View Full Version : The Least of These

10-17-2016, 11:55 PM
Matthew 25:40

My wife, Betsy, interrupted my musings with a request. “Wayne, I got permission for you to visit Mary in the hospital, if you would like to go.” I am always ready for a mission of mercy, so I quickly agreed. Betsy is an ID supports coordinator at her agency. That is the field that used to be called MR, until that became a bad word. I am constantly amazed at the love and care that she shows to her clients, whom she considers to be almost like family after years of working together.

When we arrived at the hospital we walked quickly past the nurse’s station and down the disinfected hall to her room, which was marked with a large sign “Isolation Precautions.” Mary (not her real name) was in very bad shape. She had suffered from physical and mental disabilities for years, and had lived in a group home for disabled people. A kindly volunteer had spent hours with her, and had discovered that she had a desire to know God more deeply. The volunteer suggested that she might like to be baptized, and the staff at the home arranged for that to take place.

But by the time I was there to visit, she was in the hospital with an infection that could not be cured by any means currently available. We went through the door of her room, dressing in yellow paper gowns and latex gloves as we entered. Mary looked exhausted. Her limbs were crooked and stayed in one position. Her hair was plastered down as it does when one is in bed for days. When we spoke she did not answer, but her eyes showed the light of understanding. We talked to her, assuming she could hear and understand, and then I prayed for her aloud. After a few more moments, we discarded our isolation garments, and departed. A month or so later, she had gone back to the home under the care of hospice nurses. One day, when Betsy drove there for a monitoring visit, she knew that something had changed when she saw all the cars parked in front of the house. She went in to find Mary surrounded by her staff, waiting for the moment she would leave this world. Betsy stood with them, and prayed her home.

When we went to the funeral home for her memorial service, the room was packed with people; mostly care givers who had worked with her for years. They wept openly as the priest gave his eulogy. The priest, who had known her only briefly, spoke of her beautiful spirit, the loveliness of her heart. He said that in the months before she died, she had felt the urging to be baptized, and he had been able to perform this rite for her, and bring her into the fellowship of all believers.

When the service came to a close, the group broke up into knots of people standing around and reminiscing, as people do after a funeral. I thought about Mary, who perhaps had not accomplished much that this world would find worthy. She left no inheritance, patented no inventions, had no children of her own. But she did one thing; she loved, and was loved in return. And that is enough. It is more than enough.


10-18-2016, 12:09 AM
Thanks, Wayne...a good life lesson, in there.

10-18-2016, 12:43 AM
We are all God's children, and some of us are just here to love others. Pretty noble calling. Thanks for sharing.

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10-18-2016, 07:09 AM
Thank you Wayne . We have all seen situations like this in respect to wondering what GOD's plan is . There is a plan , part of it is for us to help them . More will be revealed to us later .

Preacher Jim
10-18-2016, 07:21 AM
Great post needed to remind us everyone needs the Lord. Never be to busy to go.

10-18-2016, 07:44 AM
Faith, hope and Love, and the greatest of these is Love.

It is easy sometimes to love those who love us. Harder to love someone who has problems or issues. Hardest of all is to learn to love those who hate us, who despise us.

I believe that in the end love will conquer all.

Great post.

10-18-2016, 08:18 AM
Thanks for posting this, It was a blessing!

10-18-2016, 01:07 PM
Thanks, everybody. I always try to remember that love is an action, not a feeling.


10-18-2016, 01:10 PM
Faith, hope and Love, and the greatest of these is Love.

It is easy sometimes to love those who love us. Harder to love someone who has problems or issues. Hardest of all is to learn to love those who hate us, who despise us.

I believe that in the end love will conquer all.

Great post.
I completely agree, GhostHawk.

10-18-2016, 04:01 PM
Thank you for one awesomely inspiring story, WR. When I read a story about a person like her, I always think of that passage that "the last shall be first and the first shall be last." What we do in this life, and what we become in Heaven, may be WIDELY divergent things, IF indeed some GET to Heaven to start with. God bless folks like "Mary." They are a real inspiration if we'd just see them, and not look past them like so many do. I also remember that passage that when we have done something good for "the least of these," we will be blessed. I have never seen that passage fail to be proven true, in spades. It's like that old saying that "a man never stands so tall as when he stoops to help a child."

In the current environment that has been formed from our haughtiness and cynicism and self-adorations, folks like Mary are an "inconvenience," and likely a "bother" because they're a source of guilt and shame, so ..... folks just look over them and pretend they're not there. Consequently, they miss the big lessons they could learn from them if only they noticed them, and thought a little. I'm betting she's walking the halls of Glory, and not alone now. Her trials are over, and the blessings are just beginning for her. All praise be the the Holy name of God and Christ.

10-18-2016, 11:28 PM
Posts of Love always get to me.... So many good people filled with Love...Thank You
