View Full Version : Scoping a Blackhawk

Texas by God
09-22-2016, 12:11 AM
I've always loved Ruger Blackhawks but my latest one is hard for me to shoot accurately. It is an old model 3screw .357 with the conversion. I did not get the old parts with it. It has a mediocre trigger pull and two chamber throats are definitely smaller than the other 4. I'm going to install a Leupold base/rings and a Simmons 4x scope. Just to see if it improves anything. Thoughts? Best, Thomas.

09-22-2016, 08:22 AM
I'd think about the revolver issues first.
Certainly have the throats normalized.

Nothing wrong with scoping it though.

09-22-2016, 10:05 AM
I would go with a Weigand base. Loopy or Burris bases have rings close together and some scopes, red dots, will not fit.

09-22-2016, 10:13 AM
First,,, even though it's a converted OM,,, and it's one of the models with a high production number,,, I'd NOT drill & tap it for a scope. If you want a scope or even a red dot,,, use a no D&T mount. It will preserve the factory condition frame for future owners & retain more of it's value. (Remember, none of us own anything forever,,,, we are all just custodians for a while.)
But, if the chambers are out of spec, I'd contact Doug Guy here & let him correct it for you. It's inexpensive & well worth the effort.
Doug has done work for me & he has done a bunch for others here as well. HIGHLY recommended!

Next,,, I'd consider finding a replacement set of OM parts & getting them installed. That will change the trigger feel & will help a lot in shooting. A good trigger is necessary for good shooting. A set of OM parts can run $125-$150 average. I'm a Ruger nut myself. If I find an OM for sale,,, that has been converted, I automatically deduct $150 from the asking price. If has been D&Ted, I deduct another $50-$150, depending upon the rest of the overall condition. On average, an unconverted OM 357, protected ears gun, brings around $450-$500 in very good condition. If converted, it becomes a $300-$350 gun. If D&Ted, I'd value it as a $200-$250 shooter that needed work.

Weigand makes an excellent no drill & tap mount system, and it replaces the rear sight. I'd look into them first. (I have a few sets of Weigand's on my guns, including a Freedom Arms, and a few older Rugers.) Be sure to baggie & mark the rear sight to be kept with the gun.

09-22-2016, 12:27 PM
Watch the Weaver style no drill with the clamp. It will eat at the barrel.

09-22-2016, 12:47 PM
What contender1 said,

dougguy here recently did 11 cylinders for me.

life is good!

Texas by God
09-22-2016, 12:58 PM
I haven't seen Any Blackhawk for less than $400 around here for years. I don't care about collector value- this will be a shooter. It inherited Sack Peterson Elk grips from m
My previous .41-does that reduce value? I figure the scope will help manage the trigger so I can analyze the accuracy. Thanks, gentlemen.

Oklahoma Rebel
09-22-2016, 04:11 PM
I'd say follow contenders advice and fix the trigger and throats, then see if you can shoot it better then, if it still needs it, scope it, but I was reading that some of those guns, certain caliber/year/barrel lengths make them extremely rare and worth more, so please use a no drill mount, wish you the best of luck! Travis

daniel lawecki
09-22-2016, 04:33 PM
I have a Weigand base and Simmoms 4x on my SBH with 10 1/2 .44 mag. This scope has worked great and is over 10 years old great scope for the money. Are there better scopes yes do I have better scopes yes.

09-22-2016, 10:11 PM
I hope you didn't take offense at my other post. I was sharing what I see in real world buying & selling of Rugers. If you were to offer a Ruger Blackhawk OM, 357 on the Ruger Forum, or to anyone who knows anything about Rugers in general, that had been converted AND drilled & tapped,,, for $400,,, it would not sell.
Yes, it is your gun, to do with as you wish. I was just trying to show you what most of us who handle a lot of Rugers daily see & experience in real world sales, AND in what people have done to them.
My wife often says this to me; "Keep buying guns,, you are working on my inheritance." And if I go before her,,, then she will have plenty to sell, and she will make money. And we've all seen estates of guns where good ones sell well, while the dogs are left behind. I own several OM Rugers,,, and in just the 357 caliber,, I have 17 of them. From a Flattop low 4 digit Type 1, to the rarer non-prefix convertible, & even a Ross Variation.
If you want to preserve more of it's value, I POLITELY suggest you not D&T it.

