View Full Version : Composition of forklift battery bracket terminals

09-18-2016, 04:24 PM
Hi guys

Anyone run across these before? They seem more like COWW in hardness then pure.

And no, I do not have access to an x-ray gun



09-18-2016, 05:24 PM
Threw one on my Lee hardness tester and it came out about 14.3 so no doubt not pure

09-18-2016, 08:54 PM

09-18-2016, 09:00 PM
Threw one on my Lee hardness tester and it came out about 14.3 so no doubt not pure

I have a bunch of forklift battery inter cell connector lead in ingot form. It's a little softer than 14.3 and is claimed to be antimonial lead around 5%. I'm using mine as part of a Lyman #2 90/5/5 mix and consider it as 2% antimony based on it's hardness of a little over 10. The resulting alloy is shooting well in 9mm. From what I read the end connectors like in your pictures are a little harder and need tin as well. I would not be afraid of them as a lead source.

09-18-2016, 09:23 PM
Somebody gave me 130 pounds of it :)

Oklahoma Rebel
09-23-2016, 01:21 AM
662... by iter cell connector, are you talking about from inside the battery, since they are not sealed batteries (I don't think) or are you talking about something that connects the batteries together, but I wouldn't think so because they use short heavy guage wires, whatever they are let me know so I can keep an eye out. as far as the old type of batteries that you keep filled with distilled water, are they safer to take apart for lead than new batteries (which I wouldn't touch!)? let me know all the info you can, and if there are other sources of lead in heavy equipment yards. thanks a lot, Travis

09-23-2016, 11:26 AM
Nothing from inside the battery. I'm talking about the external connections between the cells.

662... by iter cell connector, are you talking about from inside the battery, since they are not sealed batteries (I don't think) or are you talking about something that connects the batteries together, but I wouldn't think so because they use short heavy guage wires, whatever they are let me know so I can keep an eye out. as far as the old type of batteries that you keep filled with distilled water, are they safer to take apart for lead than new batteries (which I wouldn't touch!)? let me know all the info you can, and if there are other sources of lead in heavy equipment yards. thanks a lot, Travis

09-23-2016, 12:11 PM
I worked in the forklift industry for over 30 years. Over the years, I have used 4 55gal drums full of these and have another 500 lbs out back.

Found them to vary according to manufacturer. Your assumption of 2 % antimony is spot on.

I liked them mixed with wheel weights and a bit of tin (1 %).


Oklahoma Rebel
09-23-2016, 12:15 PM
so it is like the posts or connects to them?

09-24-2016, 08:39 AM
These are the intercell connectors on the outside of the battery. Perfectly safe to use.

Do Not attempt to use the material from the plates inside the cells. They have cadmium and other toxic metals in them and require extensive facilities to recycle.


Oklahoma Rebel
09-24-2016, 12:43 PM
yep, iv'e not tried, just didn't know if the old style batteries were safer or not. i'll put it on my TO not DO list. thanks!