View Full Version : For thought and meditation

09-20-2016, 06:38 AM
But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them?—Romans 10:14 (http://harvest.us3.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=4f108f827aed8d503b5fca9fa&id=eff844ad36&e=3dd732485b)Have you ever led someone to Christ? If not, why not? Maybe you think that God can never use you in this way, that you're just not gifted in that regard, and it is only for a privileged few to lead others to Christ. But if this were the case, why was the Great Commission given to every Christian? Every believer is called to "go and make disciples of all the nations . . . " (Matthew 28:19). That means we are all called to evangelism. We all have a part to play.

I must admit that it's a mystery to me that God has chosen to use people as the primary communicators of His truth. An interviewer once commented to me that I seem to be very natural when I speak, that it must come easily to me. "Nothing could be further from the truth," I said. "Before I was a Christian, I wasn't a public speaker."
I remember being in an English class in school where we were all required to give an impromptu, five-minute speech in front of the class on an assigned statement. Being a poor student, I hadn't read the assignment, so I stood frozen with fear in front of the class. I was not a public speaker.

But after I came to faith in Jesus Christ, I realized the best way to help people believe was through verbal communication, be it in front of a group or an individual. I realized that it is not about me or what I feel comfortable doing; it is about obeying God. Because the primary way God reaches people who do not yet know Him is through verbal communication. How can people hear about Christ unless someone tells them? That someone is supposed to be you or me.

Pine Baron
09-20-2016, 09:16 AM
Thank you rl. This is indeed hard for me also. I am working on it.

09-21-2016, 12:16 AM
Amen! And the often astonishing thing is who responds and who doesn't sometimes. Sometimes, it's the last ones you'd think who respond, and the ones you'd think have everything going for them who turn away. We never really know who's going to respond and who doesn't. That's why I think we were given such good advice. Too many of us today are simply unwilling to endure the verbal assaults that sometimes come our way if and when we witness. I've found that a good sense of humor helps with these folks. That "A soft answer turneth away wrath" verse seems to apply there. Truly, we've been given the absolute best advice and instruction we could ever have hoped for in this life! Praise the Lord for it all!

09-21-2016, 05:24 AM
Our government is trying to deny GOD and teach that he is non existent . Our 'educators' claim he is a myth . Different and many churches preach prosperity and false teachings , the gospel hidden for the sake of feel good sermons . The blood of Christ that paid our way to GOD our father is seldom mentioned because it might scare or make someone sad in these gentle and politically correct times . Children raised to adults never being counseled or instructed by their parents in the worship or teachings of Jesus Christ . So many 'Christians' that have left or forgotten GOD for gee gaws and easy living settling for a steady flow of immediate gratification .
We are bound and instructed to spread GOD's word by Jesus Christ himself . It's not an option for us , he wants it done . He showed and told us how before he died for us .

Pine Baron
09-21-2016, 10:11 AM
Thank you Boaz. So true, standing against the current is way better than getting sucked in by the riptide. Our Lord and savior is our rock.
And "Gee Gaw" LOL, haven't heard that one in a long time.

09-21-2016, 11:26 AM
gee gaw ; Old folks word for superfluous do dad's and toys . They also used the word.....purdys .