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View Full Version : I knew I shouldnt have started this!!!

06-09-2008, 04:28 PM
Been a lurker for quite a while. Actually did some smelting earlier this year and have bought a couple of molds. Been holding off on getting a furnace because I knew what happened would happen..

Got my furnace on Friday and have not been the same since. This is what I have done since then!!! Cant seem to stop. Getting low on lead. May need to find more...

Ok, a couple of questions. Going to have to get a lube sizer and am looking at the 4500. Is there a reason that I need a heated sizer? AND how do you cure this insatiable urge to cast more boolits!!!

Thanks for all the info guys..


06-09-2008, 04:38 PM
there is no cure..........

06-09-2008, 04:44 PM
I prefer the heated sizers. In TN, and I'll bet in TX too, the temps get so hot that "regular" lubes melt and run right out of the boolits. Also the harder lubes that need a heater generally aren't tacky to the touch. YMMV

06-09-2008, 05:00 PM
There is no cure !!!!! You only need heat for hard lubes.

06-09-2008, 07:27 PM
There really is no definitive cure and it will get worse as you add more calibers/moulds. (I just snagged a Lyman 311466...off fleaBay to go with the other 5 or 6 .30 cals that I aready own and am beginning to think about a long-range big bore to go with my .38-55 Highwall. Welcome to the funny farm!!


06-09-2008, 07:30 PM
sprintcardriver.............YOU MY FRIEND ARE DAMNED TO A LIFE OF CASTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


06-09-2008, 07:49 PM
get the heated sizer, cause one day you may need it.

06-09-2008, 08:24 PM
Only cure so to speak is go shoot those suckers so ya can cast more . :)


06-09-2008, 08:40 PM
AND how do you cure this insatiable urge to cast more boolits!!!
By casting more boolits, of course!

You'd better get busy loading and shooting some before your shop and house fill up.

06-09-2008, 09:09 PM
There is no cure. I have this feeling that if the paychecks were to quit comin' in that my dear little wife would go ahead and have me commited.

I am considering an RCBS Lubrisizer. I just got into casting myself after lurking here for awhile. Great place to just hang out and learn.

06-09-2008, 09:31 PM
the lyman 45 is built for heavier use.

06-09-2008, 09:32 PM
Big fan of the Star! If you haven't seen the video on how one works in the stickies do so before you spend a dime!

Not as big a fan of the RCBS / Lyman tools don't like the dies as much. Just got a Saeco sizer and some dies from a yard sale and just for grins I set it up and sized some boolits over the weekend.

The Saeco will never replace my Star's but I was very impressed with how it worked and will be the better buy if you go new and don't buy the Star. I really like how the dies are secured.

By the way no cure found for casting boolits: the more you do the more you want to do.

06-09-2008, 10:16 PM
My wife doesn't understand how I can sit out in the hot garage and cast bullets if I have nothing to do for awhile. Hmmm, I don't understand it either I guess. I just cast about 30 pounds of 38's I didn't even need. I had so many already. But all those lead ingots sitting there doing nothing just bothered me. At least I don't have OCD. Or do I?

You guys are sick.:mrgreen:

06-09-2008, 10:37 PM
Why would you want a cure?

Personally, I'm looking for more sickness.


06-09-2008, 11:52 PM
wmitty: I have both Lyman 45 and RCBS sizers and I think the RCBS is much stronger. JMHO. DALE

Calamity Jake
06-10-2008, 08:47 AM
Everybody's tellen you there's no cure!!!!!! Well there is, SEND THAT STUFF TO ME I'LL TAKE CARE OF IT!!!!!!!!!! :kidding:

Oh, by the way, thems good looking boolets. Get the RCBS sizer and a heater

06-10-2008, 09:02 AM
The only thing close to a cure is this web site. Can't cast and work the computer at the same time... would talk more but gotta go to the shop... pot should be hot enough to cast by now...

