View Full Version : My time is gone

11-06-2016, 09:46 PM
I am through . I have tried to teach through experience , being a layman it is my way . Trying to reach any that would consider . I weary , my time is gone . Read your bible , it is your message of salvation through our lord . Consider it .

The way is easy or hard as you make it , trust in the Lord our GOD . Love and mercy is his way . Love one another , his commandment . He cares not your church affiliation , he cares for you . Seek his word , your eternal life depends on it . Better times await us , praise GOD ! I will pray with you . My brothers and sisters . I am with you .

11-06-2016, 09:52 PM
dang, man.
I read the title and was freaked for a bit.

Der Gebirgsjager
11-06-2016, 09:54 PM
Mr. Boaz, my friend whom I've never met, we all get tired and need a rest. Coming back later is what's important. The Bible talks about times of rest, healing, refreshing and revival. May God bless and be with you.

11-06-2016, 09:58 PM
Hang in there brother.

People have to want to learn, mostly I think they don't want to admit there is any chance that the bible is real. Then they would have to admit they have neglected a vital part of their life.

There are many here who try to make a difference. But only the LORD can truly know how much difference we make. I know from personal experience that it is easy to get discouraged.

You do have to take care of your needs first. I truly believe this. The Lord helps those who help themselves.

Then family and loved ones.

But if you spend hours here every day thinking you are helping people, chance are you are going to be disappointed and depressed.

Read here daily, post if have something to add. But if you are looking for a purpose in life.
I suspect this place will drive you to the depths of despair and depression before you find it.

Live for yourself, for your family. Wake up, smell the coffee, enjoy the sunrise.
Be ready with a prayer if someone asks for help. Heck praying for our country would I think be more rewarding in the long run.

You can take a horse to water but you can not make him drink.

You can try to lead a person to Jesus, but he has to make the commitment.

Still I believe that you and a handful of others do a lot of good here.
You don't know how many people read a post of yours and think about it.
Or what good that may do over time. Perhaps they will find the way before the end. Perhaps they will share the story with a thousand others? We can not know.

So my advice is to ask the Lord.

Has he ever harmed you, steered you wrong, laughed at you?
Turn to him, and listen. Listen hard.

Love you brother Boaz.

Whatever you do, walk in his will and his light and all will come right in the end.

11-06-2016, 10:11 PM
dang, man.
I read the title and was freaked for a bit.

Me too! Glad you are ok but not that you are frustrated.

11-06-2016, 11:16 PM
Charlie, your time will never be gone nor will it be up. You love the Lord and honor Him. You will be, you will exist, and you will keep doing the Lord's will because you're one of the good ones; one of His good ones.

11-07-2016, 07:55 AM
Charlie, I well appreciate your time and dedication not only to your family, Church, Community and also this forum. I am a better man today because I have met you and these other Brethren here, I draw strength from this forum and am thankful for it. Though I have a church family and a wife and kids, This Chapel means a lot to me.

11-07-2016, 08:20 AM
It is a discouraging world out there, when you look at what people do and celebrate doing and say you must do to be deemed not "deplorable". God is in charge and his will is going to be carried out. Everyone will get exactly what they deserve, keep your faith and stay strong in the name of the Lord.

Pine Baron
11-07-2016, 09:47 AM
Take a break, my brother, go into your closet and renew & refresh. We will hold the line. Love you man. Go in peace.

11-07-2016, 10:05 AM
Appreciate you my Brother.

11-07-2016, 10:12 AM
you have me a bit concerned, pry that you are ok.

11-07-2016, 10:42 AM
Pine Barron has the answer, I think. We all get weary, and wonder if we're doing enough good. But that's the devil speaking, not God. Ol' Satan is always trying to get to us by some means, and when we get weary, he whispers in our ears, "Why do you keep going?" That's why I think Pine Barron has the right answer. All you need, and it's a human necessity sometimes, is to just get away. Go fishing with Becky. Catch a mess of fish, or gig/shoot some frogs for a good mess'a frawg laigs. Do something YOU enjoy. It's renewing, and restorative more than it seems like it ought to be. Even Christ used to go into the wilderness, fast and pray, to get his batteries recharged. I think this shows how fully he was human, in addition to being Divine.

So take a lesson from our Savior, and just take a little vacation for a good, full day, and enjoy yourself. We were given life by God, and He MEANT for us to ENJOY it, at least from time to time, so we CAN keep up His work. No human being can take the pressure of constant striving to make things better, especially in the kind of willful world we have now.

