View Full Version : Great Plains type bullet lube?

09-23-2016, 05:02 PM
I was wondering if anyone knows of a homemade or mfg lube that is similar to what comes on the great plains bullet that can be put on the bullet for long term storage on a poured maxi style bullet. I would like to pour a bunch during cool weather this winter for shooting this coming spring and summer and not mess with soupy bore butter in the SC heat.Thanks

Geezer in NH
09-23-2016, 07:36 PM
Looked like dry Crisco to me. :popcorn:

Good Cheer
09-23-2016, 08:11 PM
been using LOOB (lanolin-olive oil-bees wax) seems like forever and it just sits there.

09-23-2016, 08:22 PM
been using LOOB (lanolin-olive oil-bees wax) seems like forever and it just sits there.
So how do u mix it?

09-23-2016, 08:30 PM
about 50-50 on the olive oil & beeswax then add enough lanolin to make it a bit stickier to stay on the bullet.

Good Cheer
09-23-2016, 08:35 PM
Just melt the bees wax and stir in the olive oil and lanolin. The lanolin doesn't want to mix well. My advice is just keep at it. You're gonna have to figure out the best proportions that work for you anyhow.
And when it cools the beeswax tries to separate out:rolleyes:. Fast cool in a cookie sheet is best. In a bucket the wax cools quicker on the outer perimeter which gives a softer mix towards the center.
And then again sometimes I've found that to be an opportunity to figure out what works.
Some lard might make it come together better; haven't gone there yet.

09-23-2016, 10:20 PM
Gatofeo's #1 lube is a historic outside lubricated bullet lube. I use it in wads, on my cap and ball pistol bullets, and on my Lee REAL conicals.

By weight it is 1 part mutton tallow, 1 part paraffin wax, and 1/2 part bees wax made in a double boiler.

I've been told it also works well on patches meant for muzzleloaders.

09-23-2016, 10:22 PM
I use 1 part Goya Manteca to 2 parts of beeswax, by melted liquid volume and it works great for either black oowder or smokeless cowboy loads and plainbased rifle loads to 1400 fps. The same ratio of olive or canola oil and beeswax also works well.

09-23-2016, 10:59 PM
Tell you what I have come up with as of late. 50% bees wax & 50% mink oil. You can get mink oil a wal greens. It is used
for softening leather. Track of the wolf sells it also. It all I use on patch round bullets. So I thought how about conical bullets?
The paste is a little light so heating it into the bees wax worked.


09-24-2016, 09:43 AM
Gatofeo's #1 lube is a historic outside lubricated bullet lube. I use it in wads, on my cap and ball pistol bullets, and on my Lee REAL conicals.

By weight it is 1 part mutton tallow, 1 part paraffin wax, and 1/2 part bees wax made in a double boiler.

I've been told it also works well on patches meant for muzzleloaders.

+1 awesome stuff, i use it for bpcr lube, REAL lube, patch lube for balls, u-name-it and it'll lube it (including yer hands for cold weather).