View Full Version : Prayer requests

10-06-2016, 07:04 AM
We all need GOD's help in our lives . Prayer does help , our bible tells and encourages us to pray for one another seeking his help . I have asked for your help through prayer before and it was always given . It's an honor to serve and admission of faith to pray for another , we are instructed to do so in all things . If you have a need there are many here that want to serve through prayer for his intervention . . I'll say again we all have times we need his help . We have all seen prayer answered here in the Chapel by our Lord . I would thank all for the privilege to pray for them .

Pine Baron
10-06-2016, 08:32 AM
Yes, Boaz, it is a privilege to be honored to answer a call to prayer. I pray for you all daily. God is indeed good.

10-06-2016, 08:14 PM
We all need prayer daily and it is an honor to pray for all here and all the requests that are brought before us.

10-08-2016, 04:31 PM
Boaz, is this a thread to ask for prayers?

10-08-2016, 05:09 PM
You can if you feel the need to do so but it would be better to start a request thread , you would get more response . If you need help just let me know ! Thanks for asking .

10-08-2016, 05:10 PM
Thank you for all you do!

10-08-2016, 06:23 PM
Jr I am just one , there are many others here that would be glad to help also . Encouragement , friendship and serving are easy to find in the Chapel . Thank you !

10-09-2016, 04:06 PM
Amen, Boaz, and I think you and a couple more were instrumental in providing us this space on the site. We all owe you and the others a true vote of thanks for this Chapel. Please accept mine here. This place matters, and has already done good work. All we can do here is pray for each other, mostly, but that is the most powerful thing we have here. Thanks to all who were instrumental in providing this space, from Robert on down. It truly matters.

10-09-2016, 05:32 PM
I get a lot of unwarranted credit here , truth is I probably just talk too much . Chapel was here when I joined , it's a level field to pray , praise , encourage and enjoy each others fellowship in our faith and belief in the one true GOD . I feel much good has been done here , I have seen it .
I have been sad lately that there hasn't been as much activity in the Chapel and then 'it' happened a few days ago ! People started posting again with 'needs' , requests for prayer and help . Members of the forum were back on point in a second praying and encouraging ready to help best they could . All it took was someone with a sick family member , a death , personal trouble .....a need ... and you folks sprang into action . I truly believe GOD is using this place to help others and us at the same time . All it takes is a need . Praise GOD !

10-10-2016, 12:59 PM
Well, then, just accept my thanks for your "Thank you for today" posts, in particular. Until folks have truly faced the reality that this life isn't forever, they really can't appreciate today like we should. So many great and faithful folks here! So many thanks needed and warranted. Let me just thank everyone who posts here, from the regulars to the occasional posters, for what you do here. It matters, and it matters an awful lot. Robert really gave us a great gift in providing this section for us all.

We tend to follow where our eyes are aimed, and starting our day here, and checking in as often as possible, keeps our eyes pointed in the right direction, and helps keep us mindful of the things that matter most. Thanks to God for letting us have this place, and so very much more.

10-10-2016, 01:08 PM
Boaz, I agree with you on the value of this forum and the purpose it serves. Praise GOD for it and the committed members that come here and check daily for a need that is posted.