View Full Version : Chapel is pretty dead ....huh ?

09-22-2016, 08:27 PM
Sure ain't much happening here .

09-22-2016, 08:49 PM
i don't know about everyone else but I just can't seam to get enough rest.and haven't felt much like posting or reading. I haven't eaven been able to focus on the bible for a full chapter ?

We should be geting a cold snap first of next weak I'm hoping it will get me out of this funk

09-22-2016, 08:51 PM
Yep...This time of year with allergies and all the bean dust and corn fines and road dust.... We'll all feel after the frost...I hope....

09-22-2016, 09:41 PM
I am with RL69, just totally flat, doing good to get the garbage out and the dishes put away. Lawn has not been mowed in a month and it is only a 20 min job with our good riding mower.

I have been a bit concerned about it but the Holy Spirit keeps telling me that this too shall pass in time and I should just relax and slide with it.

This week I have taken a big step, for me anyway. I have always been a control freak. Not that I want to control others, I don't. But I do like to control me, my house, my life. Letting go of that control, putting it in the Lords hands has been hard for me. But this week it happened. I finally wore down to the point that I surrendered, gave it all to the Lord, and let it all go. My life is his to run as he see's fit.

So far it has been doing pretty well. :)

My wife has been terrified that I am going to the bad days of 16 years ago when my Adrenal Glands first failed. Medicine just has not been enough. Take a little more and I am agitated and a real mean ol he coon to deal with. Frankly I don't like either extreme and I am not very fond of these Blah's I'm in either.

I've had depression, that was more of the spirit, this seems more like physical.

If I had to take a guess I'd say chemtrail's but that puts me right over there in wacko territory.

Whoever it is that I hear in that still small voice when I listen just says relax. Don't fight this, don't wear yourself out. Save your strength. You are ready, you have prepared all you can manage to prepare. Cast a little if you like, read a little, watch some tv. This too shall pass.

So to all of my brothers sorry I have not been up to my usual standard.

I love you all, be well, be blessed!
We'll get through this.

Repent! The Lord cometh with Judgement and shaking for this country that has turned away from him.
Be at peace with your lord, be washed in the blood and forgiven of all sins at all times.

For no man knoweth the hour or the day. Truly he could be standing at your door now.

We are about to be shaken as this country has never been shaken. When you can spread the good news!

Beware those who would lead you astray.

Be ready like the wise bridesmaids who had oil enough. The groom comes, be not sleeping or unready.

Pine Baron
09-23-2016, 09:00 AM
So I guess it's not just me then. I've been flaming out for a couple of weeks now. So much to do, no energy to do it. Oh well, been here before. You're right Ghost, it will pass. I just can't shake the feeling of something big coming. Good/bad, not sure, just something major.
Heavenly Father, please be close, show us, and guide us down the path that you have placed before us. Keep us strong and Faithful. Keep us comforted in our Salvation through Jesus Christ. In his name. Amen

09-23-2016, 12:01 PM
Well, it's kind'a reassuring to know it's not just me. This is my worst allergy season every year, and this year, it seems to be the worst ever. All the rain we've had has kept mold a near constant problem, and my vision is almost always clouded by tears in my eyes from whatver all allergies are keeping them that way lately. Maybe this is why folks used to have those harvest time get-togethers with music, etc. Plenty of food, song, dancing, jokes, laughter and comraderie. Fall festivals used to be a staple here in the South pretty much everywhere. They're very up-lifting things to go to. Kind'a gives one a new outlook for the coming winter.

A good, old-fashioned bluegrass based get-together can do wonders this time of the year. It just seems to "fit in" in so many right ways. Light hearted fun, great food always, and just simple folks being simply good and enjoyable to and for each other. Who couldn't benefit from that?

DerekP Houston
09-23-2016, 03:42 PM
My allergies are giving me a beating this week. Haven't been on the forum quite as much but I usually make the chatroom in the morning =).

09-23-2016, 05:08 PM
Revival at church, Family reunion to get ready for, (first in 30 years), Endoscope, Colonoscopy, Prep for that, Trying to get cotched up on things left undone. Boy! Where did the time go?

Preacher Jim
09-24-2016, 05:32 PM
Every excuse I have comes down to one thing, just have not had much to say.

