View Full Version : Thanks for the blessings...

10-09-2016, 10:53 PM
I just want to give thanks, where it is due. Tomorrow, will be my daughter, Kimberly's, 22nd birthday.
She came into the world 2 months early, due to a placenta abruption that forced an emergency
cesarean at about 5am on 10/10/94. Being early, she was not fully developed and was transported
by a special ambulance that was equipped with a ventilator as she could not breath on her own.
My wife had to stay at our local hospital and I followed the ambulance to Savannah, where
Kimberly was admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit, where she stayed until she was able to
come home. I won't go into the many details of her time there and my time staying, alone, with her because
her mother was not allowed to travel to the hospital for 2wks. But, despite the difficult circumstances, it was one of the best experiences that I have ever had in my life. Kimberly came home with a 24hr a day heart monitor and taking breathing treatments every 4hrs. She wore this monitor for 8 months and continued those breathing treatments for the better part of 2yrs. We finally got her to a pediatric pulmonologist that insisted
that the breathing treatments be stopped to give her lungs the opportunity to learn to function
on there own. The reason for the heart monitor gradually corrected itself and after 8 months
it was taken off. With these changes in her medical situation, we saw a child begin to thrive and
she has continued that path, from then until today.

Kimberly, despite having started off with breathing and heart problems, grew into a great athlete. She played
softball, soccer, and basketball until her Jr. year in high school, when she added cross country to
her list of sports. She loved soccer and poured herself more into it than the other sports
and earned a college scholarship for her efforts. She was also a great student and was an
Honor Graduate. She kept her scholarship until her Jr. year of college, when she had to
give it up because she could not schedule classes in a manner that would allow to meet the
requirements of the soccer team.

So, she gave up soccer and promptly set about improving her running and sought out the Track coach and
hounded him into giving her the opportunity to compete for a running scholarship. He relented and
gave her the opportunity and she was successful at earning a Track and Field scholarship to replace soccer. She is now in her senior year and working her way toward a Nurse Practitioner degree that will take an additional 2yrs.

But, the most important thing that she has done in her life was accepting Jesus Christ as her
LORD and SAVIOR when she was in middle school. She has lived a Christian life since, has gone
on multiple missions trips and serves as President of her Baptist Collegiate Ministry chapter this year. She
has always been a great Christian role model for her peers...younger and older.

I want to thank GOD for blessing us with Kimberly, and her brother...Christopher, that we
adopted at birth, 3 months before we learned that my wife was pregnant with Kimberly. I want to
thank GOD for the way he has blessed them, they have been the best children that any parents
could ask for and they are the best people that I know. I want to thank GOD for bringing both of these
children to salvation, early in life.

Happy Birthday, Kimberly

Thank you, LORD.

10-09-2016, 11:36 PM
Happy Birthday indeed! Congrats to Dad.

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10-10-2016, 06:19 AM
I woke up and read this post and it is a great start to the day ....I thank you ! I love to hear the good reports on our kids . Yours have done well and it makes me proud of them AND their parents , it's no accident good young people exist , takes love , work and caring to get them there . You and your wife have done well .

I pray daily to our father in heaven to help me be a good father here . Our children are one of the greatest gifts and responsibilities given by him . They are an asset to us , GOD and everyone if taught by his word . May our Lord continue to bless and strengthen your children through you and his plan for them .

square butte
10-10-2016, 06:52 AM
You and Yours are indeed blessed. Thanks for sharing your joy and gratitude.

10-10-2016, 07:20 AM
Amen to a thankful dad and the blessings and grace of GOD in our lives, Happy birthday Kimberly!

Preacher Jim
10-10-2016, 07:40 AM
Happy Birthday to Kimberly and may the Lord continue to guide you as you guide your children. Godly parents are a great blessing and to see your children excel is truly a blessing from The Father.
May they continue to serve the Lord all their days.

Pine Baron
10-10-2016, 09:44 AM
Happy Birthday Kimberly, and God bless Christopher, and thank you shoot-n-lead for you and your wife for providing a solid foundation through the Grace and Glory of our Heavenly Father.

10-10-2016, 11:29 AM
What a great and inspiring story, Shoot'n! Thank you. In the storm, I relearned a lot of things, and one is that when people are challenged, they rise to their best. It's so easy to find some reason to whine and complain and make things hard on ourselves when times are "good," and things are all very easy. It's when we're challenged that we rise to whatever occasion faces us, and become better people than we are normally, and the best we can possibly be. THIS is why God lets bad things happen to good people, I think - just to help make us even better and more humble and more appreciative.

It's really funny how much I appreciate running water now, so I can flush my toilet! It's those "little things," that when missing, mean the most to us, and we wind up being thankful again for so many of the "little things" in our lives that we usually take for granted, and don't give the first thought to, much less a second.

God's been at work in your life in all that happened, and He's blessed you tremendously with such a fine daughter. Blessed be the name of our Lord!

smoked turkey
10-10-2016, 09:12 PM
I want extend birthday wishes to Kimberly as well. What a wonderful post. You have a wonderful family and the Good Lord has blessed you shoot-n-lead. It so inspirational to see a man give praise his family like have done. Thank you.

10-10-2016, 11:03 PM
Thanks, all, for the kind words.

After looking at this op, again, it seems as though I got the cart before the horse...as it is posted. I did not intend to extol Kimberly's virtues...but, rather, the GRACE of GOD in her life and thus, our family. HE has blessed Kimberly greatly...and Christopher as well. And, HE has probably blessrd their mother and me, more than them.

On Christopher's birthday, I will share his story with y'all...it is another great work of GOD...the route by which he came to us, is, I think, replete with the hand of GOD.

10-11-2016, 06:44 AM
Children are a wonderful blessing.


10-13-2016, 10:07 AM
Amen, WR. The greatest satisfaction a man can have in his old age, is a good son or daughter, and their good spouse and children. It's the most humbling thing a man can ever know in this world. It was Trump's kids and info I got on them that began to turn my attitude and perceptions of him around. It's the greatest evidence of what a man is, in his private life, and at the core of his/her being. Some go bad anyway, because parents are but one influence on the young these days, but with faith, good parents usually manage to rein them in at some point, and for the few who won't be reined in, it's always evident that the Godly parents have tried all they could think of to try to bring them to light. It does happen, and it's sad when it does, but it's a graphic demonstration of how our free will works, when we don't follow our Lord.

I am SO richly blessed by my son, DIL and grandboys! I don't know how a man could be more humbled than by that great blessing!