So gityerbutt on "out there," sit and observe God's creation, and think about what your place is in it, and it's NOT to determine what goes on all around you. It's merely to be the best influence you can be. The rest is up to those you're dealing with, and not up to you. If you think about it, that's a GOOD thing! Each individual makes his or her own decisions, and all you can do is offer them the Truth. If they take it, great, but if they don't, you've done all you could or should do. Even Christ extends His hand in an offer, and when folks turn away, he just lets them do so. And He knows more and is FAR wiser than you and me. Just follow His lead, and don't let your own aspirations rule you. Let His reign, and you'll do a lot more good. Think about that. We WANT to do more. We just can't. Even Christ can't and won't convert everyone, or get them to see the light. Who are we to think we could or should do more than Christ does?

Now git out thar an' go DO something! Catch some fish, trap some animals, shoot them, or just hunt. When you get back, you'll feel SO much better!

11-07-2016, 02:13 PM
Don't leave us my good man , your words are very comforting and may be just what is needed tomorrow to save a person's soul . God bless you and if you can please sit with us awhile .

11-07-2016, 02:46 PM
When one sings in the chorus, sometimes one doesn't feel one is heard, but if one drops out the song is diminished. Rest and take comfort in the fact you will be missed, then come back and revel in the rejoicing of your comrades. Be well.

11-07-2016, 10:21 PM
You get thru to me, Charlie... You are my friend I have never met.....


11-07-2016, 10:52 PM
Hang in there brother.

People have to want to learn, mostly I think they don't want to admit there is any chance that the bible is real. Then they would have to admit they have neglected a vital part of their life.

There are many here who try to make a difference. But only the LORD can truly know how much difference we make. I know from personal experience that it is easy to get discouraged.

You do have to take care of your needs first. I truly believe this. The Lord helps those who help themselves.

Then family and loved ones.

But if you spend hours here every day thinking you are helping people, chance are you are going to be disappointed and depressed.

Read here daily, post if have something to add. But if you are looking for a purpose in life.
I suspect this place will drive you to the depths of despair and depression before you find it.

Live for yourself, for your family. Wake up, smell the coffee, enjoy the sunrise.
Be ready with a prayer if someone asks for help. Heck praying for our country would I think be more rewarding in the long run.

You can take a horse to water but you can not make him drink.

You can try to lead a person to Jesus, but he has to make the commitment.

Still I believe that you and a handful of others do a lot of good here.
You don't know how many people read a post of yours and think about it.
Or what good that may do over time. Perhaps they will find the way before the end. Perhaps they will share the story with a thousand others? We can not know.

So my advice is to ask the Lord.

Has he ever harmed you, steered you wrong, laughed at you?
Turn to him, and listen. Listen hard.

Love you brother Boaz.

Whatever you do, walk in his will and his light and all will come right in the end.

Well said...

As he said, don't take this place too seriously...something that I have learned about this forum and others. I used to think there were more Christian minded folks in this country and on gun forums, in particular. But, over the last several years, I have come to the realization that there are just as many GODLESS folks and people that are hostile to the doctrine of GOD, on gun forums as there are in every other place that I frequent. I should have known this...but for some reason, I always gave "gun folks" the benefit of the doubt...I have learned better. This realization has certainly changed my view of these forums, I used to view them as a brotherhood...not so much anymore. They are places that I have some common interests with the membership, but that is about it. I feel no brotherhood to those that feel compelled to disparage GOD and the things of GOD. In my opinion, I am only obligated to share what I know to be the truth, with them. I am not obligated to try to change them from some near reprobate position. Share the truth and wipe the dust from my feet...the rest is between them and GOD.

Take solace in the fact that you have fought the good fight...and leave the rest up to GOD.

GOD bless you.

11-07-2016, 11:55 PM
Praying for peace and mercy

smoked turkey
11-08-2016, 09:55 AM
Brother Boaz, I think I understand your feelings. It is so hard to keep working in the face of what appears like no one hears, listens, or understands. I think you have taken too much of the weight of "things" on your shoulders. I would ask you to consider what Jesus would say to you here. I know I can't speak for Him to you. The Holy Spirit will do that. I will only call for you to read some scriptures that deal with bearing the burden that God has placed on you here. He does not expect you to produce the fruit. He will take care of that. Each of us within the body has a small part to play in this grand scheme of life. Some plant, some water, but only He gives the increase. As you are aware, some of the great prophets labored long and hard and did not have one convert. The important thing is that they were doing what God called them to do. The same is true for each of us. He tells us not go grow weary in well doing. In the end we will reap if we faint not. Brother you have started out strong in this race. It is important that you finish the course that He has set out for you. I am confident you will do just that. We love and appreciate you. Now go shootin, fishin, or what ever you need to do to get refreshed.

