View Full Version : Hole is where?

Chris C
10-24-2016, 06:06 PM
Question for those of you who have NOE molds with installed thermometers. Where is the hole drilled for the thermometer probe?

10-24-2016, 07:02 PM
Handle end bottom left. Useful until you get the hang of a particular mold

Ed C

Chris C
10-24-2016, 07:24 PM
Oh heck, I forgot............this is an Accurate mold and the pins are reversed from NOE. So I've got a guide pin located there. Would it be a hassle to have the probe cable sticking out the front side?

10-25-2016, 12:19 AM
Oh heck, I forgot............this is an Accurate mold and the pins are reversed from NOE. So I've got a guide pin located there. Would it be a hassle to have the probe cable sticking out the front side?

Possibly, especially if you use a bottom pour. Why not have it above the handles on the right side to avoid the sprueplate bolt and allignment pin?

Chris C
10-26-2016, 10:05 AM
I knew someone would ask that question. These are my handles: http://www.buffaloarms.com/Detail.aspx?PROD=159278&TERM=saeco%20handles I hold the wooden handle in my left hand and operate the opening jaw with my right. The right side, in my case, is the moving side.......and it moves quite a bit.........and I was afraid all that flexing of the cable might break it. I ended up drilling the left side, but on the end away from the handles. I ran the cable back to the handle and tied it with a zip tie so it wouldn't be flexing. I'm relatively satisfied with it. But I'll be drilling my NOE pistol bullet mold from the handle side as previously recommended.