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09-27-2016, 07:38 PM
How much should we not use GOD's name ? How much should we not use the name of GOD ?

Can be a tricky question and would depend on the situational circumstances , who your dealing with , past history of the relationship , Your knowledge and understanding of the person , persons or even group of people . I'll tell a couple of stories that are true .

My best friend in high school was named Robert . His family was Catholic , 11 brothers and sisters , lived in a 3 bedroom house. His family was a fascination for me with so many members coming and going . I had one sister so our house was calm compared to his . He loved to come to my family's house , lol . Robert was a steadfast friend .

We more or less broke in roughnecking on drilling rigs together , both came from poor families and oilfield wages were good for the times . He broke me in working the derrick though he hadn't had that much experience at the time. After high school we maintained our friendship .

Robert broke his arm on a rig , no need to go into detail . I was at his house one day while he couldn't work and his sister came over . While we sat outside she come down on him and said GOD was punishing him by breaking his arm because he worked 7 days a week and had not attended church regular . End of story .

Next story ;

Had a rig mechanic field service in the late 70's , lol called it....GO-RILLA RIG REPAIR . Just thought you might get a laugh out of that . Bought parts off a really big oilfield supply store , owner was a gripy , mean old man named Bill . Only thing we had in common was a love of duck and goose hunting . Bill had a DANG nice commercial duck plucker . If you have ever plucked a mess of ducks it's a job .
He let me use his plucker for telling him where to hunt as I got around a lot more than him . He had plenty of money , nice boats , high dollar shotguns , popup blinds etc while I was using a canoe , blinds made of scrap wood , cattails and mud ........I got more ducks and geese .
Bill had trouble with his left leg , kept getting blood clots . I hadn't seen him in a while , I was working out of town , would send a helper to get parts at his store . Went in one day and gave a big list to his counterman then went to Bill's office . He was sitting in a roll around office chair behind his desk working . Sat down , started talking . Bill was an atheist , I had tried to talk to him about GOD before and he would just get mad . I asked him how he was doing and was just talking . He sat silent . I told him I would pray for him and his leg problem .

He was red faced and angry , he rolled his chair to the left side away from his desk and the left leg was gone . It had been amputated . I sat in silence not knowing what to say .

09-27-2016, 07:46 PM
Boaz I try and use it only when speaking to Him or about Him, reverently even then

09-27-2016, 08:27 PM
Good question, Boaz. REAL good sometimes. And you're right. Often, I'm afraid I hear the name of God invoked to "beat people up," rather than lift them up. I'm always offended when this happens, and usually defend the supposed "sinner." That doesn't get me loved a lot, but a man has to go with what he believes, really, or he's really not much of a man or Christian. It's SO easy to just claim that bad things happen to people as the Judgment of God, but we're told in the Bible that this isn't how it works here in this realm. But of course, that doesn't stop people from proclaiming it, and many other bits of "conventional wisdom" that are just plain not supported by the Bible.

If one's spirit is humble, then it's probably best to go with our inner instincts when we're not entirely sure what to do, because our instincts are usually right IF our heart is pure and we're humble enough to simply stop and think before acting. If we're angry or frustrated or afraid, all bets are off, and the first thing to do, I think, based on my experience and observation, is to freeze right there if at all possible, and THINK. Thinking often dissipates our emotions, or at least takes the reins out of their hands, and lets us do a better job of evaluating what to do. It's still hard, though, but at least a significant bit easier. And when we're not sure what to do, if at all possible, we should probably delay deciding until we know more or find some additional clarity in the matter. When you have to act, just go humbly with your instincts and hope for the best. Even if it turns out to not be right, very, very few things are written in stone, and most things can be gone back to and corrected usually.

Darn good question. Wish I had a better answer. it's called a "value judgment" I think, and as such, there's probably never going to be a really definitive answer. Thanks for making me think about it again, though. It has implications sometimes that we didn't at first anticipate.

09-27-2016, 10:06 PM
Tonight I called an 87 year old that is depressed . I did the best I could to make his day better and when it was over he was in a better frame of mind .

I got a call from an old driller I worked for on a rig long ago . he is about 90 years old now . His phone had quit for me long ago and I figured he died and his family didn't let me know . HE IS STILL WITH US ! In pretty good contact and we talked a good while. GOD is good ! Not every day a good friend you thought was gone calls you up .

09-27-2016, 11:16 PM
Brother I see where you are coming from and it can be a hard choice to make.

Today I was over talking to my neighbor, good enough guy, bit different, he rents the small house out to a an odd couple type pair of characters.

At one point I almost came right out and said "Tom are you saved? Are you READY? If the rapture comes tonight, will you be here tommorow?

This area was settled primarily by Norse and German's mostly with a handful of Finn's and Danes thrown in. We have a term for it up here. Emotionally Constipated.

Tom would when he got home and had time to think, no doubt would have been outraged.

Yet on the other hand he urges us to spread the word. Preach his gospel and feed his sheep.

The way around this for me is to use the Chapel periodically to reach people.
In some respects once things really fall apart it will be easier. In return for a bottle of water I can ask for some time to share the gospel. Those who are thirsty may listen.

09-28-2016, 02:50 AM
Always we should preach the Gospel. Sometimes we should use words...
Whenever I hear people using His name in vain, I ask them if they know Him. Want proof Jesus is Lord? Why else would His name be the most popular swear word? Ever hear anyone smash a finger & yell Buddha? Or Mohammed? Or Krishna? Didn't think so!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Preacher Jim
09-29-2016, 04:04 PM
Let others see Jesus in you and your words carry weight.

09-30-2016, 01:17 AM
"Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain."

Exodus 20:7

What else do we need to know?

Pine Baron
09-30-2016, 08:55 AM
Let others see Jesus in you and your words carry weight.

Jim, you hit the ten ring.

smoked turkey
09-30-2016, 10:11 AM
Though not scripture, the old hymn "Jesus is the Sweetest Name I Know" comes to mind as we speak about names. When a friend calls or if we happen to see them, most often we greet them by name. I think for me as least it boils down to how well do you know Jesus and is he a trusted friend or someone to blame when things don't go your way. I can use the personal pronoun "I" in that last sentence too. Sometimes when my frame of mind is not where it should be and I can blame God or be slightly disgruntled with him if I don't guard my mind.
I find myself saying "Jesus" during trying times or sometimes when things are going good. My heart during those times is one of praise, worship, or if there is a need it is one of petition.
For instance I have a good friend who has Multiple Myeloma (cancer in the bone marrow). When I think of Jeff I sometimes just say "Jesus" or Jesus help Jeff at this moment. For me there is power in the name of Jesus. It is up to us to use it correctly. Praise be to Him.