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10-02-2016, 06:35 AM
The "Harvest of the Spirit"

Galatians 5:13-26 "The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control." (vv.22-23)

We begin today a detailed study of the fruit of the Spirit — the nine ingredients which go to make up Christian character. These nine qualities are the natural outcome of the Holy Spirit’s indwelling — not a manufactured one. When Paul speaks of the manifestations of the flesh, he describes them as "works," but when speaking of the manifestations of the Spirit, he describes them as "fruit." "Works" suggests something that is an effort: "fruit" suggests something that is effortless. Some translations use the term "harvest of the Spirit" rather than "fruit of the Spirit," pointing to the finished product, the outcome. Most people, myself included, prefer the word "fruit" to "harvest," but there is a special truth locked up in the word "harvest" that we must not miss. You see, it is what we finally reap as the result of an attitude or course of action that is important. What happens along the way, such as good feelings, are part of the Spirit’s purpose but not the greatest part. It is the end result that matters.

And what is that end result? It is a quality of being. Jesus once said: "Love your enemies, do good … and your reward will be great … you will be sons of the Highest"(Luke 6:35, NKJV). Note the phrase, "you will be." The reward is more than just having — it is being. Remember, the goodness or badness of an act is determined, not just by what it does to others but by what it does to you. So having the Holy Spirit within us is not just being the recipient of pleasurable emotions

10-02-2016, 09:52 AM
Thanks again today, RL. So many folks today just aren't focused on differentiating things, even the "good" from the "bad," unless it impinges on their emotions. But it's the intellect that sorts things out for us so we can understand them, and profit from that understanding, and separating the flesh and spirt, works and fruit, ,are consequently very hard for most to "get." This makes it as simple and clear as anything I've ever seen or heard, and it's short enough that maybe some will actually listen closely enough to actually hear it. Stealing this one also. Thank you!