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03-27-2005, 03:47 PM

The Mountain hath labored and brought forth my work schedule for 2005, and thus I can announce the following:


The SIXTH Annual Nevada Cast Bullet Shoot will take place on May 6, 7, and 8, 2005. Anyone who shoots cast bullets in any way, shape or form is welcome to attend, and based on past editions of the Event, you WILL have a good time [or else....the Good Time Polizei will be called in!] If need be, just bring yourself, and guns and ammo will be in GREAT plenty for your enjoyment.

I don't know what the status of the range will be, as far as longer-range shooting goes, but we'll do just fine, regardless. I'm lookin' forward to it already!

The condensed, no-BS, rockbottom "ROOLS" are these:

-Act safely

-Have fun


Rools Kommittee (everyone who attends is a member) meets on Friday for dinner and conversation-lubricants. Shooting is on both Saturday and Sunday, with a BBQ at my place on Saturday evening (for the last two years, anyway) and a closing dinner downtown on Sunday night at a fine Basque-style restaurant.

It's truly a grand time, and please attend if at all possible.

Regards from BruceB in Nevada.

03-29-2005, 11:47 PM
Well, Shucks. At the present time I only have 2 conflicts, unless I count the Garage and Shop (cast and load) building, then it gets to be 3 conflicts.

But I'm going to try to spend at least part of a day, maybe even the evening bragging/consolation time, with y'all.

I hope by this Fall (hunting season) this whole moving business is completely behind us!

03-30-2005, 02:10 AM
C1PNR, Don't worry about moving. We started our move ten months ago. By the time of the NCBS I will be enjoying myself at Winnemucca, even though there will still be fifty or so boxes left to unload. When the chariot comes to carry me home I will have no regrets if I'm still not all unpacked, but I'd really hate to have missed a Winnemucca shoot! Looking forward to meeting you at my favorite event of the year, curmudgeon

04-10-2005, 08:55 PM
Don't forget the pictures for castpics, fellers. sundog

04-12-2005, 05:35 PM
Only about 3 1/2 weeks to go until NCBS 2005. I inventoried my cast boolits today and see that some of them are running low. It's about time to fire up the Coleman. I sent off the order for the plates for the trophies last week. As the Rools Committee approved last year's selection, I ordered all of them, plus one more. New this year is an added event, best group for a scope sighted steenking peestol. (How many times have YOU seen "The Treasure of Sierra Madre"?) That means that I'll have to bribe the Rools Committee, but that will be a minor expense. I understand that they can be corrupted for beer. So dust off those short-stocked rifles.

04-15-2005, 01:14 PM
The Shoot draws near!

I've not been posting much about it, because I've been trying to locate a different venue where we can shoot to longer range than the 100 yards now available at the County range in Winnemucca. So far, no dice.

Still, I have no doubt that a fine time will be had by everyone. We can design courses of fire and plinking targets of ample difficulty, believe me!

A suggestion was made that we investigate helium-filled ballons for targets, and I will be following-up on that. Team handgun, with a dozen or so balloons bobbing in the WIND on six-foot strings at fifty yards, should be a "sporting proposition". The clays-on-mesh for team rifle was great last year, and I'd like to do it again this time around....maybe a touch further out????

04-15-2005, 01:39 PM
I'm making a real effort to be there this year. What am I gonna need? Rifles, pistols - Just bring it all???(need more casting time)

Suggestions on where to park my 5th wheel??


04-16-2005, 01:59 AM
Brian, Bring anything you want to shoot as long as it fires cast boolits, or anything you think others might want to shoot. There is a lot of testing each other's guns. Usual events are:

Scoped Rifle 5 shot group @100 (bench)
Scoped Rifle 5 Shots offhand @100
Same two events @ 50 for Iron sight Rifles
Long range rifle- most hits out of 5 @ maximum distance the range alllows, usually 200 yds. This event is always decided by a shoot-off among those tied after the first round.
Rifle team event. Teams cut a stake, pop baloons or bust clays, best time wins.
Military bolt rifle event-Issue milsurps on fun targets at 50 yd. No stripper clips.
Pistol bench group, usually 5 shots at 25.
Pistol scope group, new this year Rools Committee will make final decision Friday night-bribes accepted. (Rools comittee is everybody who shows up for dinner.)
Pistol score event, Iron sights, bowling pins, silhouettes, etc. at some impossible distance 50-75 yd.
Pistol team event-like rifle team event, above.

That should be enough to keep us from roaming the streets and getting into trouble. Generally people meet at the Griddle for lunch Friday, then go out and help set up the range. Warning; you will blow your diet, if any. There will be plenty of oportunity to eat high on the hawg, and enjoy (optional) adult beverages (after the guns have gone night-night.) Competition, while fun, tends to take a back seat to socializing. Do not be surprised to meet numerous clones of yourself.

04-16-2005, 09:14 AM
Golly Moses, it's only three weeks away! The house repairs are moving along but will have to take a weekend off, as the handyman will be in Winnemucca.
Sadly, LINDA has other commitments and I will be batching it that weekend. Haven't gone to a major social and sporting event without herself in a long, long time. I know, I'll just have to drown my sorrows in good company, good food, and good shooting. The last I'll probably have to watch, you guys know how I shoot.

Really looking forward to seeing you all again.


Paul B
04-20-2005, 05:30 PM
Dang. I'm gonna have to pass on another one. I just got out of the hospital yesterday for cancer surgery. Not sure I'll be healed up enough to travel by then.

04-20-2005, 05:54 PM
PaulB---Wishing you the best for a speedy recovery.

04-20-2005, 06:09 PM
Paul B.....Ditto carpetman...hope you have a speedy and full recovery. Cancer is a bad word in my family. My brother just found out he has pancreatic cancer, this while nursing his wife back to health from removal of a cancerous tumor.

Why is it all the fun shoots are out west? Going to Nevada is just out of the question for this easterner. Wish we had something back this ways, either that or if the govt would fly us all in with all expenses paid...Maybe somekind of special Veteran benefit.


04-20-2005, 11:19 PM
PaulB, Our hopes and prayers for your speedy recovery. Bill and Fran

04-20-2005, 11:22 PM
Joe, Our best wishes and prayers to your brother and his wife. Bill and Fran

04-20-2005, 11:30 PM
Thanks Bill and Fran


04-21-2005, 10:48 PM
Hello all!
Just got registered. Got Monday following the shoot off this year. Finally going to be able to stay for dinner. Probably won't get to Winnemucca till late Friday, so don't be too eager to shut down the rools committee meeting. By the way, where is it? Las Margaritas? Flying Pig? or Paradise Club?

