View Full Version : 45 Colts BlackHawk spare Cylinders

10-04-2016, 11:15 PM
I've had the Colts marked BH for 10 yr and finally found an ACP cylinder that fit it and lined up . The catch is that I had a second ACP cylinder that while otherwise perfect also was .004 too short . With a gunsmith guided shim prepared the end play is gone and so I have a spare ACP cylinder .

What to do with the spare ? Well I would certainly make the headspace a little tight for the shimmed cylinder . Then again I can cut the brass any length I want it . There are about 15 available 45 reamers .
Recessed rims have potential here as the ACP cylinder fits all but flush rim to cylinder . I could cut it for a Schofield rim and Colts length with a very minimal step and shoot Colts to Cowboys .
As an alternative I could forget that because the Colts cylinder will do that anyway.

So let's get crazy . What's your favorite rimless 45 . Rolland , Mag , deep ream to get a 1.285 to meet the minimum case length for Nv Big game hunting.

10-05-2016, 09:54 AM
I own several Ruger 45 convertibles. None have been modified to shoot anything other than the Colt or the ACP calibers. I'm no help. BUT,,,,,,,,,,, many folks look for a spare cylinder to fit their Rugers to make them a convertible.

10-05-2016, 10:29 AM
I "got" a spare .45 ACP cylinder that fit my medium frame New Vaquero like it was factory fitted, and I wasted no time converting it to .45 Schofield. I wanted to better utilize the tier 2 or .45 ACP+P pressure ceiling of 23,000psi the gun is rated for and thought the smaller case would raise load density and reduce spread which it did marvelously, even at target loads with light booliits.

Pretty much using a rimmed case will let you use whatever boolit style and whatever crimp you want to which is a distinct advantage over the .45 ACP case which must headspace on the case mouth.

All said I was able to have real consistent mouse fart target loads, and to also get a 250gr RF to 1200fps with the Schofield case, and still remain under 23,000psi pressures. I am no fan of shooting a shorty boolit in a chamber with unsupported freebore in front of the boolit before it gets to the cylinder throat so reaming the .45 ACP to .45 Schofield eliminates that.

Note the slight but relevant differences in the cylinder throats, 45 Schofield on left, 45 Colt on right:

http://i1202.photobucket.com/albums/bb374/DougGuy/Blued%20NM%20Vaquero/DSC05100crop758_zpsbummbp5i.jpg (http://s1202.photobucket.com/user/DougGuy/media/Blued%20NM%20Vaquero/DSC05100crop758_zpsbummbp5i.jpg.html)

Boolits from 150gr to 250gr:

http://i1202.photobucket.com/albums/bb374/DougGuy/Blued%20NM%20Vaquero/DSC05122%20Custom_zpshelwopnb.jpg (http://s1202.photobucket.com/user/DougGuy/media/Blued%20NM%20Vaquero/DSC05122%20Custom_zpshelwopnb.jpg.html)

10-05-2016, 10:34 AM
As a sad afterthought, if the boy king's executive order of 7-22-2016 has the weight of the law behind it, nothing can be done with the .45 ACP cylinder as far as rechambering, nor could you "add" it to a non-convertible revolver after this date because this would fall firmly into the description of "manufacturing" as outlined in the order. You would be adding functionality and enhancements the firearm did not previously have.

I did my conversion in the month before the poison pen was put to the paper, and was wanting to offer this conversion to others who wanted to get into the 45 Schofield in a Ruger single action but as of now this is on hold until we get either clarification of it being law, or get it clarified that simple gunsmithing processes like this are NOT manufacturing and don't need a $2250.00 "fee" paid to the federal extortion bureau.

10-05-2016, 10:43 AM
I suppose I could sell it but ,I gave $70 for the short 1 and $20 for the drop in so the money is spent and the parts are on hand . The perfect fit ACP cylinder also plays nice with the 1937 Smith ammo and the other way . It happens that I have a couple 100 Schofield cases also .

Troop on more feed back please .

10-05-2016, 10:45 AM
The parts all predate that date in my possession and fitted .........

Decoy anchor I guess .

10-05-2016, 02:36 PM
I have run standard 45 ACP in my blackhawk, then 45 super, now 460 Rowland. I dont run the Rowland at max, but even min load data w a 200gr XTP is 1400fps. Being a revolver gives more bullet options, stuff that would never cycle in a 1911. Just not seen any heavy cast data for the Rowland.

I would not mess with another rimmed 45, it already has a colt cylinder. It can be downloaded pretty easy. Only other rimmed 45 brass I have is autorim for an hand eject, but not supposed to load it hot.

10-05-2016, 02:43 PM
Having a 1.7 inch cylinder does ease up the seating depths some .