View Full Version : Prayers for Scott

Preacher Jim
09-19-2016, 12:21 PM
one of our members Scott has prostrate cancer and it is being treated but his heart needs surgery for valve replacement and some repair. he must get strong enough for the heart surgery to be done. please keep him in prayer till he has this under control and back posting.

09-19-2016, 12:32 PM
Prayers that our heavenly Father place his healing hand upon him, and grant him the strength to overcome his illness. Amen.

09-19-2016, 12:57 PM
Thanks for letting us know about him, Jim. Prayers up. That's a tight spot to be in! But God can do literally anything. Praise His name!

Pine Baron
09-19-2016, 01:26 PM
prayer sent for Scott.

09-19-2016, 01:31 PM
Lord bless Scott with your healing . Help with the cancer and his heart problems . Guide his family as to how to help him , help all concerned work through this trouble Lord . Thank you Lord . Amen

square butte
09-19-2016, 01:41 PM
prayer sent up for Scott

09-19-2016, 02:27 PM
Thanks Jim for letting us know. Prayers going out for our friend Scott!

09-19-2016, 05:48 PM
Prayers for Scott, May GOD grant him the strength to have the procedures he needs!

09-20-2016, 06:34 PM
Thanks to you all. I'm one of those guys who never asks for help but Jim has "badgered" me a bit when I stopped by chat and I do appreciate it. It has been the roughest year of my life but nothing can shake my faith. As many here know cancer treatments beat you up pretty good and saps your strength and when you can't work all your savings disappears so fast so that is becoming a real concern for us too. Now they found I need a triple bypass and a valve replacement but question if I can survive the surgery. I'm confident that I can......our generation is a bunch of tough old guys.......so I want to get moving on getting healed.

My wife says I believe in the inherent good of mankind. I do....the good guys will win and this place helps prove it. Prayers freely given to people who are complete strangers and people here with serious financial problems helped by many members and the sharing or tools and equipment to help new casters. Thanks to you all.....this is a very nice place.

09-20-2016, 07:51 PM
Thanks to you all. I'm one of those guys who never asks for help but Jim has "badgered" me a bit when I stopped by chat and I do appreciate it. It has been the roughest year of my life but nothing can shake my faith. As many here know cancer treatments beat you up pretty good and saps your strength and when you can't work all your savings disappears so fast so that is becoming a real concern for us too. Now they found I need a triple bypass and a valve replacement but question if I can survive the surgery. I'm confident that I can......our generation is a bunch of tough old guys.......so I want to get moving on getting healed.

My wife says I believe in the inherent good of mankind. I do....the good guys will win and this place helps prove it. Prayers freely given to people who are complete strangers and people here with serious financial problems helped by many members and the sharing or tools and equipment to help new casters. Thanks to you all.....this is a very nice place.

I share your thoughts and attitude....just do it and move on . It's an honor to pray for you or anyone that has a need . I also know the good guys win in the end because our Lord will see to that . Fact is he is working on it every second of our day . Thank you sir for posting , it makes it more personal when you know the person . I pray you will do well , our Lord is with us . May he bless you and his light shine upon you .

09-21-2016, 12:07 AM
Let me echo Boaz's sentiments, Shooter. We all get tested, one way or another. It's keeping the faith and a good attitude toward it all that makes it all worthwhile. Will keep you in my prayers for as long as it takes. Not all who receive prayers get miraculous healings. Sometimes, our test is to stay the course, no matter how rough it gets. And as to the money part, it's better to store up riches of the kind that can never be taken from you than to have all the riches in the world, for those are always passing, and have a definite end to them and their usefulness to us. Keep what can't be lost, and let that which can be lost go if needs be. Some of us are given new "adventures" when we least expect or want them, but God knows what he's doing, always, and always loves us and will provide for us in all the ways we really need.

Thanks for giving us a chance to pray for a .man so faithful as you. It's really our privilege.

09-21-2016, 07:26 AM
Father, I come to You asking for strength, healing and grace for Scott. Father, Scott needs strength for the heart surgery that he needs. Please improve his health so that he can first get his heart repaired and then have his prostrate cancer dealt with. Please remove any fears and make the path clear to restoring Scott's health. In Your name I pray. AMEN

09-21-2016, 08:30 AM
Prayers sent

Pine Baron
09-21-2016, 09:54 AM
Father, I come to You asking for strength, healing and grace for Scott. Father, Scott needs strength for the heart surgery that he needs. Please improve his health so that he can first get his heart repaired and then have his prostrate cancer dealt with. Please remove any fears and make the path clear to restoring Scott's health. In Your name I pray. AMEN

Preacher Jim
09-22-2016, 02:02 PM
Scott as several here will tell you when one of my brothers in Christ has a problem i am a blood hound to to find out why so i can pray about it cause i believe our Father hold our healing in his hand and when we pray he releases it to the one we pray for. Keep the updates coming and we will pray accordingly. My church says tell your brother Scott we are praying for him.

09-22-2016, 02:24 PM
I love what you said, Scott. I couldn't agree more. Prayers up and out for your future good health, my friend.

Preacher Jim
09-24-2016, 05:36 PM
Lord you keep the grace flowing and the healing flowing to our brother in this time. Doctors only practice you oh Lord perfect healing.
Thank you Lord for what you are doing for Scott and his family

09-24-2016, 05:43 PM
Amen !