View Full Version : Prayers please for the East Coast members

10-04-2016, 05:03 PM
It's looking like Matthew will be my first hurry-cane since moving to Florida. I subscribe to the Garp ("The World According to Garp" (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_World_According_to_Garp), great book if you never read it. My analogy stems from the house Garp was going to buy. While he and his wife were looking at it, a plane sputtered, and crashed into the house. He exclaimed, "I'll take it!". He cited the statistics that it could never happen again) rule: My house was already wiped out (completely) by Hurricane Charley in 2004.

Depending on the final path (only God has His hand on the path), this storm has the potential to affect the entire East Coast of the US, including Florida.

CastBoolits has many members in harms way. I'd ask that you include them all in your daily prayers.


His humble servant,

10-04-2016, 05:38 PM
Hey Duke...been there with the hurricanes before in 60's Houston...but, down where you are on that big 'sandbar' of a state you better consider 'rising water' and it can get higher than a two story house. Those winds push an incredible amount of water ashore ahead of it and flood far and wide...after it's passed, watch out for snakes they are always found where you least expect...those critters never drown!

My prayers are with you bud!


10-04-2016, 05:49 PM
Dear Lord.... Please give Mercy to those in Harm's Way... Bless Us All.. Amen

And OS OK... I told everyone about all the drowned frogs after one particular harsh downpour...


10-04-2016, 05:53 PM
My Gramma used to say..."Boy, that was a real frog strangler!"...after a good rainstorm.

10-04-2016, 06:34 PM
GOD bless you all down there , be ready to get out of harm's way .

10-04-2016, 07:04 PM
Stay safe. I've road to a few living here in south east Texas.

10-04-2016, 07:36 PM
Watching a hurricane is a very humbling experience , kind of makes you realize just how helpless we are in the big picture ,

10-04-2016, 07:37 PM
Just heard in on the radio coming from work . Take care , fort up . Praying for you and all in it's path . GOD bless .

10-04-2016, 07:39 PM
Watching a hurricane is a very humbling experience , kind of makes you realize just how helpless we are in the big picture ,

Been in a few tornados , I agree .

10-04-2016, 07:43 PM
Been in a few tornados , I agree .their the sneaky one's .

10-05-2016, 09:44 AM
I'm 50 mi. inland, which is good. The question is, whether it's "good enough!" Watching it closely, and praying it hits us at a minimal level of force. We haven't had a real, honest hurricane hit us in this area for over 100 years now, and I fear many just don't realize what a real hurricane truly is. I went through two typhoons on a Navy ship at sea. I will NEVER forget that, or what they can do! I was one of the few on the whole ship who didn't get seasick, but I got so "high" that I could have floated above the water all the way home, I think! Was in the bridge because I wasn't seasick on the helm, and when the full bird Capt. (rare in the amphib Navy) turned to the OD and said, "We've got to get straightened out or we could capsize," I really did NOT appreciate hearing that! Any force of nature that could take a 355' steel Navy ship, and flip it over, is WAY too powerful for mere men to fight! I'll be heading to Macon to shelter with a friend, if it comes this way and appears likely to give us really heavy winds. The best way to fight a big battle is to simply not be there! Once a person sees what a real hurricane can do, they're forever humbled after that. I'll hate leaving some stuff here to God's grace, but I'll be VERY thankful for friends who will shelter me if needs be. Needed to visit them again, anyway.

Y'all batten down the hatches if you're in its path. This one looks like it's gonna' be a BIG one!

10-05-2016, 03:38 PM
Let us know how your doing when it's safe .

10-05-2016, 04:22 PM
I'm anticipating lack of electricity for a few days. Daughter in law works with Ga. Power and they have crews to come in wherever bad things happen, and get most things fixed pretty quickly. She's on one of those teams as a "supervisor" of sorts, and gofer when needed. Lets the technicians keep plugging away at the real problems. And she's a real trooper, and loves her work, and she's good at it. Very capable gal. May not have internet or cell service for a while, too, but we'll get through it somehow - possibly mainly because I won't be here, thankfully. I've had all I want of hurricanes! Can't stop them, but I CAN get out of the way. Whatever damage is done, is just done, and we'll deal with it as best we can. Nobody said life would be easy, did they? Just another reminder of the true power of God. A hurricane is just a whisper for him.

