anything. God bless him, wherever he is now, and whatever he's doing. His example meant a lot to me. Thank God for men like Joe "Hot Brakes" Jurskis!

11-07-2016, 10:30 PM
When I am in the LORD's will, strength flows as needed. I can be dog tired, ready nod off, but see a post from someone here in need and I am wide awake, and smacking the keys with gusto.

Trying to do something against his will is like trying to roll a boulder up a mountain.
The further you go the harder it gets and the weaker you are.

I see it as his way of getting us stubborn mule headed man critters to stop and consider from time to time. Just because it was right once does not mean it is right this time.

So I reckon he is training me so that when the going gets rough I stop, take a breath, and ask "Lord I get that I am not doing something right. Can I get a hint, a clue, a direction?"

Of course if you are going to ask that question even in your head you'd better have both ears and your spirit listening hard.


I know he thinks I must be part Jewish somewhere back in the past.
I suspect he thinks you can't be that stiff necked and stubborn without being part Jewish. No insult intended to any human being alive or dead.

fast ronnie
11-07-2016, 10:37 PM
I depend upon Him every day to provide me with all I need to become all He wants me to be.

That being said, I still get a little antsy at times. Our faith grows line upon line, precept upon precept. We learn to trust Him a little more each day, and someday He will perfect us.

11-07-2016, 10:40 PM
Spot on ghost hawk good post thank you