View Full Version : Prayer request for friends wife

10-07-2016, 05:06 PM
I am requesting prayer for Darlene Meadows, Most of you remember I have requested prayer for her before. Darlene is 58 years old and has kidney failure due to diabetes, She won't go to dialysis anymore and has a lot of fluid build up. Darlene is in the hospital on a breathing machine and needs all the prayer she can get.

10-07-2016, 05:14 PM
Prayers sent

10-07-2016, 05:18 PM
Prayer sent.

10-07-2016, 07:05 PM
Prayers offered up

10-07-2016, 08:54 PM
Thank you USMC87 .

Lord please help Darlene and her family in this time of need and worry . Help Darlene through this with your healing , guide her medical team . Strengthen her family to work together in support of each other . Thank you Lord . Amen

Pine Baron
10-08-2016, 10:00 AM
Amen, Boaz.

big bore 99
10-08-2016, 10:18 AM
Prayers sent.

Preacher Jim
10-08-2016, 03:17 PM
Lord Darlene is in a situation that only your touch can help. Ease her pain and suffering, heal her if it is your will. Lord this is a problem doctors cannot fix and the family and friends are crying out to you for your grace and mercy

10-08-2016, 03:21 PM
lord darlene is in a situation that only your touch can help. Ease her pain and suffering, heal her if it is your will. Lord this is a problem doctors cannot fix and the family and friends are crying out to you for your grace and mercy


10-09-2016, 04:12 PM
USMC, I don't know what's going on with Darlene. I was on dialysis for a time, but was one of the few whose kidneys began working again, so I know how fortunate I am. If Darlene won't go to dialysis, I am afraid for her fate. It can cause excrutiating cramps if they take off a little too much fluids, and I can at least kind'a understand her sentiments. It's not something that many really know about or understand, but our prayers are still with her. I hope she's reconsidered and is back in dialysis again. It has given many folks another chance at life, and it's not nearly as bad as it once was. For a guy like me who's scared of needles (don't tell anyone this, OK?), it was no picnic, but I missed not being here by the skin of my teeth. My doc said he didn't understand why I didn't have a heart attack or stroke, my potassium level and other things were so tremendously high. That too was spared of me. I guess God just wasn't finished with me just yet.

Prayers still going up for her. Please let us know how it's going for her. It's a tough load to bear, but not insurmountable. God bless her and her loved ones, I pray.

10-09-2016, 04:14 PM
Prayers sent