View Full Version : What a geat bunch of moderators!

09-10-2016, 05:41 PM
Been here for a few years and have noticed some fine folks hang out here. I have learned very much from having so many great minds in one spot. There is also some very fine folks who moderate here. I just thumbed through a bunch of pages of drivel where some person got himself banned for very poor behavior. We all know that the posts only tell a part of the story and the mods are busy in the background trying to get the person to straighten out and follow some basic rules.

I would like to say "Thank You" to all who moderate here. You take time out of your busy lives to make sure things here stay nice.

You have created a homey feel here and I for one love it. Family oriented and friendly, informative and fun. That is the castboolits site I love. We all have our opinions and sometimes things can get heated, but without the mods it would descend into chaos. Those who rule here do so with a very fair, carefully considered hand. After the long post I went through, I took a moment to mentally thank the mods for their even handed, fact based approach. Nobody got dragged into a nonsensical fight, they just did what had to be done. They could have easily had a public Bar-B-Que with this fellow and many would have cheered them on. Instead they all just stayed calm and focused.

The very definition of "Moderators"

Thank You All!

Preacher Jim
09-10-2016, 06:49 PM
Shredder every one of the mods tried to help but could not.
They agonized and finally decided for the good of the members one had to go.
Thank you for your post and warm words.

09-11-2016, 12:32 AM
I'd like to see a few more banning's.

09-11-2016, 08:22 AM
I'd like to see a few more banning's.



09-11-2016, 09:53 AM
I must have missed something

Half Dog
09-11-2016, 10:15 AM
I guess I missed it too but I agree with the OP about this being a good place to be, which is due to rules and the great effort enforcing them.

Thanks to the mods!!

09-11-2016, 11:30 AM
he is talking about a thread in the "PIT" area.
9 pages of meandering and often Bi-polar type posting with manic injections thrown in for good measure every now and then.

09-11-2016, 11:33 AM
Thanks mods for doing the impossible with little thanks!

09-11-2016, 12:12 PM
thanks, that means a lot.

Normally the details of actions by the Mods isn't to be made public, But I think I can make an exception here, at least with a few details anyway.

The fella in question, that got banned, just didn't listen. If he would have only listened, he would still be a member. From the beginning when he joined in July(or was it June?), he would start threads that asked questions and wouldn't listen to the members answers...No biggie, but definitely a personality flaw. He also exhibited poor etiquette, we were lenient because he was a foreigner, so "We" (Mods and Members) gave him advice on proper etiquette, he didn't listen, still no biggie, but definitely warning flags were flying.

About 3 days ago, he crossed the line in someone else's S&S post, again I was lenient with him, as that had been the previous coarse of action and I deleted his offending post and sent him a PM, he didn't even respond, He posted 5 more times in that S&S thread, I deleted those too and sent another PM asking him to please respond, so he and I could have a conversation about why he shouldn't be posting nasty comments in someone else's S&S thread. I go offline to run some errands for an afternoon and during that time, a PIT thread is started by him where he indirectly compared me to Hitler...I hadn't even issued an infraction to him at that point. The Mods and I were lenient no more.

He seemed like he was intelligent and well educated in some posts, taking into consideration that English isn't his first language, particularly some posts in the Black Powder Thread. Which makes me wonder how someone could become so smart without listening. I just write it off that he is a TROLL of Jack*** proportions.

09-11-2016, 01:51 PM
i agree, we have the best. I have crossed the line myself. But it is hard to ban a good man and the job is hard. to ban over one infraction is harsh. Give the man some slack and an explanation. It is were we excel. Our mods are like the rest of us. They don't want to just ban all. All is respect and to be friends.
We have many here but what a great bunch to hold us in line. Thank you all. Just correct me if needed.

09-11-2016, 07:45 PM
Sure seems that some folks on the net just want to stir up trouble. I am just being thankful that someone showed him the door this time!

09-11-2016, 09:48 PM
He was really disruptive! You all let him stay alot longer than I could have. Most know the mods pm the ones getting out of line long before a ban happens. Cheers to the mods.

09-12-2016, 06:08 PM
Same guy turned up on another forum. Goes by SouthamericanGuy or something like that.

09-12-2016, 11:08 PM
I'd like to see a few more banning's.

:goodpost: http://castboolits.gunloads.com/images/smilies/customs/Bright%20idea.gif