Buckshot, I would like to hear some details about the dog hunt you and Al have planned just in case I get myself fired between now and then. I have an iron in the fire at my old place of employment and would like to time things just right for a long weekend but it is taking longer than I wanted. Never know though. Things are getting a might testy at my present place of employ. Sure would like to know youses plans just in case.

Al, hows the countdown going? How many days, hours, minutes. Got any solid plans yet where you are going to light when it's over?

I went to the big Reno show a couple of weekends ago. I think I strained my neck and eyes looking for a familiar face but didn't run into anyone. I did get a carry holster for my new s&w from a local fellow. Got a good deal, of course what his assistant was wearing didn't exactly drive me away, so I had to buy something. Sure shoots sweet. Anyone have any suggestions on a mould. It is a new model 25 called a Mountain Gun with a 4" bbl in 45 colt. Not sure of the twist rate. I have some lyman swc at 200 gr that were gifted to me years ago not sure of mould #. They shoot right nice with 7 gr of imr7625. I was thinking maybe something a bit heavier, maybe alot heavier, but wanted some expert opinions....BruceB you out there?


04-21-2005, 11:59 PM
I'll be there,and have my favorite personal photographer (and all purpose supervisor ) with me. Leasee's ,don't forget your obligations! Are we still on for noonish Friday at the Griddle ?? Urny,we will be missing Linda Herself ,too..Onceabull & Joybull

04-22-2005, 12:25 AM
Onceabull, I expect to be at the Griddle for lunch on Friday, maybe with that kid who shots altogether too well for one so young. He lacks a proper respect for his elders. Haven't heard where the rools committee dinner is yet.

Ammohead, glad to see you can stick around for dinner Sunday. You had to have passed within 250 yd. of my place on the way to the Big Reno Show. Urny and I were there Friday.

04-22-2005, 01:49 AM
Yo, ammohead!

Yep, I'm here. Usually check what's going on here several times a day (or night....I'm at work right now).

It's great to see that you managed to find the new site, and we're sure anticipating seeing you at the Shoot in early May. Your unheralded and unexpected arrival at last year's shindig was a definite high point.

Stick around, pard.

04-22-2005, 02:06 PM
NVCurmudgeon: Check your e-mail for some good news...

04-23-2005, 12:38 AM
BruceB, Howdy Pard,

Stick around? Heck you couldn't drive me off with a stick. It took me a long time to get internet access at home again. I plan on sticking around and visiting often. Any recommendations for a heavier boolit in my new smith? I am leaning toward a round flat nose 255 from lee, but could use some guidance. (that's an understatement, more like constant supervision). Another that has caught my eye is the rcbs saa 270. I don't want a gas check and don't think I am going to be attempting velocities that would need one. Not with a 4" bbl. Besides if I go heavy enough velocity shouldn't be needed.

Every year we are hearing about more bear encounters around these parts. California traps nuisance bears in Yosemite and relocates them wherever they get away with it. Quite a few end up in the Bridgeport area and many of them wander east and north to find new territory. I was talking to my dentist the other day showing him my new toy and he told of a sheepherder from South America that a sheep outfit he is part of hired to watch sheep in the sierras. The poor soul had the bad luck to be mauled 2 years in a row. By the same damned bear! Really messed him up the second time around. He said adios and went back home to stay.

I seriously doubt that I will ever have such an encounter, but I do poke around a bit in the nevada outback and I wanted something with more punch than my security six in 357 and didn't want to carry my 7.5" 44 mag. As with the 357, I have been practicing only in double action mode and the s&w is a real sweety. I plan to be ready for the stake shoot. I can't wait.

I filed some more paper work with GE my new hopeful employer. I would like to make the transition during the shoot but am running out of time. Sure would like to join Buckshot and Al in Cedarville.


04-23-2005, 01:42 AM
Well now....(BruceB senses a fish nibbling on his line)

It just so happens, ol' buddy ol' pal, that I find myself with a rather large assortment of goodies for the .45 Colt, and NO gun to use them in.

Don't buy ANYTHING until you get here for the Shoot, because I can probably git you fitted out with whatever you need in .45 Colt.

My info sez that S&W is now making their .45 Colt cylinders with proper-sized throats, so the bad old days of trying to find boolits of .457 or more will have no effect with your new roscoe. I was looking rather hard at one of them black 25-13s here, too, but so far have not yielded.

I have several decent moulds available, and more importantly there's a large-ish selection of ready-cast boolits which you're welcome to take home and try for the usual friendly price ($zero). Some are sized-'n-lubed, others nekkid. They include the 255 454190, RN with a small flat meplat, which sounds a lot like the Lee you're contemplating. Also 454424, I think, and another two or three as well, including RCBS' 45-255 Keith SWC. On hand as well are several hundred rounds of once- or twice-fired brass, and a set of RCBS "Cowboy" dies which you may like. Have a .454" sizer, too, but I may hang on to that item.

When we lived in the bush in the Northwest Territories, due to bears and wolves, I NEVER left the house without a .44 Magnum, at least, unless I was hauling a rifle, and even then if you looked closely there'd likely be a suspicious bulge under my coat. A 250-grain .45 Colt load running 900 or 1000 fps will go right through a black bear, and most probably break some bones en route. What a great confidence builder!

Remember those old Colt ads, that used the line "A Colt says..."??? The one I liked best showed a lone cowhand reaching for his SAA while looking over his shoulder into the dark away from his campfire, and the caption was something like, "A Colt says..... night... firelight... snapped twig.... confidence." Exactly, and your S&W will do the same.

Bring money so's I can liberate this here SAECO #021 mould from onceabull!

This Shoot is gonna be fun!

04-23-2005, 02:53 AM
Please 'scuse my long-winded discourse with ammohead, people.

Now then.

The Griddle at say, ONE P.M. on Friday the 6th to avoid the worst of the lunch crowd....would that be OK?

Rools Kommittee dinner on Friday night, what do y'all think? Back to the Flying Pig, or there's a mainstream American-style restaurant (Sid's) almost beside the Pig that also has a back room, and they have good grub too. Las Margaritas is also available.

