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10-08-2016, 06:51 PM
I just felt the house shacking. I have lived in Southern California since 1952 except for eleven months in 55-56 and I have never gotten used to that feeling. When terra firma is no longer firma it is unsettling to say the least.

10-08-2016, 07:27 PM
Didn't feel a thing up here near Sacramento up in the Sierra Nevada's...prolly just your nerves...:bigsmyl2:

10-08-2016, 07:48 PM
You have the sympathy of us East Coast dwellers. The news is always reporting a California disaster. It seems to us that there is a cycle of drought, fires, rainstorms, mudslides, earthquakes, and a threat of tsunamis or Great White shark attacks. I was stationed at the Presidio of Monterey for a year in 1969 and loved it. I don't remember anything bad happening then (must be Global Warming).

10-08-2016, 09:19 PM
Could have been this one,

2.85km SSE of Loma Linda, CA2016-10-08 22:43:49 (UTC)Depth 13.8 km

Was only a 2.8 but it was not very deep so you could easily have felt it.

10-08-2016, 09:23 PM
Rode out my first several weeks ago, was actually kind of fun in a humbling sort of way. It was something over a 2 by the time it got here, barely a tremor by CA standards but quite an event for TX.

10-08-2016, 11:03 PM
can be a bit unnerving at times ...
Was raised as a kid , went to school in Forest Falls ( or Forest Home in those days) just over the mountain from where you are .
Two room ,river rock school house , still standing from what I hear .
Best place ever for a kid in those days.
The canyon itself is on a fault , or "crack " in the earth ....basically at the foot of Mt San Gorgornio .
Remember vividly on occasion would wake in the middle of the night and the bed was shaking , my model airplanes would be swinging back and forth suspended from the ceiling.
Those years , small ones were frequent in that area , it would be the subject at school at times ... everyone would look at each other and ... "another one?"
They built another more "modern" school house next to the old rock one because of bad earthquake potential from what I understand ..it is a bit rundown now and the rock house ? ... still there last I knew.

10-09-2016, 04:02 AM
We don't even feel 2.8s anymore.

10-09-2016, 04:16 AM
Been through a few here in SoCal over the last half century. Lots of rumors of a big one coming soon.

Didn't feel anything here near the L.A./Ventura County line.

10-09-2016, 08:10 AM
Had a shake here in the eastern pan handle of WV once. Strange feeling and no damage at all.
Carol hates it here but I ask where she wants to live? Earthquake zones, tornado alley, hurricane country. So many of you live where I never would.
I have friends that moved to Fla and the Carolina's and brag about how great it is, then I watch the weather and worry. How would you evacuate and leave possessions behind? Then go back to rubble! Months without power, water or gas.
How do insurance companies cover it all?

mold maker
10-09-2016, 08:52 AM
Lived in central NC all of my 74 years, and except for Hugo and a couple ice storms it has been paradise. Even Hugo was only an inconvenience. It brought out the best in neighbors and friend
Being in a temperate climate with snow skiing and the beach only hours away makes for a great life.
I've never felt a quake and our most frequent disaster is rain deficit, which is usually made up for in the fall.
I've never spent a night away from home unless planed for fun.
Now before you all pack up and come to share in my utopia, we do things our way and don't care how you do it elsewhere. Don't bring your bad habits (determined by us) or your better ideas, cause we like it just the way it is.

10-09-2016, 09:41 AM
I would fit in.
I see it here, got a new neighbor that took the associations secretary job. Has too much money and wants to raise our dues way over what SS can cover. We have 13 that never pay and it costs to put liens on them so he wants the rest to pay more. I told him to let it go, Too high and I will quit paying too. Spend more to put a lien on my property but I will be gone before you get money. In the meantime you spend more then you will get.
They made me road manager and the gravel roads have never been better but it cost. Trucks can't raise high enough but land owners never trim trees. They expect me to get it done.
Yes the most are Demoncrats from DC that came here to live cheaper but they bring the "ME" thing with them. They are also the ones that go 50 MPH past my house to raise dust when the limit is 20 MPH.
In all the years here the Demoncrats have asked for more help from a faucet, toilet or whatever and have never come to help me. It really is true a republican does not fear work. I still helped but got sick of it every day so I talk politics and am rid of most.