09-24-2016, 05:58 PM
The approach of fall is usually a pretty reflective time for anyone who's still to any degree introspective. I think it's fitting that we have this time. After all, "Unto everything there is a season." And if we don't take the time to look within ourselves, we really usually wind up falling prey to many things we ought not to. Introspective times are for self-discovery and self-analysis, and if we never question ourselves, we tend to err a lot more and more often. It's good to have some "alone time" now and then. Activity for the sake of activity is never a productive thing, but wasteful.

09-24-2016, 08:12 PM
Halleluyah! Revival was a big success. Many redeications but best of all was two more souls added to the family!
Two young people accepted Christ Friday night. Rejoice my brethern! REJOICE!

09-24-2016, 08:19 PM
I have been extra busy with two family get togethers in two weeks and a busy work schedule. Allergies haven't bothered me since discovering Flonase, best $13 a month I ever spent.

09-24-2016, 08:25 PM
its ok. God is always home.

09-24-2016, 08:34 PM
Tahnks for the report Aspangler! Always great to hear. And we may well not have all that much longer to keep running the race. We never really know for sure. All Heaven rejoices when our numbers increase. I pray for their continued dedication.

09-24-2016, 08:36 PM
Well guys

Is the Chapel meant for a few to preach from?

For me a Chapel is a place for any faith to come and reflect on.

A place to find peace and tranquility .

Vaya con DIOS

Pine Baron
09-25-2016, 08:17 AM
Matthew 21:28-32 28 But what think ye? A certain man had two sons; and he came to the first, and said, Son, go work to day in my vineyard.
29 He answered and said, I will not: but afterward he repented, and went.
30 And he came to the second, and said likewise. And he answered and said, I go, sir: and went not.
31 Whether of them twain did the will of his father? They say unto him, The first. Jesus saith unto them, Verily I say unto you, That the publicans and the harlots go into the kingdom of God before you.
32 For John came unto you in the way of righteousness, and ye believed him not: but the publicans and the harlots believed him: and ye, when ye had seen it, repented not afterward, that ye might believe him.

The folks who look the least religious will enter God’s kingdom ahead of religious leaders, because in the end they do God’s will.

09-25-2016, 08:43 AM
Seems it's been a bad season for allergies , seen many with trouble and had to take Becky to clinic care twice . Non stop coughing from drainage , sore throat , nose running , couldn't sleep , low temp fever . Antibiotics , Flonase , steroids , codeine cough syrup at bed time . But she is better now .

I agree there is a great general sense of foreboding , threat to our lives with changes taking place in our country and the world . I'm constantly trying to figure out what is a natural progression of reality and the imposed evil of wrong of it all .
My dad was born in a dugout in 1901 west of Stagestand OK. He was born before the Wright brothers accomplished the first manned flight at Kitty Hawk . He saw automobiles and electrical power come into daily use . He saw the radio happen then later television . Unbelievable medical progress , x ray , antibiotics , kidney and other organ transplants , cancer treatment , elimination of smallpox , vaccines for all the common childhood diseases . Nuclear fission , computers , ......Heck ! Ill stop there , too much to list . My dad went from being born and living in a dugout to seeing a man put on the moon .
How did he deal with the change and at the same time living through two world wars and the great depression ? To me it's mind boggling .
We are experiencing much change too but seemingly in a more negative way . Our country and the entire world is in chaos . I will not expound in detail all the source , problems or possibilities or the outcome because like you I don't know . We are in trouble .
Our only recourse is to trust in our Lord . Of all the variable factors he is not one , he is still there , he is constant , he does not change . He is still in control and he still loves us . Use this Chapel and every place you can to seek his help in every aspect .

09-25-2016, 08:51 AM
"Be still and know that I am God."
"To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven."
"Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of heaven."

09-25-2016, 11:10 AM
Jeremiah 5:21 (‘Hear now this, O foolish people, and without understanding; which have eyes, and see not; which have ears, and hear not’).

09-25-2016, 12:48 PM
Lots of great sentiments and truth in the above posts. Every one of the folks I've always looked up to as "models" of Christianity were humble but joyful and always appreciative folks, men and women alike. They all also had a very serious side to them as well, when it was called for. And their love just exuded out from them as a very natural thing, like a light shining about them. And they have been from my parent's generation. Dad and Mom were two of these. Yeah, they had their faults. Who among us doesn't? But their core was what always shone through in any situation.