BBQ at Ragged Ass Ranch for Saturday night, (bring yer own meat and drinkables, other "stuff" provided) as per the last couple years still seems like a fine idear to me. Unfortunately, The Friends of the NRA have their annual dinner/auction/raffle/fundraiser that same night. I wish there was a way to coordinate, but I don't see how.

Naturally, our closing Sunday dinner will be at Ormachea's, a gourmet-quality Basque dinner house and the now-traditional wind-up location.

The Shoot....

We'll have the normal events as in years past, with the addition of scoped peestola as Curmudgeon mentioned above. These events include scoped and iron sight rifle, both for group and score, plus handgun for score and a lot of other fun things to do.

TimB just asked if I'd "mind" if he and his wife Lori set up a Cowboy Action stage for us to shoot. MIND??? Just remember to bring any Old West hawglegs and rifles you have laying about...myself, I'm gonna shoot it with my Walker Colt! I asked Tim to set it up so we wouldn't need the regular load of artillery the SASS folks use, like TWO revolvers, a rifle and a shotgun, to compete in a regular Cowboy shoot.

45nut suggested helium ballons as a sporting target, which I thought was a fine idea. After some thought and research, I think we can avoid the complications of helium by building a long crossbar at reasonable height and letting the balloons dangle from the bar. With about...hmmm, maybe twenty balloons blowing in every vagrant breeze at fifty or sixty yards for each team, this would make a VERY sporting proposition for team pistol. Shortest time to break all targets wins, of course. Anybody happen to own a proper stopwatch? If so, bring 'er along, please.

Team rifle will again be fired on clays, but we were also thinking about moving them out to 60 or 75 yards.

I haven't given up yet, in the search for a place to shoot further than 100 yards, but time's getting short.

The Big Question: WHO'S GOING TO ATTEND???

So far, Curmudgeon, Deputy AL, Buckshot, TimB and Lori, Urny, ammohead, onceabull and Mrsbull,.....who did I miss (apologies!)???

04-23-2005, 07:05 AM
..........Ammohead, Deputy Al and I will depart these environs about 2100 Monday night, for an approx 0800 arrival in Cedarville. There is only ONE motel in town, on highway 299 westbound out of town. We'll check in there. Allan has hooked back up with his contacts there in Cedarville. One of the places they'd recommended was a field we used 2 years ago. At that time it was an unturned oat field and the rodents looked like gray question marks out in it. The stubble was high enough that they had to sit up to see over it, "Blam!". This is a big field right across the highway from the cemetary on the south side of town.

Last year we had a good field south and west of town, but the squirrels were running on the small and VERY stupid side. It was mostly 22RF action sitting or on 'walkabout'. We both did get in a couple 200 yard shots but they were slim and you had to be fast as they'd run from bush to bush. Don't know if we'll have the use of that field again.

Allan is talking to the county ag agent to try and widen things up a bit too. Two years ago we'd also hooked up with another farmer who allowed us to shoot in a couple of his fields but we didn't check in with him last year.

We'll pull out Thursday afternoon and get into W late Thursday night. We WON'T be crossing the Sheldon Antelope preserve!


04-23-2005, 11:16 AM

The earliest I would be able to make cedarville in a perfect world would be Tuesday night. Not sure that it would be worth the trip for a half days shooting. If your not crossing the sheldon what other route to Winnemucca takes 2 days. Never mind, we are talking Nevada, and what happens in Nevada......Lot's of sightseeing to do here.


04-23-2005, 11:25 AM

I was just looking for a hint or two, I should have known that the options with this crowd go way beyond that. This is great news. I will put any purchase on hold for now, and look everything over in a couple of weeks. I knew I was asking the right guy.

You are right about the cylinder throats. I have a 452 sizer that I think I got from jumptrap. Sized thusly the 200 gr lymans push through with gentle pressure. So I am guessing .4525? No leading at all so far with factory Black Hills and some other cheaper stuff. Had to get brass somehow. I have since ordered 250 rounds of unprimed rem brass.


04-23-2005, 11:37 AM

There is a RV place on the east end of town. Hi-Desert RV Park 775 623-4513. They are in the big Reno phone book yellow pages. Go through town and just before you get to the I80 onramps on the east end of town hang a right on E Winnemucca Blvd and go about a half mile they are on the left. There are 2 RV parks there. I think the second one is Hi-Desert. I stayed there a couple of times for the shoot. Quite resonable.

How long have you been in Gville? I moved to Carson Valley in 83 and then to Smith Valley in 89. Have been here since. Ever go to The French for a cold one?


MT Gianni
04-23-2005, 07:30 PM
I would love to get there again. Matt dropped out of high school and is in a National guard youth challenge program. He has his GED and a home week may 1-7 and has to be in Dillon at 2:00 pm sat. I wouldn't feel right leaving him thursday with everthing esle he has been through and the committments he has yet to make. Gianni.

04-24-2005, 01:43 AM
I saw that Hi-Desert rv park when I searched for parks around Winnemucca. I'll call tomorrow for reservations.

I've lived in Gardnerville since '91 when the company I work for started a facility in Carson City. I'm back on Foothill near Kingsbury Grade.

I'm planning on going but I'm really wondering what the weather is going to do.

nevada duke
04-24-2005, 02:06 AM
Ahah, this is where you guys are hiding out. Curmudgeon sent me a road map and here I am. Ammohead, and Montana Gianni, a big how ya been. I hope to be there Friday in time for the Griddle reunion, I love that place. My oldest son Eric cannot make it this year, other obligations. Dan from Denio says he will be there to shoot on Saturday. He says the squirrel hunting has been really bad up there because of the cold weather and wind this year. Might be good later than usual.

Looking forward,, Nevada duke is over and out.

04-24-2005, 02:59 AM
..............Ammohead, I made a mistake on the departure from Cedarville. It's Thursday afternoon, not Wednesday! Arrive 'W' Thursday night.

Year before last we were going to attempt the Sheldon. No one in Cedarville could give us definative information about the dirt roads. Allan and I stopped at a NV maint of way station a few miles before you get to it. The guys there confired and suggested if we'd been in two 4x4's with a winch and no particular deadline, we'd probably have a blast crossing it. Apparently some of the washouts were pretty spectacular.

I liked the signs about the hot springs, "Stay out, Stay alive"!

We drove north from there past Alkali Lake (all dirt roads) skirting the Sheldon and hooking up with 140 just across the OR-NV line, then south. While desolate, the scenery was interesting and varied. Talk about long range shooting possiblities!

