View Full Version : Satan is very busy

09-30-2016, 06:01 AM
Church of Satan is busy these days . Members running for political office , they are coming out of the dark places to promote Satan and denounce GOD . I'll post a few links but there are many more news stories and Satanic sites if you want to find out whats going on .

My church sponsors a ..Good News Club ...at a local elementary school in a bad neighborhood . Kids stay after school to attend . It is voluntary with parental consent , they do craft projects , are given help with school work and told about GOD . The parents usually consent because it's free babysitting for them . In most cases these kids would never learn of GOD and the offer of salvation at home .

There is a local Satanic group that has announced that they may start a similar program , they have a legal right to do so . Satan's followers have a target rich environment to take advantage of out there , we truly live in troubled times . I implore you to pray on this , if it grows it will ...




09-30-2016, 08:45 AM
Satan clubs for after school seem to be the new in thing.

In today's political climate I doubt much can be done against them directly.

Pine Baron
09-30-2016, 08:52 AM
This is so disturbing on a level beyond tolerance. God please save us from ourselves.

smoked turkey
09-30-2016, 10:31 AM
We have two schools in our area that our church is involved with and it is also The Good News Club. The exact thing is happening here. We are praying. This battle is real and Ephesians 6:12 is very appropriate here-"For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."
There is a battle going on above us and our adversary the devil is going about seeking whom he may devour. Prayer is our most powerful weapon. We know who will ultimately win this conflict but it still takes our being engaged in this battle.

09-30-2016, 11:31 AM
........................There is a battle going on above us and our adversary the devil is going about seeking whom he may devour. Prayer is our most powerful weapon. We know who will ultimately win this conflict but it still takes our being engaged in this battle.

Can you be sure who will ultimately win if ultimate victory requires "our being engaged?"


09-30-2016, 06:05 PM
When Satanists get THAT bold, I think it's a clearcut clue that there's something wrong at the heart of this once great land! It was brought to us through liberalism, and its insistence on EVERYONE having a say. This is clearly in opposition to what Christ decreed to be just and beneficial! I cannot believe how my beloved country has sunk as low as it has! God help us!

09-30-2016, 06:17 PM
Satan has no need to hide anymore look how many people pay the cable companies to pipe his work into their homes for the whole family just to point out one of many

09-30-2016, 08:33 PM
Satan has no need to hide anymore look how many people pay the cable companies to pipe his work into their homes for the whole family just to point out one of many

Agreed RP . Severed the cable 8 years ago when I saw the GENDER IDENTITY HOTLINE infomercial come on while my 9 year old daughter was watching nickelodeon . We only have regular tv and Netflix. Parents will sacrifice the kids to get to watch what THEY want to .

09-30-2016, 08:58 PM
When Satanists get THAT bold, I think it's a clearcut clue that there's something wrong at the heart of this once great land! It was brought to us through liberalism, and its insistence on EVERYONE having a say. This is clearly in opposition to what Christ decreed to be just and beneficial! I cannot believe how my beloved country has sunk as low as it has! God help us!

Satan has been at work since the Garden of Eden. The farther a country gets away from GOD, the deeper into Satan's territory they get. It was prophesied in the 1930's that by the mid '50's, this country would either turn totally to GOD or totally away from HIM. Easy to see which way it went.
All the prophesies written about the future times are here and now. Read and see. We are living in the last days. The only real question is this: Are you in right standing with the Lord JESUS ?
HE calls for HIS people to be walking in Holiness and Righteousness. You either are or are not.

Preacher Jim
10-01-2016, 02:55 PM
Well stated hipshot