11-08-2016, 10:29 AM
Our Lord had places of prayer. The Bible refers to the Garden of Gesemane (sp.)as a place he frequented for prayer. He had concern enough that His sweat became blood. Though Christ had the upmost concern for the people around him,He did not reach all. After countless miracles,numerous teachings, untold healings and a sinless life, He did not reach the self-rightous. Though Judas walked beside our Lord for three years, he did not convert to Christ's message. The Jewish rulers,after his teachings were indisputable, and their beliefs could not be justified before Him, did not believe.
So don't get discouraged. The Bible tells that people will "wax cold". I look at the condition of the world today and I realize that the return of the Lord is soon near. I look at the way America is heading and see God's judgement. Though this is happening, I see God as alive and well and as He said the end times would be.

11-08-2016, 04:12 PM
The explanation .
I gave intent in the opening post but lacked explanation . Explanation should be expected .
Many times I feel like I'm choking the Chapel up with my wandering reminiscing of past events in my or anther's life to in an attempt to make a point or provoke thought . Being simple minded and of slow thought can be hard on you if your trying to make a point or encourage . It could be keeping others from posting .

If you read the posts above you see compassion and encouragement . DANG ! You folks are more capable than my best efforts ! The experience and knowledge of folks that come here is multiplied by the comments .

Two weeks ago I talked to a member that posted in this thread . We were talking about our kids and he started talking about unconditional love off the top of his head . I never heard it told better at church or anywhere else . I was drawn in and just listened pretty much spellbound . Was completely impressed ! You others have so much to offer . I see posting has picked up in the Chapel since the opening post in this thread . Could be that folks figure I wont be posting any oilfield/cowboy stories , telling about all my failings or having to try and figure out want the heck I'm trying to say ? I'll not be an impedance to the gospel or fellowship , not my intention . There is the opportunity for so many to share their faith in this small niche of the internet . These places are hard to find .

shoot-n-lead I understand where your comin from . We were all deceived by fair weather Christians . When the goin got tough or not 'trendy' they bailed , but we didn't lose much as they were never with us . However this small place allows us to call GOD's name . They are few and far between now . We should use it to his glory . They made the choice given them by our Lord , they will hold that decision in their hand on the day of judgement . But maybe..just maybe what happens here could sow seed or finalize seed already sown ? Plus heck I just like being in company of people that frequent this place .

11-08-2016, 07:21 PM
Charlie, the quest to serve our Lord can weigh heavy on all of us sometimes. But even Christ enjoyed occasional joyful experiences. At his first miracle, he was at a wedding, and those events back then consisted of much singing and dancing and merriment. None of us can bear up against the weight of carrying the load that Christ puts upon us all without any letup or respite at all. Not one. So if Christ himself enjoyed occasional merriment, I think that's as good an indication as one can have that we should all follow suit, and learn to enjoy our lives and those around us as well as taking on the burden of the Lord's advancement here. After all, He told us that we'd never bring everyone to light - only those who are willing to receive it can really even "hear" it, and even then, they have to decide whether or not to heed it.

Even those close to us can turn from it. Some come back, and some never do, at least that we can see. But it's all coming down just like the Father planned it, and folks are sorting themselves out as God intended for us all to do. And what happens in this world is definitely NOT up to US. It's only up to us to do as we were directed, and to cast our bread. The rest is up to each person, and God, and we can't, and probably shouldn't, have more to do with it than that. If someone decides to turn away from God and his message, who are we to tell them they HAVE to hear it? It's an impossibility, and it's a foolish mistake to think it's ever up to any one of us.

You cast great bread, and your stories of the oilfields and other things give us great examples of how life and our faith works, and grows in us in steps and spurts. We're not born righteous. We LEARN it, and learning is always a progressive and ongoing proposition.

