View Full Version : Strange things.

09-04-2016, 09:02 AM
We shot yesterday and I started with Don's SBH Hunter at 50 yards. I hit high and adjusted for me and it does not work for him, he shot low so I had to adjust it back. He holds different. He shot very good after. He has an Ultra Dot and bought a great shoulder holster.
I have not hunted with my BFR .475 for a while and I started at 100 yards from the bench at a little Disani Water bottle. I missed a buck with it last season and had the impression I over shot from barrel rise.
I could not hit the bottle and due to the backdrop we could not tell where I was hitting so I shot 50 from Creedmore. I hit LOW. I went back to the bench, shot a water bottle at 50 and hit LOW. I figured 10 clicks up on the Ultra Dot and hit the top of the 1" bullseye for a 1/2" group. I went back to the 100 bottle and blew it up.
I don't know why the change and everyone will say scope movement but this is my one piece gun. The base is steel bedded on and the screws epoxied. Warne rings so it must have been internal.
It is now dead on and I must have shot UNDER the buck.
Don shot it a while and hit bottles of water easy.
So WHY was I 10 clicks off???? Even from Creedmore that has the fastest barrel rise since one hand is used.
Why did I glue the base? Nothing I did would keep it tight, Loc-Tite a joke. A small hammer on a screw driver a joke. This gun would unscrew a space capsule from the rocket. This gun is so stinking accurate I swear you can cock it, throw it on the bench and hit the target and I have taken many deer with it until last season.
Just strange!

09-04-2016, 10:01 AM
Did you change ammunition somehow? Using different brands of ammo can affect the point of impact. Even the same brand and type of ammo changes over time as the components change. Different lots of ammo can cause the point of impact to change. In reloading the propellant lots can result in changes too. Extreme temperature changes can cause some propellants to behave differently as well.

09-04-2016, 10:54 AM
Did you change ammunition somehow? Using different brands of ammo can affect the point of impact. Even the same brand and type of ammo changes over time as the components change. Different lots of ammo can cause the point of impact to change. In reloading the propellant lots can result in changes too. Extreme temperature changes can cause some propellants to behave differently as well.
No I made the mold, 420 gr with 26 gr of 296, 1329 fps. Original powder I started with and stable at temps. Best powder ever. I never buy ammo. The difference between lots of 296 is so small you can't read it. Actually the rounds are from the original loading's. Still shot 1/2" at 50 yards.

09-04-2016, 11:00 AM
Maybe you have changed over time somehow. Maybe your grip on the gun changed. How you are pulling the trigger, etc. may have changed subtly on you. Did you get new glasses?

09-04-2016, 11:10 AM
I have become weaker and that means HIGHER hits since I can't resist recoil as well. But no, my grip is the same. To hit lower does not compute.

09-04-2016, 09:30 PM
Maybe it is something along the lines of what this chart shows. You might need to have someone watch you shoot to see if they notice anything.


09-04-2016, 11:24 PM
Has the gun been out of your sight for 5 minutes in the last year? Because personally, I might not be able to resist the temptation to screw down your sight when you weren't looking. Probably you should epoxy the turrets to prevent this.

This is especially true if you have ever bragged about the accuracy of your BFR.

At work sometimes the guys will add a pound or two of steel weight in the bottom of a buddy's toolbag. Then a couple pounds more. Eventually the owner will dig for a tool and discover he's been humping around an extra 10 or 20 lbs of dead weight, ha ha ha.

My father was producing a prototype machine for a secretive inventor. One day they walked from the machine shop into the office, and discovered a Japanese man with a Minox spy camera photographing the inventor's blueprints. The Japanese man raced out the door, jumped in a car, and sped off. The inventor was beside himself with anguish.

Not my father, though. Because the mysterious Japanese industrial spy was actually our family friend George Kawachi helping out with another of my father's practical jokes . . .

09-05-2016, 10:26 AM
No but it brings up a funny. Nail a guys bag to the bench. Been there, done that. Best was when I made a paper mocha woman, ugly as sin with a deer tail crotch. I worked out his lock on his locker, Locksmith too. Put it in when he was on vacation. WOW. Then I stuffed his locker with crumpled paper so the door near blew off.
Then guys put a chain around a truck axle to a tree in the lot. All stood to watch the fun as the truck slammed to a stop. Then banding around a trucks doors with steel band. OH, you don't know!
I was the worst ever. Not a day went by without something.
But my shooting friends are never competing, need help and appreciate it.

white eagle
09-05-2016, 11:01 AM
was a mason
used to tell the new masons apprentices to go ask the foreman for a bucket of head joints
head joints = mortar, ha-ha and we used to drive a nail into the mud board and bend it over
the handle of a trowel that a mason that went to break had left and cover it with mud came back from break and would lift the entire mud board when he went to pick up his trowel,ha-ha

09-05-2016, 11:29 AM
It was fun. To beat supervisors crazy was the best. I would walk up the stairs to scrounge the food, see a super and I would run down the plane and out the back to get behind the super and say , HEY JOE, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?
Then a new guy loading the plane could not get all in so we sent him to the parts dept to get a pit stretcher. Always out of stock of course.
But the early years of airlines was the best food EVER. Some *** ate old and got sick, sued and food was a no-no but we snuck it anyway. Post a guard and even have lamb chops and caviar. Short ribs to die for.
Off topic but we are all friends so don't get picky.

09-05-2016, 01:25 PM
our eyes change every year and not for the best. When I get new glasses I have to adjust all my open sighted guns not really the scoped ones.

09-05-2016, 02:01 PM
Worst thing in my life was to wear glasses. Fog up or get full of sweat. Sun glasses---Yes. I always had Ray Ban's on.
Glasses reduce the strength of your eyes to focus, really true so you need stronger every year.
Can the implants focus? I don't know if my muscles are good enough after the years of glasses.
Your lens you were born with gets harder and it gets hard to focus. Need glasses. Eyes no longer need to work. But a cataract will block everything and no glasses will save you. I still think the need for glasses even with the darkening, caused my cataracts. They are a magnifying lens at your eyes.

09-05-2016, 07:29 PM
The best work prank ever was we had a Forman that was a jerk! We worked the line in a auto plant. One day he pissed one of the lady's. She take a little bit of track grease off the track and placed it on the ear end of phone hand set! Then called him and hung up a few times. In a few minutes he had black grease all over his ear,face, hands, shirt and the rest of the desk. No one in the group told him till he walk into a managers meeting with the plant manager! He was on fire for the rest of the week!

09-07-2016, 10:15 AM
The best work prank ever was we had a Forman that was a jerk! We worked the line in a auto plant. One day he pissed one of the lady's. She take a little bit of track grease off the track and placed it on the ear end of phone hand set! Then called him and hung up a few times. In a few minutes he had black grease all over his ear,face, hands, shirt and the rest of the desk. No one in the group told him till he walk into a managers meeting with the plant manager! He was on fire for the rest of the week!
Been there done that. I don't think you can find anything I did not do.
How did we keep our jobs?

09-07-2016, 10:35 AM
I got good at calling a number while at work and transferring it to someone else by the second ring. Used to kill boredom by calling two people within sight of me on my floor and connecting them together... hear them arguing about 'I did not call you!'. Had an atheist on our floor and used to hook him up with a dial-a-prayer recording.

09-07-2016, 11:09 AM
I am at home here. Seems we are the same. I love to hear all of this.