View Full Version : Thank you for today

09-20-2016, 06:58 AM
I got up at 10 after 4 this morning , stumbled to the kitchen and made a pot of coffee . I look and post on a few more forums than this one . I usually click on the Chapel here first because it always seems the most uplifting to start the day . No other gun forum I go to has anything like our Chapel here . Most forums would not have anything to do with GOD these days , they are afraid they might 'offend' someone . GOD is not offensive .

Lord thank you for this place we gather to share the gospel , to praise you and pray together . Thank you for the fellowship provided to all that come here to praise you . Thank you for being with us and hearing us . Thank you for what we learn here in your name through our common faith in you . Thank you for a place to share and ask for help . Build up this place Lord as we glorify you . In Jesus name I ask . Amen

Pine Baron
09-20-2016, 09:13 AM
Thanks, Boaz. Amen.

Preacher Jim
09-20-2016, 01:34 PM
this week the chapel has helped me make it. Last Thursday radiator in food van blew, Saturday head gasket on 318 dodge 4x4, monday was our 52 wedding aniversary, drove to city to place wife wanted to go. today up at 3 and rush to office do some things and get a report our big walkin quit last night and they did not want to disturb our time away. Today i tried 6 guys to get some one to repair it. got up tested it low on freon 12, find a fellow to put some in and took wife to air port to fly to daughters for a week.
Without the chapel and posts i would not have been able to relax and think.
Thank all of you.

09-20-2016, 01:45 PM
Prayer sent for the forum, Preacher Jim and Boaz...and thanks for your posts and praise.

09-20-2016, 02:17 PM
this week the chapel has helped me make it. Last Thursday radiator in food van blew, Saturday head gasket on 318 dodge 4x4, monday was our 52 wedding aniversary, drove to city to place wife wanted to go. today up at 3 and rush to office do some things and get a report our big walkin quit last night and they did not want to disturb our time away. Today i tried 6 guys to get some one to repair it. got up tested it low on freon 12, find a fellow to put some in and took wife to air port to fly to daughters for a week.
Without the chapel and posts i would not have been able to relax and think.
Thank all of you.

Darts from the Dragon Preacher. Just smile and laugh. It really irritates him.

And thanks Boaz, I too find the Chapel a great place to find peace. God Bless all.


09-21-2016, 12:12 AM
Amen, Boaz! Very well said!

Preacher Jim
09-21-2016, 06:18 AM
Thank you Lord for the rest in the midst of the storm. Yesterday the devil may have tried, but the Lord took care of the battle. Wife down with daughter, cooler running, fellow picked up dodge and is putting new head gaskets and when I got out of the way the Lord took care of the battle.
Thank you Lord for being faithful to answer prayers

09-21-2016, 06:44 AM
Amen and GOD bless!

Pine Baron
09-21-2016, 10:02 AM
Amen, Jim. Sometimes getting out of the way is the hardest part!