It would be neat if you could join us, but it IS a drive.


04-24-2005, 02:46 PM

That maint station would have been Vya. I came from 140 to Vya across the Sheldon. It wasn't that bad, but not volkswagen roads either. When 140 drops back into NV you are in the north 1/4 of the Sheldon National Wildlife Refuge. Top of the world huh. Towards Vya from there is a smaller area called the Charles Sheldon Antelope Range I have yet to check that out, but it is really only a small portion of the Sheldon.

Whether I can make Cedarville really hinges on changing jobs and when it happens. I am kinda walking on eggshells right now. I am more than ready to make the move. And I think that the people I am talking to at GE want to hire me, but with companies that big you just don't know till you get it in writing. If I get the goahead I am ready to make Tue the third my last day at my present job starting the following Tue at GE. The last guy that gave his notice at work got fired the next day. So I am not clinging to a 2 week notice plan, and they will get what they get. We'll see. At the very least I plan on being at the rools committee meeting but probably will show up a little late.


04-24-2005, 02:58 PM
I'm planning on going but I'm really wondering what the weather is going to do.


This is Nevada. If you don't like the weather, just wait 10 minutes, it will change. Last year we had snow on Friday morning but by afternoon it was a gorgeous day and a great weekend followed. Granted it is tough to guarantee perfect weather this early in May, but heck we used to do it in April.

Don't miss this. I guarantee that you won't be disappointed. This is a great bunch of people. The B's are gracious hosts and everyone comments that you get the feeling you have always known everyone. Of course via the internet you already do.

The first meeting at Topaz we didn't even know what each others real names were or what each other looked like other than the pictures on castpics. But we all made it to Topaz Lodge and found each other no problem. Some kind of built in homing device or something. Looking forward to meeting you in Winnemucca


04-25-2005, 03:23 AM
Ammohead, Good observation on Nevada weather. My father hated Nevada about as much as I love it. He was born and raised in PA and was hitching and busing his way to CA in 1934. The bus stopped in Tonopah for lunch and my father claimed that within 40 minutes it snowed eight inches and then the wind blew it away! After that experience you couldn't get him out of CA with dynamite.

04-28-2005, 01:02 PM
I forgot a couple of names on the last list, for which I hope my apologies are accepted. These were 45nut and ben1025. With any luck Duke should be here, and maybe PaulB might just heal-up a bit and make it???

Based on current info, this is shaping up like a reduced version of previous versions. Not near as many people will be attending, unless there's a sudden influx of candidates. We'll still haver a fine time, guaranteed!

No-one has indicated any preferences on programs and restaurants, so I'll take care of that.

We'll meet at The Griddle at 1 pm next Friday and take it from there. Weather is forecast to be the pits until Thursady, but I trust it will improve by Saturday when the shootin' starts.

04-28-2005, 03:16 PM
BruceB: Not directly on topic,but worthy of note: Elisa Carlsen,Winnemucca,NV. Named one of the"Ten best" graduating Srs.2005 at Boise State U. by the Alumni Assoc. To be honored at the Assoc.Annual banquet tonight.. Straight out of this AM's Gannett Corp. local fishwrapper..Should you come up Elisa,or family,congrats. in order... Onceabull

04-28-2005, 07:45 PM
I will certainly be attending the festivities in Winnemucca.
My one and only for darn tooting sure vacation. I have been sizing and lubing boolits like a madman. Hope to get ammo aplenty ready and boxed this week.
Getting a new pistola anyday now,A Ruger 357 Maximum.
Old and derised by the gun-liars at the time as prone to throat erosion due to their penchant for making the obviously poor choice of shooting light as in 110gr jacketed instead of a proper boolit of 180grs or above. This really oughta be a great gun,been lusting after one since 82 when they were first made.
See ya next friday.

nevada duke
04-29-2005, 01:57 AM
Bruce B, barring medical emergencies or comet strikes, I will be there, probably at the Griddle by 1pm. Do you want me to bring the BBQ again? I am really looking forward to this year's event, having missed last year.

I just got finished loading the match-grade 30-06 cast boolit ammo for our O3A3, and am getting started on the new rifle in the house, the CZ model 527 carbine in 7.62x39. It shows promise as a platform for cast bullets, but is still in the development stage and needs to be bedded I think. Eric (Wheel man) will not be able to attend due to work load. I will also be bringing the BITCH, the .243 that sometimes shoots well, sometimes not. I have the ammo already loaded, ready since last year. I have also been shooting a Sharps replica in 45-70, will probably bring it just for the fun factor. And of course some lead slinging handguns, but nothing new there.

Looking forward to seeing all of you, Nevada duke is over and out.

05-01-2005, 09:00 AM
....................I got all my Winnemucca cast boolit loading done Thursday. I haven't even shot the M1917 Enfield but I have 50 rounds loaded up for it and it's coming. Then 100 rounds of 6.5 Swede, 70 rnds of 30-40 for the Steyr M95 conversion and finally 60 rnds of 8x57 for the 1888 Turked Commission. I'm only hauling the K38 Smith up for pistol work and have 350 rnds for it.

All set for Cedarville we're hitting on the way up. 150 rnds of 223 for the M112 Savage, and 1000 rnds of 22RF for the M582 Rem and Ruger MkII. I hope we can shoot all that up in 3 days!


05-02-2005, 01:07 AM
Awright, some of you fellers will be leaving home very soon so...

Remember, those in Winnemucca on Friday can meet at The Griddle at ONE P.M. for lunch, general foolishness and a few minor organizational matters. THe Griddle is on Winnemucca Boulevard, the main drag, and very easy to find.

ROOLS KOMMITTEE (all shooters who attend are members) will meet at THE FLYING PIG at 6 p.m. Friday evening. For newcomers, the Pig is also right on the main drag in the same general area as Raleys' supermarket and across from the Model T casino. Pretty hard to miss it, 'specially with the pink-neon porkers flopping around on their signs....

We'll try for an 8am start on Saturday at the range, which is located on Highway 95. Heading north on 95 from downtown, it's only about a mile before you will see our Veterans' Park with tanks, guns, airplanes etc. Turn off the highway at that intersection, and then IMMMEDIATELY turn right on the dirt road through the cattleguard. The range is well marked about a quarter-mile from the cattleguard (if that far).

