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View Full Version : Cursed with gun purchases lately!

09-30-2016, 01:27 AM
I haven't bought a firearm since living in Idaho three years ago. Bought a house just over the border in Washington 2 years ago and finally got back on my feet enough to start adding to my collection again.

I've purchased three guns in the past two months and there has been an issue with the purchase of every single stinking one of them...

The first one was a Ruger Blackhawk that I bought online from a major distributor and had shipped to a local FFL. Took two weeks for it arrive and another week for the FFL to accept the package (full-time deputy so not home often), then another 2 days for the sheriff's office to OK the sale and run the background check.

Next gun was a S&W Shield that I bought at a gun shop in Idaho, who then had to send it to an FFL in Washington so they could process the paperwork. Two days for it to get 8 miles, then filled out the paperwork and the sheriff's office then took four days to OK it. Got the pistol finally and took it to the range to discover the barrel wasn't machined right so sent it back to S&W two weeks ago.

Today, I'm at the Idaho LGS and see they have a special on a Ruger AR556 for $599. I ask the guy since I'm a Washington subject, what is involved with buying a rifle. Just fill out the form, they call it in, and I leave with the rifle. Cool.

Fill out the form, pick out some other stuff I need, and ten minutes later, learn my approval is on hold.


I was told that maybe it was due to the large number of guns that people have been buying lately. Guy told me that I should be able to pick it up no later than October 4th, if I don't get denied... Guy standing next to me bought a hunting rifle of some sort and his went right through. ***??

So, what would have been a pleasant experience for a normal person has turned into another delay for me. I swear I am cursed...

I know for a lot of you guys who live in even more communist controlled states that my delays don't seem like a big deal, but I grew up in Idaho where buying a gun means taking it home that same day. Thought by buying a rifle in Idaho, that it would be a painless process. I was wrong.

09-30-2016, 04:16 AM
Good luck with that... I get put on delay every gun I buy. Has been that way since I was 18 and what ever flags it don't go away and you don't get an explanation why.

09-30-2016, 05:15 AM
That is why I really love having a concealed carry permit. They don't have to run back round checks, just fill out the paperwork and take it home with me right then. Worth the money for the permit in the headache it saves.

09-30-2016, 05:30 AM
:goodpost:Yep, this! 15 minutes tops, and I'm out the door with my new purchase. :Fire:

edit: picked up my new Colt later this same day.... maybe 7 minutes on that one, and I was in the truck on the way home with it. :mrgreen:

09-30-2016, 05:31 AM
Same here in NC LEAHOPPER. I've bought two of those same guns in the last 3 weeks, ( SBH & the M& P shield) . Walked out in 5 mins with the guns. Bought a rifle in DC and had to edit for the background check because I was out if state. The ccw makes it so much easier

09-30-2016, 07:45 AM
The one or two times I put my SSN on the form I got delayed. I quit doing that and haven't been delayed since.

09-30-2016, 09:39 AM
bought a 7 mm mag savage in spokane in august with out any diff. payed for it and filled out a sheet of paper and took it back to nebraska with me. looked at guns in idaho but didnt buy any. lot of guns for sale in spokane.

09-30-2016, 09:43 AM

I live in Pennsylvania. The Instant Check system has worked pretty well for me over the years...most times they call in the info and I am out the door gun in hand within 5 minutes.

The system was down one time several years ago...some kind of technical issue. The gun shop called me about two hours later to come pick up my gun.
I think the system works about as well as can be expected.

The previous system where I just showed my carry permit was even better.

Ideal would be where I didn't need to have a carry permit or some government entity's permission to buy or carry a firearm.

mold maker
09-30-2016, 10:00 AM
A CCW gets rid of a lot of aggravation and red tape. Just be sure to immediately inform LE of the permit and if your carrying.