They took serious things seriously and light things lightly. Folks today wouldn't understand how lightly they took money and all the niceties we seem to take for granted so much these days. They appreciated the "little things," or what is passed off for those little things today. Their futures were indeed VERY much full of change and new developments. But most of them contained hope and promise, because they worked at it and EARNED it. Folks today aren't much interested in earning things, and tale little things seriously and serious things lightly. That's the difference.

Chuck Swindoll wrote a brief commentary on attitude, and I'll go try to find it and post it here when I'm done with this post. It is just a short synopsis of the importance of attitude in our lives, and how it can change a life, a church or a nation. I've never forgotten it from my first reading of it because it was, very simply, so descriptive of what I think is our generation's main problem today - simple attitude. Attitude controls MUCH more of our lives and what happens in it than seems possible, if you really think about it. In a world where cynicism and pretension and willfulness seems to run rampant around us, it's not easy to always keep our attitudes in line with what our Lord has laid out for us, but it's more important, perhaps now, than it's ever been in our history, if that's possible? I have a notion that if we fixed our attitudes, it'd go a long way towards fixing our nation and the world around us. It sure couldn't hurt!

09-25-2016, 12:59 PM
Some quotes from Charles Swindoll:

“The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, the education, the money, than circumstances, than failure, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill. It will make or break a company... a church... a home. The remarkable thing is we have a choice everyday regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past... we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude. I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it. And so it is with you... we are in charge of our Attitudes.”
― Charles R. Swindoll (https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/5139.Charles_R_Swindoll)

“Anything under God's control is never out of control.”
― Charles R. Swindoll (https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/5139.Charles_R_Swindoll)

“We cannot change our past... we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude. I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it. And so it is with you... we are in charge of our Attitudes.”
― Charles R. Swindoll (https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/5139.Charles_R_Swindoll)

“The pursuit of happiness is a matter of choice...it is a positive attitude we choose to express. It is not a gift delivered to our door each morning, nor does it come through the window. And it is certain that our circumstances are not the things that make us joyful. If we wait for them to get just right, we will never laugh again.”
― Charles R. Swindoll (https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/5139.Charles_R_Swindoll)

“We must cease striving and trust God to provide what He thinks is best and in whatever time He chooses to make it available. But this kind of trusting doesn't come naturally. It's a spiritual crisis of the will in which we must choose to exercise faith.”
― Charles R. Swindoll (https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/5139.Charles_R_Swindoll)

If you want more, go to:


He's a true messenger of real faith.

PS Paul
09-25-2016, 01:05 PM
Like several, I've just been flat wiped out. After 24 years, I've made a significant career change and I've been putting in extra time/effort to look good and work harder than the rest of the sales crew who are mostly younger than me. Been wearing me out. I haven't even been able to muster the effort to go fishing for the past three weekends.
Well, God bless all of you and now I'm going to mow the lawn. Sorely needed.

09-25-2016, 03:20 PM
It’s certainly easier to just play the blame game than it is to take a hard look at yourself and figure out what you’re doing wrong. But if there is any aspect of your life that you are unhappy with, it’s worth it to figure out what role you play in making your current situation a reality.

People really can’t handle the truth. “You can’t change what you don’t acknowledge.”

To take a really honest look at yourself is one of the hardest things in the world to do. It’s not always fun to examine the real you, warts and all, but it’s a great first step when things in your life are not going the way you’d like to see them go.

09-25-2016, 05:27 PM
Our band at church dose a cover of this song that rocks. Every version I could find on YouTube was slow but this girl in my humble opinion nails it


09-25-2016, 06:25 PM
Sure ain't much happening here .

Boaz has seen it.


“Everyone seems normal until you get to know them.” The truth is that all of us have abnormalities that the Bible calls sin. We are all predisposed because of our sin nature to one sin or one problem that disrupts our happiness. None of us are perfect and none of are without problems. Sin is everyone’s enemy. Each of us struggle with something.. We might struggle with overwhelming anxiety or depression. We might struggle with resentment or, bitterness. We might struggle to control our tongues or our tempers. Whatever it is, we all have some defect or some problem that is a result of our own doing. Romans 3:23 says, “Everyone has messed up, everyone has some hang up and has fallen short of God’s glorious idea for their life.”