The weather forecast looks kinda iffy. Right now they're calling for 30% chance of rain on both Saturday and Sunday with scattered thunderboomers. We'll see, I guess.

05-02-2005, 09:12 AM
Bruce B: I'm sorry to say again this year I won't be able to attend. I'm in a apartment till my house gets rebuilt. Hopefully by the middle of July they will be finished. They are doing the plumbing, electrical and roof now. At noon we are going to finalize choosing the floor coverings, tile, cabinets, paint and appliances. What a pain in the butt this process has been. After my house is finished I plan on going to Tahoe. Will stop by for my wax and a visit. If the wax is in your way you can mail it to me. Between now and then I'm going to the East coast to visit my son and family. I would fly but have a bunch of ammo to bring him. Too heavy to ship. Say hello to Karen and Kim and all the guys for me. ben1025

05-02-2005, 12:29 PM
Ben, Sorry you can't make the shoot. On you way to Tahoe look up William Lose (me) in the phone book. You will be passing very close to my place.

05-04-2005, 02:05 PM
Just a quick update. Looks like Friday night at the pig for me. I get off at 3:30 pm. Where I will be when I get off and how far from home I don't know yet. If I finish the day in Reno I have a 1.5 hr drive to get home with a very optimistic 8:00pm eta in Winnemucca.

I have been casting and loading up a storm. 45-70, 348, 30-06, 338-06, 257 Roberts AI, 357, 44mag, and 45 colt. HeHaw I'm ready! See you at the pig.


05-05-2005, 05:12 PM
As Usual,I have a lot more guns and gear than I have room. I have plenty of ammo but the pistols outnumber the rifles and I plain don't have room for my Krag. Once the gear and guns went in the car I have the barely room in the front seat for myself and my clothes. See you guys at the Griddle,I should get into Winne just about the right time barring any difficulties.
Hey Bruce,you have a tarp we can attach to the Schuetzenwagen on case it drizzles?
A portable lean to type thing for quick cover just in case???

05-05-2005, 05:54 PM
Good idea, Ken. I'll bring a 10' x 20' and ask duke to bring his.

05-05-2005, 09:28 PM
Yep, good idea on those tarps! Some sort of poles would be nice, but ???? Maybe I should get some 8' 2x2s ripped at the local yard just in case. Tieing the edges to vehicles would work if we have some poles to prop up the middle, like a ridgeline.

We had a monster thunderstorm mosey through here around 1pm, but the outlook for Saturday (at least) is pretty good according to the TV weatherman. Sunday may be not so hot.

I am TIRED of handloading. Started up with the rifle ammo several days ago, and now can hardly see the benchtop for boxes of LOADED ammo. I just finally quit a few minutes ago, and I have HAD IT. I didn't total them up, but I'd guess well over 700 rounds in the last few days, most with dacron of course.

See y'all tomorrow. I hope Buckshot and Al didn't get flash-flooded on the way over from Cedarville.

05-05-2005, 11:00 PM
Bruce, 700 hundreds rounds, with dacron, huh? And some ole lady coulda had a nice pillow. And here you are just burning the stuff up. Are they gonna make any more of it?

Pictures for castpics, fellers. We need pictures. Y'all have a good time! sundog

05-05-2005, 11:46 PM
A little bit of rain....People in Monterey payin big bucks to live in weather just like this!

Sundog, I will take my old timey camera and have some digitals made. I know that there are lots of folks would like to attend this here shindig. It sure is a good time. But in retrospect everytime I get ready for this I think of all the people I have met on this board, and how many more I won't get to meet anytime soon.

The curse of the internet. It provides a place for us like minded folk to all get together like we were right nextdoor. But at the same time it is kind of a bummer that you can't shake hands with every last one. You, Felix, Jumptrap, beagle, waksupi, carpetman (even if he is a cowboy fan) the list is near endless. I haven't been around much till lately but I have been talking to this crew since 1999. I can't think of any thing that I have been a part of that affords me the same level of belonging that this group does.

After surviving my divorce, and the dark ages that follow, to find that this group is still hanging and getting bigger when other forums come and go does my heart and health good. No flaming, no picking, just sharing a worldwide wealth of knowledge and good cheer. I couldn't be happier to be amongst my friends again and look forward to any chance to meet you all in person.

pardon my blab

05-06-2005, 12:15 AM
Well,I thought I had seen and heard of some pretty un-usual happenings but the story I am about to tell may just take the cake.

As Quite a few of us have lately.I have also been loading ammo and plucking it from the cabinets and shelves in the reloading room and such. Well Yesterday I found a box of 454 ammo in there and quite happily set it in the stack to make the trip. Well apparently I had overlooked it while packing the car today. Just a few minutes ago I heard a lil crash back in the loading room and went in to see what could have happened,,,it seems that box of 454 ammo DID NOT want to be left home and very astutely set itself on the edge of a low shelf and while I was close enough to hear just slid over the edge and laid it's contents very nicely piled up to be collected and brought along. Now most likely I could have in-advertently set it too close earlier but the odds it would have been forgotten and left behind were not as powerful as the call from Winnemuca to be placed in the steel and wood and paper of Nevada and not here in Orygun.
BTW,,,these 454's were cast of cull boolits I melted from commercial Western Nevada boolits.
Who da' thunk it?
See you gents soon !
As for the Rest of the Cast Booliteers across the Globe...WISH YOU WERE COMING TOO!

05-06-2005, 12:18 AM
I will be taking two digital camera for stills and my digital video camera for this years festivities. I will do my level best to take a number of pics. If it can be done I will burn a CD and send it to Sundog with as much info as I can provide as well as the rest of the fine folks attending.

05-06-2005, 09:07 AM
I will be taking two digital camera for stills and my digital video camera for this years festivities. I will do my level best to take a number of pics. If it can be done I will burn a CD and send it to Sundog with as much info as I can provide as well as the rest of the fine folks attending.

You know the problem with taking pictures of people shooting is nobody wants to stand in front of the shooters to take the pictures, so you get a bunch of pictures of fat middle aged guys’ backsides.

Now here is an idea, too late for this year, but maybe some of the technologically astute may manage it for next year. You know those X10 video cameras that used to run the hated pop up ads everywhere? Well get one of those and put it downrange. Supposedly you can control them remotely, and instead of the backsides you could record the august visages of the group members as they launch precision cast boolits on an unerring flight to the X ring. Convert the video images into stills and put them on Castpics.