09-30-2016, 10:37 AM
I have been seeing a lot of delay's recently.
and then no delay's.
I don't know what's up with the system but it has been screwy recently.
the whole thing was down last Tuesday, and the computer system they installed is more broken than working.
when that's jacked up calling them seems to take forever [like 2 hours] and many shops just tell you to come back later.

09-30-2016, 10:40 AM
No help having CCW here. Last purchase was held up for about 18 hours. Never a problem before that. Will see what happens next time.

tomme boy
09-30-2016, 11:02 AM
I never put my SS # down. I never have been delayed. It has been 4 years since I last bought a new gun that needed to be called in. I try not to go to stores that will not honor my carry permit

09-30-2016, 11:08 AM
I know for a lot of you guys who live in even more communist controlled states that my delays don't seem like a big deal, but I grew up in Idaho where buying a gun means taking it home that same day. Thought by buying a rifle in Idaho, that it would be a painless process. I was wrong.

For anyone who recognizes the freedoms which have been lost, it's always a big deal.

09-30-2016, 03:25 PM
I got delayed for 9 purchases in a row. Go back the next day, same thing. Then another dealer told me they just need to do a further review, and you just wait on the line for another few minutes and it almost always comes back. I tried it on my next purchase, and that was exactly how it worked. My regular shop would just hang up if it didn't go right through. :(

09-30-2016, 04:03 PM
I lived in Arizona for 7 years, then moved back to Idaho for a couple of years. Had a CCW in AZ then they went to constitutional carry and I didn't renew it. Moved back to Idaho and couldn't afford one after my divorce.

Got back on my feet and bought a house in WA. Have been trying to get a CCW for three years. Every one tells me how easy it is, but for some reason, it never works out for me.

When I lived in Idaho, most folks got a WA permit. I would go to the Pullman PD before I started work and would be told that the person who does fingerprinting for CCW isn't there. Or the computer is down that has the software on it for CCW, or nobody is there that knows the process, etc, etc.

You have to pay $55 in cash and I never have cash. So I would have to stop by an ATM and get cash before then going to the local PD and getting another excuse for why they can't do my CCW.

Then I bought a house in Palouse and the law states that either your local PD or the county SO has to issue your CCW. With a three man department split between two small towns, it has been impossible. First they said their software wasn't updated for CCW so I waited a couple of months, then I stopped by two weeks ago and the guy said he had the software updated but then couldn't find the forms. Took my number and said the Chief would call me when he found the forms. That was two weeks ago.

So, I need to drive 30 miles out of my way to the county seat to try and get a CCW there. Like anything in government these days, it is a part-time job to get something done. I just need to dedicate myself to getting it done ASAP.

09-30-2016, 09:20 PM
No problems for me. My name is Kermit L Workman. Thru google there is one person by that name in the US.

09-30-2016, 09:37 PM
So where's the curse ? Different states take different time to process and sometimes even good people get delayed... Doesn't have anything to do with you...

10-02-2016, 10:42 AM
That is why I really love having a concealed carry permit. They don't have to run back round checks, just fill out the paperwork and take it home with me right then. Worth the money for the permit in the headache it saves.

I have been puting off!!!! filling out my paper work for my conceal carry. Yesterday i was put on delay on a gun purchase and this makes about four times in the last three years this has happened. I think it's about time to get my permit again..You would think a SS number would clear up any issues that might pop up.( Last carry permit i had was in the 80's)

10-02-2016, 11:51 AM
I have been puting off!!!! filling out my paper work for my conceal carry. Yesterday i was put on delay on a gun purchase and this makes about four times in the last three years this has happened. I think it's about time to get my permit again..You would think a SS number would clear up any issues that might pop up.( Last carry permit i had was in the 80's)

The SS number seems to cause more problems than it solves for me on the 4473 form. Born in Maine and the number starts with 00. It was even an issue on my security clearance paperwork as the electronic form kept deleting the leading zeros.

