View Full Version : The Northeast is in a drought. Please pray for us.

Wise Owl
10-06-2016, 10:23 AM
We up here in Northwestern Maine and the states surrounding us have had a very long spell of dry weather. Our rivers are drying up and our dug wells are mostly dry. Some still have a bit of water but not so you can waste any at all. Our neighbor's well dried up last week.

People I know in VT are in the same boat as are people in NH. We had very little snow last winter which didn't help. There are so many trees up here drinking the water also that it's a battle on who gets it when it falls.

We have a spring about 10 miles away but with our truck laid up, we can't even go there to get water till after tomorrow. And that is a tough way to have water.

Just please pray that we get a few good soaking rains before the frost comes and freezes everything up. We were hoping Matthew the hurricane would head north and give us a good soaking but that doesn't look like it will happen.

Prayers for us northerners.

God bless.

10-06-2016, 01:06 PM
I'll pray for you folks up thr just ha a 3 yer drought here in Texas .

10-06-2016, 01:55 PM
Praying hard for you and for us...we are burned clear out in So. California...where I live is just Baja with irrigation and when there is no water for irrigation and major rationing of water (several years now) we just let it all die...worst drought in decades..but it's going to go to raining and then we can complain about leaks in the roof that came due to the dry, hot weather...

10-09-2016, 04:56 PM
Drought is a FAR more critical thing than most will ever understand or give it credit for. We here in farming country have those from time to time, and here in the "Bible belt," it's common to have many and sustained prayer vigils for a break to the drought. Mostly, folks generally just think things will always be like they are when we're satisfied and well provided for. But it's never been that way for very long at a time. Thankfully, God had always provided that these periods are usually brief, and end before really serious damage is done.

Prayers up for you and those in your area. It's a much bigger thing than most realize.

10-09-2016, 05:24 PM
Hang in there, Prayers offered on all affected.

10-09-2016, 05:34 PM
Well, we *tried* to send Mathew your way, but the stink from the leftists in NY/NJ/MA was so bad that it escaped out to sea. Better luck next time... :(