View Full Version : Requesting prayers for a friend in need

11-04-2016, 12:33 PM
Mike, a friend of mine, has been fighting prostate cancer for about 10 years now, and he just finished radiation treatments. He's having horrible problems swallowing, and with food tasting foul. He's barely able to get enough sustenance in him to survive, it seems. Anyone having advice about this, please chime in. I'll relay it to him, and know ahead of time it'll be VERY appreciated. He's had to go to the ER twice now, and he's really having a hard time of it.

I don't even know exactly what to pray for except that the Lord will have mercy and reach down his mighty, healing hand, and relieve Mike's problems. Thanks for any and all prayers you send up in his behalf, noted here or silently behind the scenes. He's a really great guy and a good Christian.

His only problem as a Christian is his continuing sorrow for his earlier life's misdeeds, and he just can't seem to fully "get" the concept that those are now behind him as far as the east is from the west. I've talked to him about this, but in his shape, severely physically down, it's hard for him to absorb "new" concepts. But he's one great friend and I don't have space to tell you how freely helpful he is to many folks here. Thank you for all the prayers you render up for this good man.

11-04-2016, 01:17 PM
Prayers sent

Preacher Jim
11-04-2016, 01:21 PM
Lord we ask you to give Mike the desire for the nourishment he needs. Lord please touch and heal his body of this problem. Nothing is impossible for you Lord.

Pine Baron
11-05-2016, 09:55 AM
BW, I've never heard of those symptoms as a side effect of radiation, very puzzling. Radiation side effects WILL subside, eventually.
Heavenly Father, please bring relief and healing to MIke. Please bring him comfort and peace. Guide the doctors toward Your Divine will. In Jesus' name. Amen.

11-05-2016, 10:50 AM
Father grant Mike peace from what he has atoned for; somehow let him know that he is forgiven. Please work with the physicians that are treating his cancer and guide them to a positive end. I pray this in Your name. AMEN

11-05-2016, 11:41 AM
Thanks guys, and all who've prayed and not posted for my friend. He's worth every prayer that can be rendered for him. No space to tell you what kind of guy he is or how much he does for folks, sometimes at his own expense, but just know you're praying for a very good man who's truly found the Lord. I'll let him know he's being prayed for here, and knowing him, I think I can speak in his behalf and say a very sincere "Thank you" to all. He's as appreciative of so much that most folks now tend to gloss over and not even see. Thanks. He's getting better, but the radiation really hit him hard. Praise be to the Lord! The greatest healer ever!

11-05-2016, 12:10 PM
All these prayers are my thoughts also . Thank all for posting them . Amen .

11-06-2016, 06:31 PM
He's getting better. Food still doesn't taste quite "right," but better, and his attitude is a lot better. He knows he's mortal, and when he had EMS on the way to his home the last time, he was so dehydrated he didn't think he was going to make it, and looked up at his wife, who's as good a Christian as he is, and said, "Baby, I think this might be it." Mike is the kind of friend who just can't be replaced. Thanks to you all for your prayers. Don't have a clue why the taste change happened, but leave such things up to God. He's lived one full, interesting and often challenging life, and he's always been cheerful and mischievious, and has enjoyed every day he's ever had. His faith took hold finally a few years back, and he's still not far enough along to fully realize just how complete salvation and forgiveness really are, but I try to remind him when he looks back to his previous life. His wife had a great role in bringing him to Christ fully. He always believed, but never really made a commitment, if that makes any sense. He's one of my dearest friends, and a great guy. Thanks to you all, and if you will, keep him in your prayers as he heals from the radiation. That's not an overnight healing, usually. Thanks.

11-06-2016, 07:40 PM
Keep up the prayer Blackwater . Keep it going .

11-07-2016, 08:02 AM
Heavenly Father, We come before You bringing Mike's condition. We ask that his symptoms will subside and he will regain strength and be encouraged to lead a life as a "forgiven" Saint. In Jesus Name, Amen!

Pine Baron
11-07-2016, 09:50 AM
Thank you, Craig. Amen.