So get off yer high horse and quit thinking it ALL is up to you! It's not. You give us a lot of great stuff to think about and ponder, that we might be edified and touched deeply. But that's all any of us can do - just cast our bread. Never try to carry the burden any further than that. That's all Christ gave us to do, and it's all we CAN do. Just enjoy your own salvation and edification and the gifts He's given you more, and worry about the things and people you can't change much less, and you'll find the happiness and satisfaction that Christ always intended for all of us. I think when He sees us taking our burden TOO seriously, He kind'a gets his lips pooched out a bit at us, and because he loves us, lets us learn we just can't do that. It's a hard lesson, when WE want so much more, but it's the Truth, and even Christ can't, doesn't and won't place any more than that on any of us.

So go do what I said. Get out in the woods or on the waters, and just let the beauty and majesty and "rightness" of our world sink in, and replace your excessively ambitious requirements for yourself dissipate, as they naturally should. You do all you can, and that's an awful lot in this life. Be satisfied with it. That's a hard lesson for the truly passionate and earnest to learn, but it's part of our edification process. God never intended for ANY of us to witness without letup. He knows none of us can carry that kind of burden.

Go listen to some Gospel music, pray, read your Bible, and know you're just one man, with one set of assets to offer those you witness to, and you're not the only one, or the final determinant in anyone's life you witness to. You're just one step on the stairs of life for them. And you never can expect instant results. And none of us ever know when the seeds we sow will decide to take root and sprout. Sometimes, that's delayed. You're being entirely too human, and too wrapped up in seeing what YOU want. Sometimes, you have to give it all time, including sometimes, some time to and for your own self.

No go dig some bait and go fishin'! It's GOOD for ya'!

11-08-2016, 07:59 PM
I understand .

11-08-2016, 10:37 PM
I appreciate you forbearance . Thank you . The work here is good .

11-08-2016, 10:43 PM
I see a big difference between unconditional love, and endless strength.

Look at a good mother, they love their child with almost nothing expected in return.
Most would lay down their life if it would save their child from harm.

Yet I think almost every really good mother I ever saw was tired to the point of dropping.
Because the love they bear drives them on.

I think a similar case could be made for you brother Boaz.

Your love of the Lord and wanting to share the story drive you on.
But if you neglect yourself and your life it is all too easy to run out of strength, get depressed and despair.

Despair is a great tool for the evil one. It gives him a crack to get into.

So it is important to find things that make daily life both enjoyable and worth living.

Sometimes it is a simple matter of taking a fresh look at expectations and goals. Keep them achievable and reasonable. Sometimes it is just a matter of looking around and seeing how much you have to be thankful for.

I know for me I felt for years that I was "waiting" for something. Then one morning I looked around and cussed myself out. You lame slacker, you have everything you ever really wanted. Small house that is paid for, good wife, retired, a little money every month to spend how you like. Rifles, shotguns and pistols to play with. Casting for all the above, reloading, big stock of component's.

Well if I have everything I ever wanted and cool toys to boot I must be happy! So I decided I best start acting like it.

By the same token if you go through a couple more of these slumps in the next couple months you may want to have a doctor take a look.

Love you brother! Indeed, all of you.

11-08-2016, 11:06 PM
Thank you , I understand .

11-09-2016, 01:46 AM
Sow the seed my brother, the time of harvest is the Lord's. At times I have despaired that all has been for nothing, then in due time a harvest has come. Young men that I thought my words had fallen on deaf ears have turned about, some long after I had written them off. Your days of harvest are still ahead.

11-09-2016, 04:03 AM
Please dont stop, I do not post much in here but I do read some of your verses and prayers and they do influence me. you may not get to see the good that you do but it is there.

Preacher Jim
11-09-2016, 08:07 AM
The battle belongs to the Lord we get weary trying to do His work not follow Him as he Leads.

11-09-2016, 09:59 AM
Well, Charlie, if the win last night for Trump doesn't cheer you up, maybe you need some meds for a while until you get back on track. Love ya', bro'. All of us only want to see you back in fighting trim. You're a real pearl of great price here. It'd never be the same without you, but remember, we all have our limitations, and whatever you're going through, it'll work out to the good in the end, because we all know where you stand on loving God. Just don't forget to take care of yourself too. If you don't, God won't have nearly as good an instrument in you to do his will. So there's got to be a good balance.

Now go have a Coke on me to celebrate Trump's win. I'll pay you when I see you! :mrgreen:

11-09-2016, 10:53 PM

This ones for you brother Boaz!