The Idaho permit is getting better, but still has issues:

1. Issued by the county sheriff. Sheriff is an elected office, so your difficulty in getting a permit can vary depending on where in Idaho you live and the persuasion of the current sheriff. Clarification on the State "shall issue" position has helped, but expect bogus excuses from liberal sheriffs.

2. Two different permits. Standard permits require little more than hunter's safety course and can be obtained by any resident 18 or older. Enhanced permit requires a class and range time and is only available to residents 21 and older.

3. Contitutional carry. Idaho has it (good) no one understands it (bad). The wording in the Idaho constitution is vague. There are different rules for inside and outside city limits, and inconsistent use of "over 18" vs. "18 and older".

To the OP, the solution may be to move back to Idaho ASAP. We need more folks who understand how important it is to maintain and reclaim our rights.

10-02-2016, 12:08 PM
I've been delayed before. Approved next day.

I have since went and got my CWP and I can get my firearm as fast as I can fill out the form and pay. No red tape no bureaucracy. Life's better that way.

10-02-2016, 04:45 PM
Just this june Idaho changed their cc rules June 28,2016 to be exact. It now states "BOISE – Starting Friday, Idaho will become the eighth state in the nation to allow most residents age 21 or older to carry concealed guns without a permit – even inside cities, in bars and in most government buildings."
source: http://www.spokesman.com/stories/2016/jun/28/heres-who-can-carry-a-concealed-gun-in-idaho-start/

10-02-2016, 05:02 PM
Just this june Idaho changed their cc rules June 28,2016 to be exact. It now states "BOISE – Starting Friday, Idaho will become the eighth state in the nation to allow most residents age 21 or older to carry concealed guns without a permit – even inside cities, in bars and in most government buildings."
source: http://www.spokesman.com/stories/2016/jun/28/heres-who-can-carry-a-concealed-gun-in-idaho-start/

The change took effect July 1st of this year and as with most constitutional carry states, nothing really happened. Contrary to liberal propaganda, there wasn't bloodshed in the streets, shootouts at Dairy Queen, or anything at all noteworthy after the change. A few folks jumped the gun (pardon the pun) and started carrying early w/o a permit, but even those folks were let off with a warning and "wait for July 1st."

It is also worth mentioning that the new laws included provisions to prevent city governments from enacting stricter gun control laws, worthy protection for people in more liberal parts of the state.

10-02-2016, 05:16 PM
Nobody need look to me for synpathy on this one! Had a truck repair that thankfully didn't turn out too bad, then made a political contribution as generously as I figured I was able, and THEN went to the LGS and .... yep! You guessed it! Found a gun I just HAD to have. Got a Beretta AL-390 "Silver Mallard" (whatever that means?) in 20 ga. with fairly nice wood stock, cut checkering, etc. and got it for $450 plus taxes. I just couldn't pass it up.

So .... you won't find me in the S&S section for a while! Don't have anything I want to part with, and SURELY don't need to buy anything more for a bit!

So boys, things are tough all over! Get used to it. A gun nut's life ain't easy, but it IS lots of fun and full of satisfactions, even if also full of trials and sorrows when we can't "have 'em all!" Would that it could be so, but even if it was, would that really help, or just make us jaded? I somehow sense that it's good for us to NOT always be able to get everything we want. Just makes us appreciate what we have a little more. That's all I can make of it, anyway. YMMV.

10-02-2016, 05:25 PM
I was living in AZ when they also passed constitutional carry. The same hysterical liberal arguments were made that there would be bloodshed in the streets. Then they allowed it in bars, then on campus. Every time, the libs went bat-poop crazy and every time, nothing happened...

10-02-2016, 10:11 PM
A man I worked with years ago was called upon by two agents from the ATF after he purchased 35 handguns in a month. When he asked if he had broken any laws they had to admit he did not and left.

10-03-2016, 01:37 AM
A man I worked with years ago was called upon by two agents from the ATF after he purchased 35 handguns in a month. When he asked if he had broken any laws they had to admit he did not and left.
If I win the lottery, I suspect I'll get the same visit...