View Full Version : Ugandan Children's Choir

10-21-2016, 09:55 AM
Last Wednesday we we had the Ugandan Children's Choir visit for the evening service/bible study . They on a two hour performance that was great . Just thought you might want to check them out . I got there early to get a front row seat to video .

These kids did great and were totally worn out at the end . Ages 6 to 11 years old . We had much prayer , praise and a great time .

Heck ! We all like to see the kids praise GOD !


10-21-2016, 11:01 AM
I know these things are set up for political reasons, but kids are kids, no matter where you go, or whyever they're before you. And hearing kids sing praises is a very touching thing. Wish I'd been there. Children have a way of singing that's so honest and pure, and bereft of pretensions, that they're usually more poignant than adults really know how to be. I can only imagine how great it was.

10-21-2016, 11:43 PM
A very close friends daughter is touring with the African Childrens Choir 45 and was in SD last week, is that where you are? She is traveling with them as a chaperone.

10-22-2016, 06:52 AM
No , I'm in North Texas . There are several children choirs that tour from Africa . I think that is a different one . The foundations or churches that sponsor them usually keep them here on tour for a year . Most of these kids are orphans .

Pine Baron
10-22-2016, 09:19 AM
BW, Why do you assume that this is political? I believe this is church sponsored, not unusual and a wonderful opportunity for the children.

10-22-2016, 09:26 AM
Pine Baron you are correct , it is church sponsored .

10-22-2016, 10:15 AM
You're right there is more than one, she is with group #45, just thought I would ask.

10-22-2016, 10:29 AM
Baron, all these efforts to make nice are too some degree political efforts. Might be to get along, or any number of reasons, but there's at least ALMOST always some element of political effort inspiring or at least allowing them to take place. But you're right, they're 90+% just plain ol' Christian folks wanting to do something good, so thanks for correcting me if anyone got the idea that Obama or the like had much to do with it.

I've become so sensitive to so many things that have a political element to them that I can't not see them where there's an element of that in something. It helps, I think, to at least be aware of whatever element of the political may be involved. But as Christians, we're to take all the good we can from whatever is before us, I believe, and that's very easy when watching the young singing praises. How could it not be touching?