View Full Version : Do you, have you ?

10-12-2016, 08:37 PM
Do you , have you accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and savior ?

Pilgrim Sojourner
10-12-2016, 08:43 PM
YES! Thanks for asking.

mold maker
10-12-2016, 08:44 PM
Over 60 years ago.

10-12-2016, 08:56 PM

10-12-2016, 08:58 PM


10-12-2016, 09:02 PM
A question we must answer , no hesitation , no thinking .

10-12-2016, 09:05 PM
At this point there are 17 views and five confirmations .

10-12-2016, 09:14 PM

10-12-2016, 09:41 PM
:) I'll get around to it some day :)

10-12-2016, 09:46 PM


10-12-2016, 09:52 PM
YES brother Boaz! He is RISEN!

I was a lost sheep, more like a goat really, wandered alone in the wilderness for 40 years.
But he called me back to his flock, and I am working my hardest to be a good sheep.

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.

He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.

The hard part is that I am a stubborn creature. I prefer the wilds and roughs, the rocky steeps, and the rushing waters.
Humbly, I bow before thee Lord. I know Lord, I am working on it. I also know I am as you made me. You know I don't feel you in city's and towns, churches or cathedrals.

But give me a bit of wide open sky for a roof, some trees, bushes, grass. Some water still or busy on its path to the sea. I feel you in the caress of the sun, the still quiet depths of the forest, the peace of still waters surrounded by green hills.
I feel you in the breeze caressing the grasses as it passes. When I stop, slow down, sit down with my back against a tree, grow some roots. I hear you in the rustling of the leaves and the gossip of the wild creatures.

And it has been too long lord, forgive me, I grow weak, I am feeling my years.
But my heart still sings for Thee Lord. I believe, I believe it ALL.
I am not worthy, and I worry about the days to come. I lay it all at your feet LORD. I can no longer carry that burden.

I feel something coming, something huge. But for a space I feel your hand stretched out above me. Delaying, the time is not yet. Prophecy is coming true day by day. It is not hard to feel that perhaps these are the last days.

I am thy sheep LORD, Your will is my will. With thee I will abide and trust.

I put no trust in mankind, or dollars, I will put all my trust and faith in the Lord. He has brought me this far, he will not fail me. I know that he has conquered death, I fear it not. I trust your promises Lord.

For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: but whosoever will lose his life for my sake, the same shall save it.

This one simple line caused me much confusion in my younger years. Now it is perfectly clear.

He who would try to save his life, this life, shall surely lose both it and the second life. The one our Lord offers.
He who gives up this life for Jesus sake, he will lose this life. But he shall be reborn, transformed, in a twinkling. I suspect he will be given a golden crown and will join the ranks of others who have died for our Lord.

Not MY will, but THY will be done Lord.
In the name of God the father, Creator of heaven and earth. In the name of Yeshua, the Son of God, Jesus, the Christ, and in the name of the Holy Spirit, my companion, my guide. Amen

10-12-2016, 09:59 PM
Yes, but it took a long, long time to get to where I knew the joy of salvation like I think God intended for us to all know. Carrying around lots of questions without good, believable and credible answers ain't easy, nor encouraging, but .... how can one NOT believe, or keep seeking, even if the answers don't come when you want them? The irony was, I found the answers when I quit looking and just let them come to me. It was as if my spirit itself had, in its seeking, mostly MY way probably, blocked the answers, and when I quit seeking and just began to accept, they came to me as though from thin air! Nearly a lifetime spent seeking, and .... ain't it funny how that can work?

10-13-2016, 06:29 AM

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10-13-2016, 07:45 AM
GOD called me out of darkness and into HIS marvelous light on April 18, 1993, This was the day my life took a drastic change and was made into a life of following Christ!

Wayne Smith
10-13-2016, 07:50 AM
Yes, at age nine. "May those who come behind us find us faithful".

10-13-2016, 07:50 AM
Yes, on Dec 30, 1983, around 11:00-11:30 pm

10-13-2016, 07:54 AM
Yes, but it took a long, long time to get to where I knew the joy of salvation like I think God intended for us to all know. Carrying around lots of questions without good, believable and credible answers ain't easy, nor encouraging, but .... how can one NOT believe, or keep seeking, even if the answers don't come when you want them? The irony was, I found the answers when I quit looking and just let them come to me. It was as if my spirit itself had, in its seeking, mostly MY way probably, blocked the answers, and when I quit seeking and just began to accept, they came to me as though from thin air! Nearly a lifetime spent seeking, and .... ain't it funny how that can work?

It's called faith ..........for by grace you are saved by faith .

Pine Baron
10-13-2016, 08:07 AM
Yes. Thank you Jesus.