Galatians 6:7,
"Do not be deceived and deluded and misled; God will not allow Himself to be sneered at- scorned, disdained or mocked [by mere pretensions or professions, or His precepts being set aside]. He inevitably deludes himself who attempts to delude God. For whatever a man sows, that and that only is what he will reap"

People speak or pretend and profess something that isn’t, in one of three possible ways:

1. They choose to let their soul convince them that they really are acting on God’s precepts, when they’re not.
2. They hope blindly for "the best," while they try to convince others that they are obeying God’s precepts.
3. They pretend and profess that they can’t act on them, and that God knows and accepts this because of everything that has happened to them.

None of these pretensions or false professions are acceptable to God. You spiritually fulfill God’s precepts and principles by focusing your belief in three ways, already having done whatever practical things you know to do (i.e., praying, avoiding known temptations, reading God’s Word, etc.):

09-25-2016, 06:33 PM
DCP...you certainly seem to have anger issues.

Maybe you need a little introspection, yourself...since you are so good at pointing out the we are all a bunch of liars and pretenders.

There is nothing I find as distasteful as self righteousness.

09-25-2016, 06:39 PM
DCP...you certainly seem to have anger issues.

Maybe you need a little introspection, yourself...since you are so good at pointing out the we are all a bunch of liars and pretenders.

There is nothing I find as distasteful as self righteousness.

You have totally missed my message. I am a sinner period

09-25-2016, 07:49 PM
Our band at church dose a cover of this song that rocks. Every version I could find on YouTube was slow but this girl in my humble opinion nails it


Your right rl69 good song , never heard it . Thank you ! That girl is worried about accompaniment......she don't need it .

Preacher Jim
09-26-2016, 08:44 AM
We are not quiet we are watching for the Lord to pore His jusgement out on this country.
Psalms 26 verse 4-5
4.I have not sat with idolatrous mortals
Nor will I go in with hypocrites
5. I have hated the assembly of evildoers
And will not sit with the wicked.

David could say this but can we as Christians today say the same thing??
are we careful as to where we go and who we hang out with, and what entertainment we watch or listen to???
God vindicates the one who honor and worship him and forgives their sins.
when is the last time we really worshiped Him and Honored Him and confessed our sins so he could vindicate us?
going to church is not real worship it comes from our hearts filled by the Spirit and overflowing with love for God.

09-26-2016, 03:36 PM
Agreed Jim . Tolerance is approval . Lie down with dogs you get up with fleas .

09-26-2016, 05:50 PM
Thanks, RL. Love that one. Sent it to my buddy's wife who sings in our church. Hope she does it soon.

And DCP, I took your post to simply be an admonition to always look around our own doorsteps before we go and put others down - a simple lesson in humility and the realization of our limitations while in these mortal bodies. No offense taken here at all. It's so difficult to post some things when there's no facial expression, tonal inflections, and other non-verbal means by which we communicate. It's been said that 90% of all human communication is non-verbal. Something said with a tone and expression of humility might be taken, using the same words if we envision a haughty or insolent attitude in the provider of the words.

Add in the fact that most folks today, myself included sometimes, jump to conclusions before we really understand a post or poster's intent, and .... well, we get disagreements over what's really nothing. I know I have a bit of a habit of expressing myself in what I think is a way that is merely observant of some ironies, and with a light heart, but the words are sometimes taken the wrong way. I get criticized for being "negative" sometimes when I'm really nothing of the sort. And yes, it does in fact take a lot of finesse, sometimes, to say what we mean without offending some we never intended to.