Should the X10 absorb a boolit, well, the thing has a warranty doesn’t it?

05-08-2005, 12:10 AM
.............We've ended up our first day of shooting, and I hope get everyone to add a little blurb about any high points they may have had during the day. First off I guess since I'm here at the machine I'll say I had the 50 yard small group title for maybe a couple hours until Curmudgeon's son beat my 1.05" group with a 1.00" group. I WILL add that that group I shot was with the new, never fired (by me) 1917 Remington. Shoots GOOD!

I'd like to add that these are some of the finest people that a person could know. It's more like a familiy reunion then anything else. I've mentioned this before, but it bears repeating. You guys who weren't able to attend missed something a bit more then merely a bunch of guys shooting cast lead boolits. I was blessed again.


45nut here,
Another day of powder stained hands and mucho' powder consumed in the Nevada High Desert,My 3rd NCBS and not my last. Launched the first round today with a powder puff load in the 500 A-Square. Shot my 357 Maximum with great effect on the steel clanger and had great fun with the old model 10 smith as well. Had Buckshot take a few shots with the 458 Win Mag and Powderburner as well.
Met BDoyle ,and drooled over a few of his guns! A Man with taste,Lots of PISTOLS !
KarenB came out and delivered the most outstanding chili for lunch ! Oh My,,after the sprinlkes and rushing to get the machined steel and wood under cover,to SMELL the chili from down the line was MOST welcome. And Oh Boy it was excellent,Salad was awesome as well...Wow,,,now for more "B" hospitality and vittles...
Great fun,report more later.........45nut

ammohead checking in
Had to pry myself away from the kitchen. KarenB is outdoing herself again, lots of munchies, finger food, etc. grills are heating up outside. cold beer. Oh yeah, we went shooting today!

BruceB checking in...

Yeah, and ammohead wept and wailed and done me out of a mega bunch
of .45 Colt goodies...he's making out like a bandit but we all enjoyed the horsetrading. Got my Marlin .32 Special on the benchrest today (finally, after MANY months) with a complete set of decent sights, namely a good Lyman receiver sight and a 17A target-type front sight with interchangeable inserts. I fired a group at 100 yards that appeared to be around the 1.5" mark or less, but in the whirl of events I forgot to recover the target. Tomorrow, I shoot for all the iron-sight "honors" from FIFTY yards....watch this space!

Seems like everyone's having the usual fine time. It's funny to call the range "hot" after a target change, and then have ten minutes or more elapse before the first shot is fired...because everyone's busy socializing! That's what it's all about, though. More later...

NVcurmudgeon reporting in. I am fo two minds about my stepson Jaremy. I have to hogtie him and throw him inthe turck to get him to the range. despite limited practice he beats me with my own rifles. In this case old age and treachery is of little use against keen 21 year old eyes. seriously, I am very proud of this kid because he is respectful, respected, and fits in well with all us geezers. And that is another small point about the mix of people who attend these clambakes. Friendships are formed that transcend all our differences. As someone said above, socialization is the first priority, with shooting a long way second.

Deputy Al is in the house. Having a right fine time with some excellent company and great shooters. As NV Curmudgeon stated, the shooting takes a distant back seat to the meeting and conversation and socializing. That said, I did manage as pretty decent group with the 243 this afternoon--and with the wind alibi and hangover handicap in full force, I am real happy with that outcome.

Buckshot and I did our usual varmint strafing prior to the meeting. The hunting was VERY good, and cast boolits figured in the mix like last year. The 243 did good work on the rats, and 22 LR's and j-words in the 223 did the rest of the job.

Overall, it's nice to leave urban southern California and visit the United States at least once a year. That the trip gets spent in the fine company of board members really polishes the experience.

More to come.

05-09-2005, 11:05 AM
Just a short note to thank everyone, especially the BruceB family, for the grand time at the shoot. Wonderful shooting, food, drink, and especially comradeship. Karen and Kim outdid themselves with the eats and hospitality, and Bruce's organization was spot on, as it always is. Now if he could just organize the rain to a different weekend, all would be peachy. Met some new friends, missed some old ones, and I wish we could do it more than once a year. That might be a little tough on the B family, though.

I wish I had stayed the whole day Sunday, 'cause when safely home and out of the shower, herself called me to come into Elko town to rescue her from a leaking tire, not yet flat, but getting there. Rescued her, came home, and my boss showed up at the door. Compressor problems at the Smith mine, and we didn't get home until 0230 this morn. If I had stayed for the closeout ceremonies, he would have had to handle that without my interference, er, assistance. One more error among many.

I would like to say that 45nut likes those carnivorous handguns mighty well. His 458 Magnum had thumb-of-Ernie for breakfast Sunday.

You guys and gals are the greatest! See you all next year.

05-09-2005, 11:29 AM
It's Monday morning and the Nevada Schuetzenfest and Shivaree is over for another year.

I'll bet that this one will go into our memories as "the year it rained". The weather settled into a pattern which is very unusual for this area and time of year. Saturday we had a lot of occasional short showers which made us get our gear under cover for a few minutes each time, maybe up to a half-hour once or twice. Sunday we were sufficiently clairvoyant to shoot both team matches (rifle and handgun) in the morning, because in the afternoon it set in to rain in earnest. We still had enough breaks in the rain to do a lot of shooting, but eventually called it a day around 3 pm and moved our deliberations to a handy saloon.

We'd rigged a 10x20 tarp to TimB's truck camper and built an assembly of 2x2s to support the outer edge of the tarp, and the crew spent considerable enjoyable time chewing the fat under the dry shelter. As mentioned in Saturday night's post, a good part of the real fun lies in BSing with everyone.

We saw some good shooting in spite of the weather. Curmudgeon has my result sheet, but the scoreboard is out in the van and ....it's STILL raining. Anyway, Deputy Al won the scoped-rifle event, fired from the bench at 100 yards. His group was measured at 1.020", which is excellent. The interesting thing is that he beat out both Curmudgeon and C's son Jaremy, who BOTH shot 1.05" groups! Didn't I say that there was some good shooting? I'll post more results later.

Tim and LoriB set up a Cowboy Action stage, which required two single-action revolvers, a rifle and a shotgun. They brought along enough guns and leather to equip anyone who wanted to try the game, and the rapid-fire clang of lead-on-steel was heard frequently from the right side of the firing line.

