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09-18-2016, 07:01 AM
Hebrews 11:23-27 (https://www.intouch.org/read/magazine/daily-devotions#)
Ignorance of the future is mankind’s frightening reality. Particularly in times of stress and uncertainty, the road ahead appears dark. But believers have a special gift that helps them face life’s unknowns. We possess spiritual eyes that are trainable for seeing the omniscient God who holds the future in His hand.
Moses challenged Egypt’s Pharaoh, led the children of Israel through the Red Sea, and endured turmoil and rebellion as a nomadic leader because he saw “Him who is unseen” (Heb. 11:27 (https://www.intouch.org/read/magazine/daily-devotions#)). Moses’ spiritual eyes were focused on God, and he trusted the Father completely.
Our daily existence may not be as dramatic as that of an Old Testament political rebel, but like Moses, we all have a purpose for which we are called to move forward without detailed instructions. And we share in the promised presence of God.
But it’s important to realize the Father reveals Himself only to clean-hearted believers. (See Matt. 5:8 (https://www.intouch.org/read/magazine/daily-devotions#).) “Pure in heart” refers to holy thinking, which rejects incorrect ideas and replaces them with obedience. When a sinful thought occurs, pure-hearted believers confess and repent in order to move ahead in righteousness. In other words, the people who develop spiritual eyes to see God are those who are dedicated to knowing and serving Him. As we study Scripture to learn His commands, desires, and way of operating, we start to think as He does.
When believers’ hearts are clean, their spirit can sense the Father’s abiding presence. Consequently, we can face life’s unknowns hand in hand with Him.

09-18-2016, 07:17 AM
Matthew 5;8

Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.

Thank you rl69 .

09-18-2016, 07:32 AM
The regular bible study I use dosent post on Sunday's, I thought this one complemented the lessons of last weak ( look to God in times of trouble ) [B]BUT

I'm having trouble with the 4th paragraph where he says God revels himself only to clean hearted believers. He reveled Himself to me at least twice when my hart was far from clean. Maby I'm straining at gnats or I'm reading it wrong I'm not sure but I sure do wish he wouldn't have said only

09-18-2016, 07:41 AM
rl69 thanks for the post....trying to be pure of heart is a goal that we cant meet but that does not mean that we shouldnt try to attain it because it is our souls that are at stake.....if Jesus and God are on your heart then they are on our lips and we will spread their word and their promises.....Paul

09-18-2016, 07:56 AM
I agree with Paul . Pure of heart to me is much in the trying , not perfection . We as he mentioned will never be perfect . Keep in mind rl that GOD can and will reveal himself any time or circumstance he choses .

Seeing GOD is open to interpretation . He may reveal himself to you here for many reasons . Seeing GOD in heaven would mean you are with him forever .

09-18-2016, 08:11 AM
I agree whole heartedly with y'all.my contention with the study is the word only. I fill it is misleading.

When I was running wild and God would set me straight I wasn't even trying my hart was on the world and what it had to offer

i agree with the basic idea of the study. It's just that one word

Pine Baron
09-18-2016, 09:15 AM
rl, God knows what's deep in our hearts, even when we only realize what's on the surface. We may follow a path that bends and turns even back unto itself. Only God's guidance and wisdom knows where we will end up. Go in peace, brother.

09-18-2016, 09:23 AM
Great post, RL. Thanks. And as to any temptations and confusions a Christian might be subject to, that certainly doesn't come from God, but from Satan. When we become believers, Satan doesn't like it, and redoubles his efforts to win us back. Staying the course and following the advice our Lord left us will deal with any of that. Our wills don't die when we become Christian. They're just covered with a blanket of belief, so we can protect ourselves from sins if we'll only follow the Lord's good advice. He loves us, and will never let us fall prey to Satan, but it's up to us to do the following, and that's not always easy while we still have our free wills active. One or the other must win. There's no such thing as a stalemate between them. One will always be dominant, but even when we overcome our more "natural" inclinations, it doesn't mean they go "poof," and don't exist any more. It just means we've followed the Lord's admonitions and advice. So never feel inadequate because of any of this. You keep winning the battles, and that's good for you, but it doesn't mean that it's no longer a battle.

We all wish to never be tempted, but that's just not gonna' happen. When my eldest grandson made his profession of faith a few years ago, I was the only one who told him, "Now the hard part begins." After several years of the battles we all face, he understands much better now. And we're all in the same big boat in that. When we become believers, Satan tries to lure us from the light into the darkness. It's just what he does, and he redoubles his efforts when one becomes a Christian. He just HATES righteousness in any form, but he's fighting a losing battle, and he knows it. This pretty well explains why he's so highly based in the emotions rather than the intellect.

Keep up the good fight. It's an eternal one, but we're on the winning side, in the end. And that's the most crucial thing. But Satan still labors under the delusion that he just MIGHT win if he keeps trying harder. But he won't. Yet, he never accepts Truth or righteousness or reason. He just keeps giving in to his self-obsessed emotions, that got him cast out of Heaven in the first place. Our Lord is the only cure for him, and the only cure that will ever be.