View Full Version : Underwood Typewriter mechanic in the house??

10-24-2016, 08:42 PM
Folks here's an unusual request. We seem to have quite the lot of talented men and women here...so do any of you work on antique typewriters? A dear friend of mine recently purchased an old roll-top deck (circa 1930's I'd guess) and it came with an Underwood Champion 11 from the factory. The whole thing looks like it has been in storage and is in remarkable condition. The typewriter actually folds down under the table top when not in use and resides there inverted until needed. Quite a remarkable design and I thought I knew roll-top desks till now. Anyway the carrier of said typewriter has been knocked out of whack. I'd wager someone was folding it away and left it rotate too fast jogging the carrier up about 3/8th. inch on the right hand side. It will not simply push back into position. Serial number of the typewriter is 4406 712-11. I'd be greateful for any help as would my friend. Audie...the Oldfart.

10-24-2016, 10:19 PM
You might also look for someone who was trained as a TELETYPE repairman in the military or ... If the parts are not damaged, adjustment will be the issue and an old Teletype Tech might be the answer if you can't find a Type Writer repair person.

10-24-2016, 10:22 PM
...and everyone under 30 years old says "What the heck is a typewriter? Ohh is that what they used before electricity?"

10-24-2016, 10:34 PM
funny coincidence,
just last thursday, I seen a non-electric typewriter at a garage sale for $5. It was turquoise in color. I hadn't seen one at a sale for many years.

square butte
10-25-2016, 06:55 AM
There is an outfit in White River Junction, VT that works on them. It's been a while, but they have repaired a couple for me.

mold maker
10-25-2016, 10:41 AM
What do you mean inferring them obsolete? My Royal and Underwood still serve me faithfully. You'd think them old enough to spell correctly though.

10-25-2016, 11:23 AM
My Grandfather had one of those desks

10-25-2016, 01:45 PM
I have an Underwood from 1943, but it's not a typewriter.

Actually I have an old Underwood typewriter also, from the '20s. I think I paid a couple dollars at a swap meet maybe 30 years ago. It sounds like a different model than you have though, and I can't say that I really know how to work on them. Sorry.

10-25-2016, 08:02 PM
Thanks for the replies fellers. I'll check out the Vt. suggestion and have located 2 possible repair shops in Alabama. Searching now for any forums that deal with such things and am having some luck there. If I can verify with certainty just which model/year she has I can actually download a users manual for her. Go figger! Trying to decipher the Underwood site for serial numbers is like learning to speak Arameic. Gaaahhh! Audie...the befuddled Oldfart..

10-25-2016, 08:47 PM
too bad it isnt a UNDERWOOD carbine

10-25-2016, 10:18 PM
I learned to type on old manual typewriters. Can't recall for sure, but I think they were Remingtons. I have two manuals and an IBM Seclectric in the attic now. All are in good working order. Don't know why I keep them. Got them all for a song, and just couldn't see them neglected and thrown away. Still love that IBM. It's what I used for a number of years, until computers came along. Nothing quite has the "feel" of the IBM's. Took the nicer of the manuals out a few years ago and typed something with it, just to check it out, and it was still going strong. Lubed it lightly and put it away. They're just pieces of history now. No self respecting person or student would put up with such antiques that require so much effort to make work, as in the case of the manuals, or with the space and bulk the IBM takes up, but .... I still like 'em.

10-25-2016, 11:03 PM
The desk my desk top pc is on is one of those that had the shelf that folded down, when putting the typewriter away. Refinished the desk, removed the mechanism, and that is where my tower now resides. Cut some holes in the back side for ventilation. They don't show, desk is about 4" away from a wall.

10-26-2016, 02:32 PM
lol, IBM manufactured the very last typewriter in 1992...

Dan Cash
10-26-2016, 02:39 PM
I have about 120 manual typewriters ranging in date from about 1885 to 1964. Most of them work. Sounds like the OP's machine is terminal.

10-27-2016, 10:58 AM
Anyone know where to get ribbons for the old manuals and the IBM?

10-28-2016, 06:30 AM
What is a typewriter?

Petrol & Powder
10-28-2016, 07:52 AM
I can't help you with repairs but those are cool machines. The last repair shop for typewriters in my neck of the woods closed about 15 years ago.

On a side note, I know of several offices that keep a typewriter on hand to type those three part forms on IBM paper. A laser printer or ink jet will not work, the paper needs impact to print the back pages of the forms. It's amazing how tough that IBM Selectric is; I know of at least 3 that are still chugging along.

10-28-2016, 08:18 AM
These low-tec printers may come back into vogue someday.