Team matches were shot with just two teams, seven shooters each, which meant that elapsed-time was meaningless. The first team to clear their targets won, and that was that.

In team rifle we fired at thirty clay targets per team. The clays were predrilled for those electrical ties, and they were suspended from a plastic mesh. Range was seventy yards or thereabouts, and a clay is VERY small when using iron sights from offhand at that distance. Team 1 won this match, finishing up while Team 2 still had 11 targets remaing. Curmudgeon was firing on Team 2, but helped us'ns on Team 1 along by breaking five of OUR targets. (He's claiming advanced geezerdom is to blame, but I think he looked at the sorry assemblage that made up Team 1 and decided to give us a hand.) Note that the actual outcome wouldn't have changed even if he HAD broken his targets for Team 2 instead. I reckon our group weren't all that "sorry" after all.

Results in the pistol team match were reversed, and Team 2 drubbed us rather decisively. This event was shot using balloon targets on the same mesh we'd used for the clays. When the last balloon on Team 2's side broke, I believe we still had four or five left on our side. Seems like most of us fired around thirty rounds or more, judging from comments overheard following the cease-fire.

It seemed like I spent a lot of time on Der Schuetzenwagen's benchrest doing things that SHOULD have been done long before (zeroing, load testing, switching scopes, etc etc), but I still really enjoyed just being with the gang and shooting with friends. Had a couple puzzlers arise, too. In one case, I was firing my new Savage .338 with 338320s and had four rounds INSIDE the x-ring from 100 yards (x-ring is about 1.1", so the four were in about 0.75") when the fifth shot was called good and landed four inches out. I was surprised. I fired one more and it was almost six inches from the point of aim, also called good. Hmmm....new barrel, let's clean it and see if that helps. Nope. The first round from the clean barrel I fired into the berm on purpose, but the first round on paper was still a good six inches from POA and the next one was worse. All screws are tight, the scope is a good Leupold, and I never did figure it out. A thought comes to me now...could fouling in the muzzle-brake be touching the bullets on exit??? I'll have to check that.

Anyway, the Sixth Edition of the Nevada Shoot is in the books. We had another fine wind-up dinner at our traditional Basque restaurant, and then struggled out to visit for a while at Curmudgeon's digs at the motel....naturally still called "Duke's Room"....us shooters love our traditions, don't we? I expect that some other attendees will flesh out this report from their angles, too.

We had a few local shooters drop by, and will work on getting some of them more involved. Bdoyle was welcomed into the group this year, and as usual it was nice to be able to put a face to one of our Internet friends.

I think Skeeter nailed it in his book title: "Good Friends, Good Guns, Good Whiskey"....although the 'whiskey' part is just a small factor in our proceedings. Thanks to all who attended, and we hope to see some more new faces next year.

05-09-2005, 01:54 PM
First off all I would like to thank Bruce and his family for putting up with the invasion. They put a lot of work into this shoot. Secondly I would like to say I am sorry for bringing the rain. Some one has to do it so I will take responsiblity. With all that said, it was a Great weekend with Great company. I must admit I was 'almost' tired of shooting by the end of the day. I think the rain breaks allowed me to revitalize some.
Glad to meet everyone (and in the back of my mind plans are formulating for next year)


05-09-2005, 04:32 PM
A BIG THANK YOU TO BRUCE AND FAMILY FOR ALL THEIR HARD WORK IN PUTTING ON A GREAT SHOOT. It was nice seeing you all and shooting with you................ Dean

05-09-2005, 06:47 PM
Oops, sorry Bruce. I have your official results sheet before me, so I'll post
the results and save you a trip in the rain. Driving home this morning, the rain seemed to be hanging over Winnemucca. That this many events were gotten in during breaks in the weather, along with the two team shoots, is due to the organizing talents of rangemaster BruceB. Rumor has it that one confused old geezer thought he was standing in a different place than was actually the case, but that's not Bruce's fault. Running those team events was similar to herding cats! It has not escaped the notice of NCBS attendees that Bruce, Karen, and Kim, good shots all,do not shoot a lot at these shoots. They are too busy organizing, rangemastering, and producing gourmet meals to look to their own shooting. Thank you all very much.

Iron sight rifle score: Ammohead and curmudgeon tied (47-1X)
Iron sight rifle group: Ammohead and Jaremy tied (1.00") Note:
Ammohead shot an 1895 Marlin .45/70
Scope sight rifle group: Deputy Al (1.020") Note: Deputy Al shot a Remington 788 .243 Winchester.
Scope sight rifle score: curmudgeon (46)
Iron sight pistol group: ammohead (3.5")
Scope sight pistol group:
Long range iron sight rifle offhand: Deputy Al (4/5) Because of range limitations, this event was at 100 yds on a smaller gong than in previous years. Deputy Al shot a Savage 99 250/3000, another fine performance with a notoriously lead boolit unfriendly smalll bore rifle. There seems to be a pattern here.

Lost and found: Ammohead's hat got left behind at the Duke's room party. Now You'll have to drop in on one of your commutes.

It it too soon to start casting for next year?

05-09-2005, 06:52 PM
Addenda et errata: Scope sight pistol group: 45 nut, a tiny 1.45". Sorry Ken, in my absence my wife switched in a new computer keyboard, and I disappeared half of your line in the previous post.

05-09-2005, 08:22 PM
Made it home safe a couple hours ago now. What a great respite from the "work" grind.

Fun Shootin',Food and Friends= NCBS

As metioned it sprinkled some,not real rain like I grew up with in SE Alaska mind you though. If it comes straight down and plops you in the head it's just a sprinkle.
If it comes at you sideways and slams ya upside your head than it's rain.

We would have had to take a few breaks to BS anyway,so it really was not wasted time. Meeting more familiar names and a couple of new ones was most Excellent.
BDoyle in particular really had me going with his Rugers. Matching Bisley 45's in nickle and another pair in blue. Nice Stuff. Hard to get me jealous much anymore but at NCBS I am always going home with a new case of "I NEED"S"
Since either I missed it and skimmed to fast ,or someone hadn't mentioned it yet.... WOW, Ammoheads Elk was Simply Awesome Saturday night at the Bar-B-Q.
I need some downtime from the road and will get pics up soon.......
Another Awesome NCBS capably, graciously and Well Hosted by the "B's"
Thanks so much.
PS:Ernie...I had lots of ammo left and will make sure you get a chance to shoot a box full next year. :P

05-09-2005, 10:20 PM
Just got in a little while ago, and MANY thanks to Bruce B and Family for another fine time in north central Nevada. What a great time!