11-10-2016, 03:32 PM
Fellows, I think we can all learn a valuable lesson in what Boaz is going through. All of us have or will (or both!) encounter very difficult and trying times in our lives - sometimes to the point we don't know what to do or what God's will is for us in it all. But in everything, God always provides us with the answers. It's not always on the time schedule WE want, but there's a lesson in that, too! When a race horse is being taken to the gates, they get feisty and cannot wait for the race to begin. They have to be handled sometimes heavily to keep them from getting loose and running amok, just from the sheer joy of being loose again. This is our cue and lesson, if we'll but allow it to sink in. God has a plan for all of us, and it's not always what WE think it's going to be. And it doesn't always come when we want it to, either. As willful creatures (and that covers us all to greater or lesser degrees, depending on what day it is) we ALL want things when and how WE want them. But if it's not God's will that it be that way, or come when we want it to, then it's up to US to learn to simply accept that. We can be, if we truly aim to serve Him, like that race horse, and rear and buck and kick as we're being brought to the starting gate, where things really, truly matter. But He knows what we NEED, as well as what we WANT, and He wisely gives us what we NEED instead of what we WANT sometimes. It's the right way for Him to handle us. It's just up to US to accept that, and sometimes, it's truly hard to do that.

But it takes more than our simple will to do God's will. It takes edification for the road ahead, and there's usually something He wants us to learn before He looses us to run the race. Something we need for that race may be lacking, and it's up to us to find it, sumble onto it, or just wait in quiet faithfulness for it to be revealed to us. We have our schudles, and God has His. His always comes first, and rightfully so.

So Boaz, I hope ya' bin out fishin', frawgin' or huntin'. If nothing else, it's a neat place to await God's plan and will being revealed to you. And it's SO restorative and enlightening and promising just to be "out there," away from the noise and hustle and bustle and cares and woes that normally surround us. Nothing but us and God and God's creations. We can hear ourselves think again, and we get off that assembly line of life that is so common today. We can be ourselves, completely and unreservedly, and we can regain an appreciation that "God don't make junk" again. Could anything be more valuable and poignant than that? And is there one among us who can't use a little "mini vacation" from the cares and woes of our finite world in this realm? I know I always feel renewed and refreshed whenever I go to the river or climb a tree, or even just ride out to the farm to check on my trees, and look for sign.

God never meant for any of us to be bludgeoned by the world around us. He ALWAYS MEANT for us to enjoy much of this life, so that we can better address and handle those other times that always befall us sooner or later. Blessed be the name of the Lord! He is SO much wiser and loving than we could ever be!

11-10-2016, 11:07 PM
Well said brother Blackwater!

11-11-2016, 07:07 AM
Guys ....I am good . Obviously I was deficient in the opening post and explanation . That's more or less the problem . My methodology of witnessing and encouragement needs revision . Times have changed , folks are different and I'm hung up in an endless time loop of days gone by .
I make attempts through sharing personal experience of failure

and weakness . People don't want to hear or learn through personal experience or failure of another these days . They want to hear happy stories of unlimited success . It's always been my thought that mistakes leave a stronger memory , that learning what 'NOT' to do is every bit as important as learning the right way .

I post whole books of the bible here and feel most will not read them thinking it takes too much time . Or they already 'know' the scripture , there again I only use personal experience . I find new meaning/understanding and or refreshment in the rereading . Putting up verse out of context is wrong to me in many cases .

My old timey delivery with the stories and comparisons in failing most likely isn't the best way to approach the gospel . Just trying to figure it out . lol , I blame Paul for that .

11-11-2016, 09:47 AM
Yep, you need some new moves brother Boaz.

People nowdays are terrified of hearing personal information about anyone.
Story's of pain and failure doubly so.

Tell the story, Jesus's story.

We have ALL sinned, but your soul does not have to die for your sin's.
Jesus already died for you. He was perfect, without sin, and he offered himself up for all of us. He was scourged, flesh stripped from him, ridiculed, made to carry his cross.
Then crucified.

Touch on HIS sacrifice, his pain, then go straight to "He is RISEN" and sitteth at the right hand of God the father Almighty.

The times have changed around you brother Boaz, you just need a new groove.
Do not despair, fear NOT, God the father is in charge.

Why do you think I started my preaching using Tennessee Ernie Ford?
It is easy, they will listen. Once listening it can be talked about.

Start with this one. Words are printed on the screen so it is easy to follow.


Blessed Assurance, Jesus is mine
Oh what a foretaste of glory divine
Heir of salvation, purchase of god
Born of his spirit, washed in his blood.