10-13-2016, 08:50 AM
Yep, Boaz. And it's a shame it took me so long to find out how to use it. Sometimes I think it's like the puppy that found a loaded gun. It took a long time for him to find the trigger, but once he did, POW! Whoop, there it is! And all I could do was laugh at myself. It's really true. Be faithful and keep seeking, no matter what, and sooner or later, it WILL be revealed to you. If that's not supernatural, what could be? For many years, I thought wisdom and understanding were things you had to do like the old John Houseman Smith-Barney commercial, and you had to EARN it. And there IS an element of that involved, of course ("Study to show thyself approved"). But grace is, as you say, the element that truly delivers things to us, and as long as we're depending on our human understanding, it seems to stay away. Lay back and start just accepting, and suddenly, it's there and you never even knew it was even paying attention to you! I have no idea how common this might or might not be, but it's just how it worked for me, and it's probably one of the most humbling (and a little amusing regarding myself) things I've ever known. Praise God for Grace - the unearned benefits He extends to us so incredibly freely and in such abundance!

10-13-2016, 12:08 PM
I'm going to be a naysayer here. But make no mistake...
If you bow your head to pray, I'll bow mine out of respect to you.
If you invite me to church, I may come. If I do, I will sing with you. I will stand and greet your friends.
I exchange gifts at Christmas, born out of respect for tradition. I enjoy and am thankful for the festivities and time with family as well.

I will not speak poorly of Christians, Christianity, Jesus or God. And I appreciate the same courtesy. I also appreciate it, if you deem it necessary to pray for my salvation as your faith defines it, please don't inundate me with saying so. It won't hurt my feelings or offend me. On the contrary, in my opinion, when someone offers to beseech the highest power they believe in on my behalf, I'm touched by the thought. I just get tired of hearing it after a while.

I was groomed from birth to become a Baptist Minister. I could once quote scripture to compete with Billy Graham, James Dobson, Joel Osteen, and Jimmy Swaggart.

I've preached, I've given sermons. I've led others to Christianity, and I've baptised the same.

Then something happened. I made discoveries. I lived a life not intended for me, I've seen wonders and I've seen horrors. I became a father to one by blood, and three others by their own choice.

I decided years ago to turn away from the Christian faith.

"The wisdom of this world is foolishness to God."

That may well be, and I may well be the fool. But I don't base my choice on wisdom, although if I try to explain it, it certainly sounds that way.

Congratulations to you all. Faith is an important part of life, whatever form you follow. I wish you many years of happiness, walking in the light of your God.

*hat tip* [emoji122]

10-13-2016, 01:32 PM
Easter Sunday 2000. Yes, I am redeemed. It has taken many years (like Blackwater said) to realize the liberty, freedom, joy and grace that was available to me right from the start. I tried for years to wrap my "idea" around what I think my walk should be, and listening to like minded "preachers" that only fortified my askew thinking and believing. I have come to the realization through my walk that rules, regulations and formulated opinions has nothing to do with, and only get in the way of His grace, peace, and forgiveness.

For the record I was hellbound and perfectly fine with that. I went out of my way to ridicule Christians and the faith. I was chief among blasphemers. I hated the world, God and everyone around me. I was broken and deserved hell, death and the grave. I was saved and set free, and my eyes were radically opened.

10-13-2016, 07:18 PM
I'm going to be a naysayer here. But make no mistake...
If you bow your head to pray, I'll bow mine out of respect to you.
If you invite me to church, I may come. If I do, I will sing with you. I will stand and greet your friends.
I exchange gifts at Christmas, born out of respect for tradition. I enjoy and am thankful for the festivities and time with family as well.

I will not speak poorly of Christians, Christianity, Jesus or God. And I appreciate the same courtesy. I also appreciate it, if you deem it necessary to pray for my salvation as your faith defines it, please don't inundate me with saying so. It won't hurt my feelings or offend me. On the contrary, in my opinion, when someone offers to beseech the highest power they believe in on my behalf, I'm touched by the thought. I just get tired of hearing it after a while.

I was groomed from birth to become a Baptist Minister. I could once quote scripture to compete with Billy Graham, James Dobson, Joel Osteen, and Jimmy Swaggart.

I've preached, I've given sermons. I've led others to Christianity, and I've baptised the same.

Then something happened. I made discoveries. I lived a life not intended for me, I've seen wonders and I've seen horrors. I became a father to one by blood, and three others by their own choice.

I decided years ago to turn away from the Christian faith.

"The wisdom of this world is foolishness to God."

That may well be, and I may well be the fool. But I don't base my choice on wisdom, although if I try to explain it, it certainly sounds that way.

Congratulations to you all. Faith is an important part of life, whatever form you follow. I wish you many years of happiness, walking in the light of your God.

*hat tip* [emoji122]

What at a refreshing post. there are many who walk the aisle and profess their faith but don't know God.

On surface it seams like you have joy and peace in your life. And I pray that you do for all the days of your life.

10-13-2016, 08:48 PM
It's not just on the surface, and thank you for the prayers and well wishes.

Preacher Jim
10-14-2016, 07:45 AM
The greatest day of my new life, I ask Jesus to be my savior and He came in my heart.
The second greatest day he called me to serve Him.
If you have not ask Jesus in to your heart you honestly do not know the peace you are missing.

10-14-2016, 07:56 AM
Yes, Jesus Christ is my Lord, Savior and Redeemer, and I thank you for the honor and privilege of testifying publically. Praise the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God of Israel in the name of Jesus Christ my King and my Lord!

10-15-2016, 01:08 AM
Of course 😁

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