I own a total of 2 Rugers that were D&T. One is a Hawkeye, mid 3 digit gun, that is minty otherwise. I got it "cheap" because of the hole in the topstrap. And I have a Single-Six convertible, that was passed over for 2 days at a gun show. The guy selling begged me to take it for $150.

So, If I upset you,,it was NOT my intention. I was just offering an alternative to a D&T method of mounting a scope.

Texas by God
09-23-2016, 07:48 AM
I was not offended at all. I guess for some reason Blackhawks and Single Sixes are rarely for sale where I live. I have been looking for a 4-5/8" Single Six (used) for years for less than $400 with no luck. Different strokes for you and I- this BH is not collectible enough to matter. I use all my guns- I have no safe queens. My Wife does though. No worries Contender 1 - I would love to see your collection. Have a blessed day. Best, Thomas.

09-23-2016, 09:14 AM
Whew! I had hoped I didn't upset you.
Now,,, before you say your gun isn't collectable,,, make sure. My Ross is a well used shooter grade, I gave $125 for it,,, and I knew what it was but the seller didn't. Even in it's well used condition,,, it's still worth a lot more than what I paid. If you need help in discussing the variations,,, PM me.
And in your quest for a 4-5/8's Single-Six,,, that can be tough. The short barreled variation isn't as common as the 5-1/2" & 6-1/2" ones. And they do often cost a bit more,,, if the owner knows what they have. I only have 1 OM, and 1 NM,,, other than the Lightweights that are 4-5/8" guns.

Texas by God
09-23-2016, 09:53 AM
I don't even know what a Ross is. Explain please. At one time in my youth I had a SS,SSM, and an OM .41-all 4-5/8". Life was good. Best,, Thomas.

09-23-2016, 09:06 PM
A Ross variation is a Flattop 357, with the features of a Type 1,,, yet the serial number range is in the Type 3 range. There were about 800 made, and are highly sought after. A man named "Ross" discovered the differences & documented it. Nobody knows why there is such a discrepancy. Some think that there may have been a block of guns made with identical 4 digit serials, making "duplicates." When discovered, they added a "1" in the front of the serial number. OR,,,, more likely, with Bill Ruger being the "new kid on the block" wanting to appear to be making more guns to fool his competitors, by marking about 800 guns with a 5 digit number vs. a 4 digit. H.W. Ross discovered the early type guns, with a very high serial number. So, basically, a Ross variation will have a serial number range of 14xxx to 15xxx, yet retain the features of the early low numbered Type 1's.

Texas by God
09-23-2016, 11:27 PM
A Ross variation is a Flattop 357, with the features of a Type 1,,, yet the serial number range is in the Type 3 range. There were about 800 made, and are highly sought after. A man named "Ross" discovered the differences & documented it. Nobody knows why there is such a discrepancy. Some think that there may have been a block of guns made with identical 4 digit serials, making "duplicates." When discovered, they added a "1" in the front of the serial number. OR,,,, more likely, with Bill Ruger being the "new kid on the block" wanting to appear to be making more guns to fool his competitors, by marking about 800 guns with a 5 digit number vs. a 4 digit. H.W. Ross discovered the early type guns, with a very high serial number. So, basically, a Ross variation will have a serial number range of 14xxx to 15xxx, yet retain the features of the early low numbered Type 1's. Thanks contender1 for the education. I will look before I drill! Best, Thomas.

09-23-2016, 11:43 PM
Contender 1 please be sure your wife knows how to use this site,and my pm address,I'd be interested in seeing your collection,when it goes up for sale...

09-25-2016, 10:35 AM
"Contender 1 please be sure your wife knows how to use this site,and my pm address,I'd be interested in seeing your collection,when it goes up for sale..."

SSG,,, my wife is a gun girl. She has an excellent knowledge of how & where to distribute any guns not left to our kids & such. I'd strongly suggest you be a member of the Ruger forum,,, as she'll likely start there.

Now,,, I have an invitation for you. I know it's short notice. Next weekend,,, (Sept 30th-Oct 2nd,) we'll be having the 6th annual Ruger Forum East Coast Gathering. It's an open, casual, social event started over there. You do not have to be a member there, or even own a single Ruger. It's a shooters gathering. The main day, Saturday, after a long day of shooting, (both guns and BS,) we'll be hosting a cookout,,, with the highlight of a low country boil.
If you want to see a collection,,,, the invitation welcome mat is out,,,,!