View Full Version : Gunwinner.com

11-01-2016, 10:50 AM
Has anyone bought, ordered or won anything through this website. I get their emails everyday but have never bought anything. They usually have free giveaways (flashlights, tshirts, and other gun/personal protection stuff) for the price of postage And gun giveaways to sign up for.

11-01-2016, 11:06 AM
Never heard of them before.

11-01-2016, 11:11 AM
One of many websites that sells your name and email address in exchange for a few giveaways every month.

11-02-2016, 12:16 AM
The stuff for the cost of "postage" comes out of china for under $1 an item... they tack on a $2 handling fee, make $1 and you get a sorta maybe useful thing. I know of nobody who has won a gun from them...

11-02-2016, 09:28 AM
I could buy every lottery ticket on earth except one and still lose. Most I ever won was a door prize of a baseball cap. Tables were full of equipment and tools, bullets, you name it but I got a cap.
Chances of me winning would be like finding a 300# gold nugget in my yard!

11-02-2016, 09:54 AM
44man, it's nice to see someone else with my kind of luck! Misery DOES love company, even if it's still miserable.

Wayne Smith
11-03-2016, 07:47 AM
Years ago, when I was in graduate school and this was true, I informed my Dad that chances of winning the lottery were about equal to the chances of being struck twice by lightening in one's life. Dad responded that he might want to start playing, he had been struck twice by lightening! I told him don't bother, you've used up your luck.

Odds of winning are much worse now than they were then.

11-03-2016, 07:57 AM
I could buy every lottery ticket on earth except one and still lose!

You have the same kind of luck I do.

But, I've come to believe that if you don't gamble, you won't lose, and that's a sure bet.

11-03-2016, 09:57 AM
Good for all of you. Life is never luck, it is what you make of it. Decisions you make and how hard you work count more.
Why do poor people buy more tickets then anyone?
The bus driver at work long ago was black, spent almost his whole check on tickets. He won big once and instead of fixing his life, he spent all on more tickets. Gambling is worse then drinking. The hooks go deep.
I have a good wife that is like me. We can't buy meats the snap card people have. I would love a good steak now and then but the price turns us to what is cheaper. We do not owe a single dime and get along fine. I would never risk anything buying lottery tickets. Pipe dreams.

11-04-2016, 05:45 AM
I spend a few dollars every week on lottery tickets. I see it as cheap entertainment to daydream about what I could do if I won. I know the odds are against me ever winning. I only came close to winning one time about 30 years ago. Out of the 6 numbers needed to win I got the first 4. Numbers 5 and 6 were both one digit off the winning numbers. Talk about a fast heart rate as I checked the numbers. I think I won about a hundred dollars on that ticket.

11-04-2016, 06:15 AM
I won the lottery back in 1972, I got #1 in the lottery for the draft.
That's the kind of luck I have.


11-04-2016, 09:00 AM
I won the lottery back in 1972, I got #1 in the lottery for the draft.
That's the kind of luck I have.

My number was coming up too so I joined the Army reserves. 6 months sure better then 2 years!
Had to go to meetings but never went to summer camp, allergies got me out. Honorable discharge in the mail. The only way I survived basic was I did it in the winter but still went crazy with the itching.