10-09-2016, 11:43 AM
Reading a USGS report about a quake that hit in the Landers area in So Cal in 1992 , June 28th , accompanied by a 6.8 near Big Bear , on the northern side of the mountains from where you live there Gopher Slayer.
Shaking was felt throughout Southern California, Southern Nevada, Western Arizona and Southern Utah .
400 were injured and three died in relation to that quake.
Remember vividly the Loma Prieta quake that hit the Bay area as I was driving my two ton crew truck towing a trailer with our backhoe on it along the west shore of Lake Tahoe ..... , at that moment , the truck started weaving on it's own wanting to cross over the centerline and back ....
Freaking me out while trying to keep it in my lane , my friend riding shotgun was holding on tight and upset with me as he thought I was playing a joke !.
We did not find out till later on the radio as to what was happening at that moment in time , looked at each other like deer in the headlights.....:shock:

10-09-2016, 01:50 PM
I was in bed but could not get to sleep awhile back when I heard this loud crack almost like a rifle, but different. Bed also shook once. Turns out it was an earthquake here north of Phoenix. Must not have awaken the neighbor as nobody else was outside and no lights came on. We do have an extinct volcano at the end of the neighborhood so maybe this is why the earth moved.

Bent Ramrod
10-09-2016, 02:23 PM
I remember waking up to the Landers quake when I lived in Ridgecrest. The side-to-side shaking got stronger as time went on, and seemed to go on for a long time. About the time I was thinking of getting out of bed and hiding under it, the shaking stopped.

Then I thought I had dreamed it, but got up to make sure my motorcycle hadn't fallen off its stand. When I got to the living room, I saw the chandelier swaying from side to side.

There seemed to be a spate of quakes in the early Nineties, and each one was followed in the news by the announcement of another, previously unknown, Fault. One was found very close to Ridgecrest, and we suddenly started getting a lot of tremors from that. They didn't last very long, but it felt and sounded like an express train was roaring past you.

People got very jumpy. If you bumped the side of somebody's Cubicle at Work, they'd practically launch out of their chairs.

10-09-2016, 04:25 PM
I remember the Northridge quake of '94. Had several mills, a bandsaw and couple of lathes that walked several inches across the floor in the studio machine shop. One Bridgeport moved 10 inches.

mold maker, I too would fit in in your neighborhood. In spite of living in Kali all my life, I despise the liberal mindset and have not fit in here for the last 40+ years.

10-09-2016, 09:15 PM
Close California friends of mine retired to Florida. They came back for a visit and said they wished they were back in earthquake country. You don't have any warning-- the quake comes and is over. In Hurricane country the press spends days talking about it and getting you worried, then days talking about it after it's over. They decided earthquakes were easier to deal with.

10-09-2016, 10:11 PM
Our house in Riverside shook quite a bit during the Landers quake. A few boulders were dropped into my favorite trout stream in the San Bernardino Mtns as well. Moved to Virginia 12 years ago and never expected to get any more quakes. Wrong! A few years ago we got a good one. The Kids were visiting from CA and we were all sitting in the family room when it happened. Afterwards my son-in-law said, "'bout a five...", and was correct...turned out to be a 4.9.

10-09-2016, 10:22 PM
My dad was one of the migrants from Oklahoma that moved to CA during the Great Depression. He moved to Bakersfield and started out working on farms and a dairy. When he visited his family back home, they asked if he wasn't afraid of the earthquakes. He just laughed. In Oklahoma, his family used to jump into the cellar several times a year, because of tornadoes. He said "If you want something to worry about, you can always find it."

I was at home in Oxnard when the 1971 Sylmar quake hit. It didn't do much in my area, but caused a lot of damage in Los Angeles County.