So peace, my brothers. We ALL get things wrong sometimes, and we really ought to reflect on what we say before jumping on a fellow Christian sometimes. None of us always does that, of course, because we're all fallible. But without understanding what's MEANT, it's easy to assume the wrong intentions. In this ehterous realm, that'll always be a problem, but ... we're supposed to get over it as Christians. No harm done, really, and maybe a lesson learned. I usually have to learn my lessons several times before I learn to avoid the problems. It's called "being human," and if God had wanted us to be "perfect," He'd have made us that way. He gave us an ability to learn and correct ourselves, and that's where edification really is obtained. It's a lot like the old saying that adventures teach us good judgment, and most good judgment is learned from our mistakes. We're born pretty much a blank slate, with some talents, and traits, and have to learn to become who we want to be from trial and error. God being a loving God, I think He has a purpose in this, and I suspect a large part of it, at least, is simply to keep us humble, for it's the humble man who CAN perceive God's will for himself. Humility is becoming a rarer and rarer thing these days, but it's still available to us, via a very loving and forgiving Lord, who died for our sins, both great and small. How glad I am of THAT!

09-26-2016, 09:07 PM
Thanks, RL. Love that one. Sent it to my buddy's wife who sings in our church. Hope she does it soon.

And DCP, I took your post to simply be an admonition to always look around our own doorsteps before we go and put others down - a simple lesson in humility and the realization of our limitations while in these mortal bodies. No offense taken here at all. It's so difficult to post some things when there's no facial expression, tonal inflections, and other non-verbal means by which we communicate. It's been said that 90% of all human communication is non-verbal. Something said with a tone and expression of humility might be taken, using the same words if we envision a haughty or insolent attitude in the provider of the words.

Add in the fact that most folks today, myself included sometimes, jump to conclusions before we really understand a post or poster's intent, and .... well, we get disagreements over what's really nothing. I know I have a bit of a habit of expressing myself in what I think is a way that is merely observant of some ironies, and with a light heart, but the words are sometimes taken the wrong way. I get criticized for being "negative" sometimes when I'm really nothing of the sort. And yes, it does in fact take a lot of finesse, sometimes, to say what we mean without offending some we never intended to.

So peace, my brothers. We ALL get things wrong sometimes, and we really ought to reflect on what we say before jumping on a fellow Christian sometimes. None of us always does that, of course, because we're all fallible. But without understanding what's MEANT, it's easy to assume the wrong intentions. In this ehterous realm, that'll always be a problem, but ... we're supposed to get over it as Christians. No harm done, really, and maybe a lesson learned. I usually have to learn my lessons several times before I learn to avoid the problems. It's called "being human," and if God had wanted us to be "perfect," He'd have made us that way. He gave us an ability to learn and correct ourselves, and that's where edification really is obtained. It's a lot like the old saying that adventures teach us good judgment, and most good judgment is learned from our mistakes. We're born pretty much a blank slate, with some talents, and traits, and have to learn to become who we want to be from trial and error. God being a loving God, I think He has a purpose in this, and I suspect a large part of it, at least, is simply to keep us humble, for it's the humble man who CAN perceive God's will for himself. Humility is becoming a rarer and rarer thing these days, but it's still available to us, via a very loving and forgiving Lord, who died for our sins, both great and small. How glad I am of THAT!

I agree with your opinion of measuring what I say , I would refer to James and his advice of your thinking before you speak . Once said it can not be recalled . If your in the wrong it may be forgiven but not forgotten . We all have made mistakes and again would refer to James of counseling a brother who may need guidance or prospective . Thank you for clearing the air .

09-27-2016, 01:30 PM
Amen, Boaz. And it's SO easy to misunderstand here in this etherous realm of the 'net, where no keys to the real intent, like facial expression, tonal inflections, etc. are missing. I've done it, and I suspect we all have. It's hard NOT to do it sometimes, in fact. All we can do is just be more mindful, and if the occasion merits it, maybe apologize. But here, I think we all understand. When we've all done it, it's really easy to forgive, because it's so easy to understand how and wherefrom it comes.

It's kind'a like tripping over a log in the woods. Best thing to do is just smile at our error, and continue on, being a little more mindful. With all that's going on around us today, it's SO easy to take things posted here and elsewhere the wrong way. SO easy!

09-27-2016, 02:02 PM
We are told to be Christ like and forgive.. God sure works in mysterious ways. God has a plan in all this.

His will be done.

I am not angry, but the devil has too much hold on good Christian and others. There is just no love and forgiveness from them. Seems too many dont understand what I am trying to say. Maybe I dont write well, I really dont know.

They can’t or won’t forgive and move on. They will have to live with them self’s. Then one day as we all will answer to God.