06-10-2008, 09:10 AM
Jake there is no cure. poor guy is a addict now even if he purges the stuff he will still have the problem and the addiction. at any time he could relaps and start to cast again! so he just has to go one day at a time "i will not cast today" remember we are all members of CBA (cast boolites anonymous) hi my name is steve and i'm a boolit caster!

06-10-2008, 10:24 AM
Once the "Boolit Casting Bug" bites you there is no cure known to mankind! You are doomed to a productive life of casting! Lack of alloy is the only thing that will even slow you down! Join the club my friend.

06-11-2008, 06:59 PM
Sorry havent got back sooner, was making more boolits. Guess I better get that sizer. Where would I look to find a Star. Liked that video and it seemed to be able to crank out quite a few in a short period of time.

Thanks everyone for you help.

Now back out to the shop for more boolits..


06-12-2008, 05:53 AM
Cant seem to stop. Getting low on lead. May need to find more... Don

Silly newbie . . . Of coarse you need to find more,

and more,

and more.

and more.

Getting more lead is as addictive as casting. I'm down to about 1,200 pounds of ingots and it's keeping me awake at night.

More, I need more.


06-12-2008, 11:23 PM
Pffft! I could quit annnnyyyytime I wanna. In fact, I bet I've quit at least a hunnert times in the past year alone. However, the lead may be affecting my memory, I ferget.

06-12-2008, 11:54 PM
You will only need a heater for hard lubes. Hard lubes are less messy to work with & hold up better if you store your lubed boolits dumped together in a big pile or loose in a box or bulked together some other way. Soft lubes work just fine other than that.

Jon K
06-13-2008, 12:16 AM
Ok, a couple of questions. Going to have to get a lube sizer and am looking at the 4500. Is there a reason that I need a heated sizer? AND how do you cure this insatiable urge to cast more boolits!!!

Thanks for all the info guys..


You'll know when you need the heater, if you're going to use the harder lube, then it's a given, you need it. I use my heater when it's cooler temps, and when the lube gets too mushy, I turn it off.

How do you cure the urge? You Don't.......You Feed it!

Sick?...........Nah......Just think, remember all those J-Bullets you bought and have to keep inventory of each to shoot? And......All those that didn't work out and won't shoot in your gun, well all that is a thing of the past.......Not Needed, now what doesn't work, just melt it back down, and make it into something else. Look at all the money you'll save not having useless inventory. Now you've got money to buy more moulds, casting equiptment and guns. Feel better now?

Sick? ..............No Way, just wait til you start buying moulds for guns you don't yet have. Better yet, when you start calling the custom mould makers to get a headstart on which mould you're oing to have made for the gun not yet ordered..................
Do a search here on "enjoy casting" there was a post, or a poll. You'll see some of us sicko's enjoy casting as much, or amost as much as shooting.

Have Fun Shooting,

06-13-2008, 09:43 PM

I'm afraid to tell you that casting your own Boolits is more addictive than racing.
I hung up the wrenches 12 years ago but still have the casting equip. going strong.
so go for it buddy.

By the way go fast turn left and gimme 2 turns on the right rear it's pushin bad boys!

Please forgive me bud I worked on them winged wonders for 20 years here in Pa.

Welcome aboard !!.

Randy, The Birddog.

06-15-2008, 11:03 AM

By the way go fast turn left and gimme 2 turns on the right rear it's pushin bad boys!

Please forgive me bud I worked on them winged wonders for 20 years here in Pa.

Welcome aboard !!.

Randy, The birddog.

Those words bring back memories. lol. I had to give them up about 10 years ago. Still miss them beast.

Thanks for all the support guys. I got to make more lead bars today. Ran out last night.. Need to get that sizer so I can stop casting for a few hours!!


uncle joe
06-15-2008, 11:20 AM
AND how do you cure this insatiable urge to cast more boolits!!!

Thanks for all the info guys..


As with any addiction same applies here
if you WANT to quit just quit
of course if you, as you ask just want to "cure the urge" as you say