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View Full Version : Exporting pistol barrel?

10-03-2016, 11:38 PM
Sorry guys, i have no idea where to post this question so please move it if required.

Long story short, but i have bulged/cracked the barrel of my IPSC gun. I can't get a replacement schuemann barrel locally, so i have no choice but to try and get it from the USA. The slide has been machined to accept the barrel with integrated exhaust ports for the compensator, so i can't really use a different one.

I have a friend that is attending an ICORE comp later this month in the USA, he is happy to bring it back with him, with some other goodies, magazines, sights etc. All the local paper work is in order for importation, but i have read things that you need export licenses for it to leave the country, possibly the magazines and sights too.

The manufacturer will not ship to non US addresses, which is fine, it can be picked up but we need permission for it to go over the pond.

Does anyone know what is involved? He already has a temporary import/export permit for his revolver and ammo from the ATF. I'd like to think it can't be too hard, but government departments......

I have emailed the state department for guidance of what to do next, hopefully they will help me too.

10-04-2016, 02:01 AM
I know ITAR covers gun parts, but I believe there's a floor of $100. I'm not sure if your barrel falls under that. Otherwise, your best bet will be to contact an exporter and have them do the hard work.

10-04-2016, 05:56 AM
Sadly it is more than that, around the $330 USD mark.

From the information if have found on an exporter, the fees may exceed the value of the barrel :(

If i can get a barrel, my gunsmith wanted some too as they simply can't be bought over here. They make things so difficult some times.

10-04-2016, 02:37 PM
well they don't want you to have them only slightly more than they don't want us to have them.
I don't know if 'spare parts' are claimable or not....

10-04-2016, 02:49 PM
Are you sure it's a pistol barrel or is it 'Steel Tubing'?

10-04-2016, 03:37 PM
There was once a time when "steel tubing" was kind'a overlooked, but those days may well be over, and ultimately, even now, it probably depends on who inspects it (IF it's inspected?) before being shipped over, and on receipt there as well. As Beretta used to say, and he ought'a know because he's still behind bars, I think, "Don't do the crime if you can't do the time." This isn't helpful or promising, I know, but it's still applicable, IMO.

There was once a time when every other country boy around here had an AR-15 with an auto sear so they could burn up their barrels and have a little fun. Then one got caught with a full auto M-16 stolen from the Army, and barely escaped jail himself by turning state's evidence and helping break up a ring of thieves that was operating out of a nearby military base. Many auto sears got tossed in the river, buried, and some were given a battery acid bath.

So with anything questionable, it'll always be a matter of personal judgment, and only the results, good or bad, really wind up being called "good" or "bad." I'm old enough I don't want to do time, so ... I try hard to "keep my nose clean." It's maddening, I know, but I suspect in England, it'd be a "major" offense to try to "sneak" a new barrel into the country. I don't KNOW that, but inferring from much else that seems related, I wouldn't try it myself. YMMV. Is a gun worth doing time for for what's really nothing? A maddening question for SURE, but still .... valid here, I think. I'd have an importer do it, if they can and will. That might take several attempts with a number of importers to find one who'll do it.

I and a friend wound up shipping some musical equip. to formerly communist East Germany once, and it was the heavy, bulky kind, and it took a while, but we found a way to do it. Nearby Savannah is a big port city, so that helped. But another old saying applies: "Where there's a will, there's a way." It's mostly a matter, in this case, of wading through all the mud, and jumping through some hoops that really shouldn't ever be there, but ARE, that will determine whether you get your new barrel(s) or not, I believe.

Not what you want to hear, I know, but .... I think it's the only "rational" way to go in the environment we find ourselves captive in now. Just my 2 cents' worth, anyway.

10-04-2016, 04:17 PM
hehe, i like the idea of steel tubing :) but yeah, these days they do know better, I really don't want to upset the boys in blue and receive a knock on the door or my mad mate having the same issues. Over here they just don't want us to have them, but the law (currently) says we are allowed to for sporting use only.

I totally agree, i'm not doing anything illegal, and i'm not going to ask my friend to do so either, he wouldn't anyway. I am going to keep asking around to see what is required, i got a response from homeland, but that was a 25 page PDF for ITAR :( so i have some reading to do to see what i need to do.

10-04-2016, 04:30 PM
So can a barrel blank be exported and rifled/chambered locally? For that matter, are 80% receivers able to be exported?

10-04-2016, 04:36 PM
I wonder if being semi-finished if it would be excluded or not, i'm sure they would find a way to still keep it on the banned list. The issue then would be finding someone to do the finishing of the barrel over here. I only know of one place that makes barrels, i don't know how they could stay in business either, there can't be that much of a demand over here.

10-04-2016, 07:28 PM
Can you get a std barrel as replacement? Nothing hurt by running a std bbl in a ported slide.
Unfortunately the anti terror laws are affecting the law abiding folks as well. Way too expensive & time hassle to ship most anything gun related out of the country anymore. Not that I would do this, but if you travel to another country with your gear legally & some of it gets lost along the way, stuff happens??

10-04-2016, 07:44 PM
It could be converted back to standard, but it is all setup for open class, so i do want to keep it that way. I'd get my butt kicked if i went back to standard :)

I bet the anti-terror laws cause havoc over there, they are bad enough over here with restrictions.

People "lost" guns when the laws changed years ago banning semi-auto rifles. There was no proof they were not lost, but how to the prove it?

10-05-2016, 12:42 PM
You guys over there have to be real troopers! I really admire you who keep shooting, despite the idiotic laws they pass, and all the hoops you have to jump through. You have my respect and sympathy. If Hillary goes in over here, I fear we'll be in the same boat very quickly. Keep up the good work, my friend.

10-05-2016, 03:57 PM
The laws have gone too far on some things, at first, the changes really hurt a lot of people. I think most have gotten over it, so it's not too bad now with what we can own and what we need to do to keep it.

I miss my .45, but my .38 super shoots flatter and hits just as hard. It's been that long since i shot it, i really don't remember :(

We do what we can within the boundaries we are given, it's our right to be able to own and shoot firearms, so we will do so for as long as we can.

Yeah, I'm not looking forward to what will happen if hillary gets in....... From the limited things i hear about it, they keep trying to implement more and more restrictions.

Greg S
10-05-2016, 04:13 PM
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