View Full Version : For thought and meditation

09-15-2016, 06:43 AM
And there shall be no more curse, but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it, and His servants shall serve Him.—Revelation 22:3 (http://harvest.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=4f108f827aed8d503b5fca9fa&id=d2d22f5546&e=3dd732485b)What are we going to be doing in heaven?

For starters, we will be worshipping. In Revelation 5, we are given a glimpse of heaven and we see that it's a place of worship. Our pain will be gone, our tears will be dried, our questions will be answered, and as a result, we will offer unbridled worship to the Lord.

Some might say, "I don't know. It sounds like heaven is going to be a really long church service. I like church services, but is that all we are going to do?" Believe me, this worship is going to be different than any you have ever experienced on earth—but no, worship is not the only business of heaven. We also are going to be serving the Lord. Revelation 22:3 says, "His servants shall serve Him."

I am glad of that because I can only rest for so long. Some people's dream is just to retire and disconnect and play golf for the rest of their life. Or eat and sleep. Or fish, or surf, or whatever it is they like to do. That is all fine for a while. I don't play golf, I surf just a little bit, and I eat a lot. (By the way, we eat in heaven, and that is good news.) Rest and recreation are great things. But it's good to know that we will be able to serve the Lord as well.

Think about what the word recreation means. Recreation is to re-create. When I take a little time off, I get recharged. Then I want to get back to what I am passionate about: getting closer to God and bringing other people to Him.

I think the rest and recreation we experience in heaven will motivate us to worship and serve the Lord all the more

09-15-2016, 07:07 AM
Thank you for the lesson and good news rl69 !

square butte
09-15-2016, 07:22 AM
Thank you rl for the good lesson and start to this morning

Preacher Jim
09-15-2016, 07:43 AM
Great start to a hectic day. Remembering we have eternal life. And no more pain.

Pine Baron
09-15-2016, 08:29 AM
Thank you, rl. Great start to the day.

09-15-2016, 09:02 AM
Ever consider what a puppy or dog gets out of his side of things? He gets to serve, he is rewarded with his needs met, and love, l ots of love. I suspect the Love of the Lord up close would be an awesome thing. And I think we will wag our tails and ask for more just like that puppy would.

Now I might be around the bend here. But I see parallels in the rules we lay down for our dogs and the rules the Lord lays down for us.
Really he just wants us happy and healthy, and a little bit of worship and adulation never hurt anyone did it? No chewing on the furniture, don't kill each other, love all, try to avoid making messes.

As I sit here typing looking at my Casey dog laying against my leg sleeping and dreaming. Does he not worship me? Am I not the center of his world? When the day comes when we come into the Lords presence I suspect that we will be awe stuck by his power and Majesty.
I suspect we will look up in awe and wonder, fall to our knees in worship. And when his presence touches us I suspect we will wag our tails for joy.

09-15-2016, 09:27 AM
Great post once again, RL, and great commentary by Ghost. And I too have had the same thoughts about dogs relating to man much like we relate to God. We had a recent thunder storm, and despite her bravado, normally, she does NOT like thunder storms, and is afraid of them. When it starts to thunder, she comes to me, depending on me to protect her from what she doesn't understand and cannot control. It's a humbling experience, because I know I can't control it either, but what I CAN do is simply reassure her, pet her and show her I love her, and that seems to be enough for her to satisfy her as much as fears CAN be satisfied. Kind'a puts things into a proper perspective, in my book. Non-believers seem to be addicted to mocking and scoffing at God and Christ. That's like a dog mocking and scoffing at us, and it never yields good results, but .... they continue with it anyway. I think it's more of a simple mood, composed largely of haughtiness and self-worship that keeps them from knowing the Lord. And it's such a waste, but they don't seem to care about it, and probably won't until they're before the Throne of Judgment. I'd hate to be them on that day. And it's so easy and "natural" to love God, that it's a mystery why everyone doesn't do it! Not easy always to follow Him, but it's always easy to love Him.

I've come to believe (?) that most of the mysteries of life are of our own making, and principlally are derived from our emphasis and care for self and satisfying our earthly bodies and tendencies, rather than those things which we can never lose. But then, when have people in general been truly wise and rational? i know I find myself doing things often that just don't make any sense, and it's usually when I cut my thinker off and just go with my immediate impulses. On reflection, it never takes long to discern my mistakes. They're usually pretty obvious and glaring. As long as we wear these mortal bodies, we'll continue to err, I think? But that clearly demonstrates the value and opportunity for repentance - admitting our mistakes and correcting them. None of us will ever be through with erring until we shed these mortal bodies and are transformed into our eternal ones. What a great day that will be!

09-15-2016, 01:40 PM
Love the mini-BIBLE STUDY......