View Full Version : Single load M95 Steyr 8x56R?

09-16-2016, 03:19 PM
I read somewhere it was a bad idea to single load the little Steyr carbine. The clips are like gold. OK to single load?

09-16-2016, 03:42 PM
Single load, that is, not using the clip, can break the extractor which in turn is almost impossible to find. Do yourself a favor and use a clip.

09-16-2016, 04:30 PM
Single load, that is, not using the clip, can break the extractor which in turn is almost impossible to find. Do yourself a favor and use a clip.

+1, it is important to use a charger to prevent breakage of the extractor.

Some will say that you can load single rounds, but you only have to get it wrong once to break the extractor.


Ballistics in Scotland
09-16-2016, 04:42 PM
I read somewhere it was a bad idea to single load the little Steyr carbine.
The clips are like gold. OK to single load?

Numrich Gunparts have some of that gold - not extractors but clips, at $7.10 apiece, cunningly classified under "Steyr". It is the magazine spring that forces the cartridge up behind the extractor, so you might be able to push it down and then back, so that it rises up instead of deflecting the extractor over to the left. If it won't quite do it, you could put a piece of rubber under the magazine spring to strengthen it. You can't break the spring by what you do when it is in the one-cartridge position, when it is meant to deflect for five.

I wish I could buy a cocking-piece for mine. Not long ago I could and didn't, but since then it has been decided that they would be abetting M95-armed terrorism. Oh well, I may be buying things from someone who is a licenced exporter one of these days, and can probably get him to include one.


09-16-2016, 09:59 PM
You can safely single load the M95 straight pull, but you have to be careful. Never just push a cartridge in the chamber and try to force the bolt closed or you risk breaking the extractor. With the bolt almost closed in the receiver, there is no room for the extractor claw to flex and ride over the cartridge rim. It's not advisable to try this with an M98 Mauser either. To single load the M95, retract the bolt and feed the cartridge rim into the gap between the bolt face and the extractor claw. Gently push down and allow the extractor claw to grab the rim. The round should snap in place with no more force on the extractor than if it had been fed from a clip. You may find it easier to remove the bolt from the receiver and snap the rounds under the extractor claw and then carefully replace the bolt with the round held against the bolt face by the extractor. After you've done it a few times it's easy, but is a fairly slow 2-handed operation. When I'm sighting in or trying new loads, I sometimes load rounds singly without the clip, or sometimes I use the clip with only 1 round in place.

I've purchased extractors recently on ebay and here: https://www.apexgunparts.com/m95-extractor-8x56r.html They aren't cheap, but are available.

Der Gebirgsjager
09-16-2016, 10:08 PM
If you want to PM me your mailing address I think I could send you a couple of clips.

Ballistics in Scotland
09-17-2016, 04:47 AM
At least some of them have a little rectangular tongue protruding from the front of the rim recess surround, about as long again as the rim thickness, which would prevent sliding a cartridge in from above. It would have to be from below. I don't know whether grinding off this tongue would interfere with normal loading from a clip.

09-17-2016, 03:40 PM
Insert the cartridge at an angle with the rim under the extractor claw. Then push the catrridge straight and into the rim recess of the bolt face. You can then carefully push the bolt forward and chamber the round, but you may have to help support the cartridge with your fingers until the nose of the bullet enters rear of the chamber or it may drop and catch on the feed ramp.

176814 176815 176816 176817

09-18-2016, 01:20 PM
If you want to PM me your mailing address I think I could send you a couple of clips. Thankyou for the generous offer. I'll PM you but you have to let me return the favor. I have a healthy lead stash. - In the meantime thanks also for the info fellas. Muskeg, got anymore pictures? Your Steyr looks custom.

09-18-2016, 03:26 PM
Just the rear sight is custom. I bought the rifle without the normal open military rear sight and installed a Lyman Model 57 that I had on-hand. I had to reduce the width of the safety tab about 1/16" to gain clearance for the sight base, otherwise the rifle is a stock M95/30 Stutzen. In the mean time, the military sight was ordered. After shooting the rifle with the proper military rear sight, I decided to stick with the Lyman receiver sight. My eyesight isn't what it once was and groups are much smaller with the receiver sight.

176895 176896 176897

09-22-2016, 01:19 PM
If you want to PM me your mailing address I think I could send you a couple of clips.
This guy does what he says and quick! Thanks for the M95 clips. Generous man. I am set and will work more with my old Steyr. Such a handy little thing with so much power.

10-08-2016, 10:03 PM
If you need some let me know you can have a few for postage.

11-05-2016, 03:20 AM
If anyone needs extractors, this place has them for under 20 bucks a piece.


M95 extractors aren't hard to find. Hard to find is a M95M extractor!