If I am a (BAD) person for trying pointing out the truth to folks, then so be it. I will wear that like a badge of honor. I will always try to speak the truth. I will always try to do GODS will. Not my will. I am not without sin. When I make a mistake I will ask for forgiveness .By the way I have made many many mistakes.

Our door will be always open to them but with Christ help they have to walk through that door. We have already forgiven all of them like Christ commands. I have made my peace with God through Jesus Christ. To many just move on . If you won’t talk you can never fix anything

What I witness this last year was a tragedy. Too many in the family didn’t give any support to my wife with her fight with cancer that almost killed her. Not a card, one phone call, nothing. AS Jesus Christ is my Savior this is the GODS truth. I thought it was there test. Turned out it was our test to see if we could love and forgive

There is obviously no love from them. Without love there can’t be forgiveness .
I believe time may be short the world is an evil place.

I have seen more evil the in last few years then in the previous 60.

The ideal is to forgive and forget. Love keeps no record of wrongs (1 Corinthians 13:5) and covers a multitude of sins (1 Peter 4:8). However, changing hearts is God’s business, and, until an offender has a true, supernatural heart change, it is only wise to limit the level of trust one places in that person. Being cautious doesn’t mean we haven’t forgiven. It simply means we are not God and we cannot see that person’s heart.

09-27-2016, 08:36 PM
None of us here quite say what's really on our hearts all the time, DCP, or have it come out just like we meant it to. And people today seem to be especially sensitive to anything they see as "negative." And many see recognizing our faults and acts of omission and commission as "condemnation," when it's rarely anything of the sort. I think it comes from mixing up real theology with political correctness, which has made inroads into many churches and many Christian believers' lives. It'd really be hard for it NOT to, since churches are composed of the folks in any community, and PC permeates the whole of our society to varying degrees. One thing I think it does for all of us, often, is it just gives us a default position when we're tired and really have our minds elsewhere. If anyone here gets it all figured out, PLEASE let me know, will ya'?

But among Christians, love and forgiveness is what we've been directed to show toward each other, even when we disagree on any point. Don't know about others, but I've never leaned anything from folks who thought just like I do. It's our differences that provide us with opportunities and fodder from which to learn. And if love and forgiveness reign, we CAN do that SO much more easily and often and freely. God always gives us the best advice possible. Always.

09-27-2016, 11:04 PM
As I see it we are all in need of love, forgiveness, and we all make mistakes.

The hard part for me was learning to forgive those who had done me wrong in the past.
However once I did peace like a river started flooding through me. Life got better, simpler, more joy, less pain.

I am not comfortable telling anyone they are wrong. I could be mistaken, I might have misunderstood.

I will be praying for you brothers. Remember the only safety is in Gods Will.

fast ronnie
09-27-2016, 11:24 PM
It is an encouragement to hear some of you are having some of the same struggles as I am experiencing lately. By that, I mean that I am not the only one feeling tired and worn out so much of the time.
My life has been extremely busy of late, and seems like I can't even catch up with what I need to be doing.

The same scripture seems to keep coming back to me as a reassurance from The Holy Spirit. That verse (Micah 6:8) reads what is required of us is to "do justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with God"

We may not always feel loved or happy or any of the other emotions we like to have, but we need to run the race as to win. We do not race to lose, but to obtain the prize at the end. As a racer myself, I want to cross the finish line in victory, not in shame. I don't want to "just barely make it," but want to be all that God wants and has designed me to be. The scripture for today for me is that He will finish the work that He has started in me and has provided everything to accomplish that purpose.

A good parent provides everything for his or her child to excel. Sometimes the child does not like what the parent does because that child does not have the knowledge the parent does. God is far better than any earthly parent, and has known our character from before He formed the world. We, as His children, can rest in the love, provision, and the protection He provides.

Thankfully we do not have to live by our feelings, but in the knowledge of Him, and by His Word.

09-28-2016, 07:32 PM
Amen to all the above. We do have our differences, but ultimately, we're all SO much more alike than we are different. If we could just keep that in mind more, and let our differences slide, we'd be a real force to be reckoned with in this world. Instead, we sometimes fight among ourselves, which is natural of course, but so needless, given our similarities. Sure keeps me humble!