Sometimes, we need things like this to keep us humble, so we CAN perceive God's will for us, and if we'll give it a whirl, His reasons and purposes. And if there's anything this country needs now, it's probably a good humbling? Thanks for the well wishing. These things are tough, but humanity as a whole, at its best, is tougher.

When Hurricane (?) came through in nearby SC, I and a bunch from my lodge went over one weekend to give a hand at cleaning up. One of the leaders of the Lodge over there in Monk's Corner identified some folks who were in real need, and one of those was a very elcerly couple. The woman was in a wheel chair, and the only way she could get out of the house was the ramp by the garage that some folks had helped them build. They were apprehensive about the traffic leaving there, and decided to stay and ride it out. Their roof blew partially open and was leaking, and they thought hell had come for them! They were scared to death as what sounded like a freight train roared all around them, blowing out windows, and all sorts of things. She fell out of her wheel chair, and he wasn't able to get her up and back in it, so they both wound up on the floor. To keep warm, they wrapped the rug around them for some semblance of warmth retention, and were actually surprised, I think, when they survived it all. When we got the roof temporarily leak proofed, and the garage detached so she had access to the ramp, the man came to us with tears in his eyes, and tried to give us $50 or $100, can't remember which, but we all insisted he kept it. So many scavengers had come in and were charging exorbitant prices that he couldn't believe we'd done it all for free. It was a very touching experience. I hope the Lord remembers this and sends some grace our way here. But whatever comes, we and the Lord will handle it. It's really all any of us CAN do in this life. As Sonny and Cher said, "the beat goes on," no matter what happens, and sometimes, we find sharp detours in our paths, before we get to our destination. Trust God, and something good always comes from it. I just hope I don't have anything big to talk about after it passes! I'm lazy, and cleanup isn't my long suite any more!

10-05-2016, 04:25 PM
My sons boat the IWO just weighed anchors so it must gonna be a good one . Keep your head down and your powder dry .

10-05-2016, 05:47 PM
Prayin' for all of you in Matthew's path.

10-05-2016, 06:16 PM
Father, watch over all who are in the path of this hurricane, and keep them safe. In Jesus' name, Amen


10-05-2016, 06:35 PM
I'm east of I-95 in Jax Fl, less than 10 mile inland. Waching it closely ; )

10-05-2016, 09:14 PM
Our most kind and gracious Heavenly Father, We come before Your high and holy Throne bringing all those who are in the path of fury for the coming hurricane. We ask that You will spare life and property according to Your will and purpose, We know that there will be times coming that will be hard to bear for some. We ask that we will all see Your grace and mercy displayed in all our lives during this storm, We ask that You receive all honor and glory. In Jesus name we pray, Amen!

10-06-2016, 06:38 AM
I pray for everyone in this area to take it serious and protect them selves. We grabbed our dogs and left St. Augustine and went to west coast of Florida. My brother in Martin county has been thru 3 storms in 2004/2005. He boarded up and went to Tampa.

10-06-2016, 06:01 PM
My company had drivers loading up and heading to Jacksonville, FL as late as 1300 today to try and make it home. It will be a tight fit to get there before the storm reaches them.

God Bless all in the way of the storm

10-08-2016, 07:43 PM
I'll take it as a sign from God, and the power of prayer. Homes all around me were pounded by hurricane Matthew. Roofs gone, sides blown out, staggering amounts of damage.

My home, while surrounded by the chaos, is totally unharmed. Power is still out at this time, in posting via cell phone. But, everything is fine with my home. Hope our other east coast members also did as well.

Thank you for all the prayers.

Praise the Lord.

10-09-2016, 04:03 PM
The grace of God indeed! These things provide lots of insights into God's ways, and His will for us all. I'm so glad he smiled on you and yours. Still waiting to hear from Hogdaddy, anybody had contact with him?

10-09-2016, 04:28 PM
Glad that you we spared...Duke.

Praise the LORD.