Play the song, then explain each of these concepts as they come.
It is much easier that bringing up old memory's of failure and pain.

People won't turn away.
Same as drugs really, give them a taste for free a few times.
Then when they come asking for more, give it to them.
Wait until they are truly hooked, then give it all to them and turn them free. (better outcome than the drugs)

All you really need is a 20$ mp3 player and a speaker.

And you can have a mix of music, some old, some new.

Preach the GOOD NEWS straight from the bible.

Then pray with them, ask the holy spirit to come live in them.
At that point the hard work is done. The Holy Spirit will find a way to communicate, to point out sin, to reward holyness and a loving heart.

You just need to introduce them, point them in the direction, get them thinking about it. Get the Holy Spirit in their lives.

You can do that brother.

Pine Baron
11-11-2016, 09:57 AM
Jeez, brother, I guess I'm pretty "old timey" too. I love your stories and I get it.
Each moment of time, each experience, is like a straw of hay. All those straws eventually make up a bale. Our lives can be be seen in this hay bale. Some of it is made up of hay that is full of fruit and nourishing. Some are empty straw. They all fill out the bale. Our faith is the wire that binds the bale and makes it whole.
Go in peace.

fast ronnie
11-11-2016, 12:39 PM
One of the things our Pastor talks about concerning witnessing is that people can argue about the scripture but they CAN"T argue with your life-changing experiences. They don't live in your shoes, so can't dictate what your experiences have been.

Rompin Ruger
11-12-2016, 11:36 AM
I think or have come to believe much of the rejection comes because our "stories" reflect a mirror back on others and they get so uncomfortable they must reject our input, even ourselves, lest all they see of themselves is shattered in the truth of the LIGHT!

Speaking of "old"...the movie Easy Rider had that concept where the town drunk told them wild boys they "were truly free and the people they meet have to realize they only PRETEND to be free so they have to destroy that which challenges their view." Not exact quote, but paraphrased. I think all testimony does that and people can become pretty angry having to see themselves in a less-then-favorable light of Truth...especially bible truth...

Speak your heart...God will guide and use the least of us...

11-12-2016, 12:10 PM
Personally, Boaz, I love your stories. They're just good examples of how our "humanity" and our Faith interact sometimes. And that's the key to becoming better people - understanding the differences between those two, and how they interact, and work off and sometimes against one another. But being "human" isn't all bad by ANY means! We have many GOOD tendencies, and talents and abilities. I think the most important is that we can sense what we cannot see, feel, taste, touch or hear. We are OF God, and BY God, and we have some little spark within us that longs for our Creator, always. Some manage to override that sense, and deny. But it's always there, somewhere deep within us. It's just hidden and covered up, but it's still there. It's an integral part of each of us, and can't really be cut loose or cast off. It can only be covered up and suppressed. But that's what we have to touch in others. And it's contradictory, but some of the most haughty ones are the ones who are most easily brought to light. Some of the namby pamby types that can't or won't make any real decision are the hardest to bring to light, in my experience.

And witnessing is something we ALL must LEARN. It's not usually a given talent. It's something we have to think about a lot, and question our techniques and approaches, and just sometimes go with our instincts, and trust God to lead us. It's amazing how well that last works, if we're but truly committed to our Lord. And if and when we make a mistake, just casually own up to it, and redirect ourselves, and keep it all on a low but earnest key.

I think we all go through times of some sort of depression, because how could we NOT become a bit depressed at times, knowing our weaknesses, and knowing the need of so many to hear the Word? But that's part of the learning process we each have to go through if we're to be truly servants of the Master. It becomes less and less about us, and more and more about Him. And this becomes more and more effective. So you're just being prepared for whatever God knows lies before you. Sometimes, when God works on us and within us, it's not always comfortable. But it all works to the good for those who serve our Lord. We have the greatest assurance of that that we could ever have.

Glad you're getting through it, Boaz. This place ain't the same without you. And I love your homespun manner of presentation - just good folks relating to each other like good folks usually do. NEVER think your manner is a problem! NEVER! Only folks who don't want to hear your message will ever complain about that, and their criticism is contrived and NOT directed at what they really don't like. Any person THAT haughty, isn't really interested in hearing the Word anyway. Somebody else might get through to them, but not you or me, or probably most of us here.

Thanks for all you do here, and elsewhere, Boaz. It matters.