Also to Buckshot--kudos to a fine hunting partner. Anyone that can share space with my ragged a-- for a full week and keep smiling the whole time has the patience of Job and the kind heart of St. Francis. Thanks a bunch, senor.

He and I will be shooting tomorrow at the weekly Burrito clambake, too. Are we BENT, or what?

05-10-2005, 02:02 AM
Hey Dep Al---That 1st place with the .243 Im a guessing at a cast bullet shoot was using cast bullets? Congrats. How much Ol Buckshot pay you to not shoot the .243 at the Burrito shoot?

05-10-2005, 08:35 AM

The 243 is Burrito-Proof during most weeks, due to being scope-sighted. I resort to the 250 Savage for Burrito events, and if its operator was a little more skilled at target venues--Buckshot could get a little stressed.

I am patently lousy at standing paper-target shooting, but somehow am able to connect on metal plates and live critters offhand pretty well. This applies to both handgun and rifle shooting. One of the Burrito bunch (Bearwalker)once opined that I "shoot like a shotgunner". I'm glad he didn't say "trapshooter". I grew up mostly shooting scatterguns, and didn't shoot much with rifles until my late teens. Handguns in volume waited until my early 20's. What little shooting I did with rifles and handguns was almost entirely in the hunting fields. Dunno what this all means, but there it is there.

Curmudgeon is most kind in mentioning that my good work at NCBS got done with those itty-bitty boolits. There's a back edge to that sword, though--all that great luck hasn't done JACK for the 22 centerfires or the 25-20 yet. I have Carpetman to thank for the 243 success--his RCBS 95 SP samples worked instantly in my Rem 788. The 250 Savage and its 1930-vintage 1-14" twist really likes the NEI 100 grainer that looks like a 30 caliber RG-4 that shrunk in the wash, and accuracy took a little more work with that one. So far, this all takes place with visually-inspected boolits.

05-10-2005, 04:27 PM
I sure hope this works. I haven't had any sucess at posting in a very long time, so I just read what you're up to. It was really great seeing everyone again. I want to say a huge thank you to Bruce,Karen & Kim for their wonderful hospitality. Saturday nights' dinner was sooo good - the salad was totally outstanding, and the deserts blew my diet away. It will take me a month to catch back up! I enjoy talking with like- minded folks even more than the shooting! Next year I'll bring my .56 -56 Spencer carbine, and hopefully will have my Evans rifle working by then - quite the assault rifle of the 1870's until it was time to reload!
A BIG thank you again to Bruce & Family for such a wonderful time. You folks are the Best!!
'Talk to you later, Bob

05-10-2005, 10:23 PM
As a first-timer to the NCBS, was taken by the hospitality of such a great group of folks.... and also their devotion to the sport as evidenced by their knowledge, their willingness to share it, the quantity of lead brought to town, and most especially, the manner in which it was directed down-range. Have a bunch of homework to do before next year's event... as have just been scratching the surface of cast boolit shooting for those 7 & 8mm mausers...

Sorry to have missed the Saturday social at Bruce B's, but had prior commitment (local NRA banquet)... Nothing better than good company, good subject-matter, meat on the grill, and cold beer! The NRA banquet, by the way, was a big success for our table, as a relative new-comer to firearms freedom won a Springfield .45 1911 in a raffle! If that's not enough to get a guy hooked....

Unfortunately for me, my wife's not (as yet!) as entertained by this stuff as I, and with insufficient banked brownie points, I was unable to partake in Sunday's events. Another point to prepare for in the next year!
Even if I can't muster the homework to get up to speed with the rest, would love to see you all again next year! Have yet to give a try to the molds so graciously loaned by Onceabull...

My thanks again to all for the great time, and hope to see you all again next year!

05-10-2005, 10:36 PM
"...until it was time to reload." Yep; Evans: "The rifle you load all week and shoot on Sunday"

05-10-2005, 11:53 PM
7s&8s that exemplifies why I am a regular attendee now. My first trip was eye-opening and a solid reason to come back for more. Looking over the different guns alone is nearly as good as a visit to Cody. Except at a NCBS you will probably get a chance to SHOOT then same guns you have just HANDLED. Museum pieces as well as modern guns,wild and crazy pistols,leverguns and mil-surps. As good as Cody is,the guns behind glass is only as good as your camera and memory,Shooting the Guns of NCBS is a totally different sensory experience.
Welcome aboard !

05-11-2005, 12:02 AM
I would be amiss if I didn't say a big thank you to the B's. Karen is definately the hostess with the mostess. I must admit to a weakness for pecan pie, and the foo foo coffee drink served with it was the bomb. BruceB once again proves his generosity with a great deal on 45 colt accoutements. I hope to see that "14" at next years shoot. See it, heck I can't wait to shoot it. And of course Kimmie (oops forgot, not supposed to call her that) Kim, delightful as ever.

I thought that the cowboy shoot was a kick in the pants. A real "hoot" as they say in Iowa. It doesn't take alot of imagination to see how addicting it could get to be. Thanks to Tim and Lori for bringing the gear and setting everyone up. See you guys Friday night.

curmudgeon, don't know who's hat you got, but I believe I have all of mine. I think 45 nut had a ca'boy hat, could be his.

The ride home was uneventful except for the color. Hillsides covered in yellow flowers, lupin alongside the hiway. Today I noticed flox coming up all over. All this moisture could bring the best desert spring ever. Of course when it dries up it could bring the biggest fire season ever. This year will go down as the wettest NCBS yet, I'll take the drizzle over the wind anyday.

Again, Thanks to everyone that came, played, participated and a special thanks to those who worked so hard to make it all happen, the B's.


05-11-2005, 12:36 AM
Actually I think that hat belongs to TimB,he came in late sunday to Curmudgeons room saying how he left his cap at Ormachea's and had to wear something..got the whole conversation steered toward steam forming hats if I remember correctly.

05-11-2005, 12:57 AM
Ken, I think you are right on who the mystery hat belongs to. I don't remember ever seeing you, BruceB, Buckshot, or Deputy Al in a cowboy hat, and it is way too big for me. guess I'll have to go through the whole member list to find Tim's E-mail. Then I can go to Fernley when the next cowboy shoot is held and deliver it. Thanks for being so observant.

05-11-2005, 11:49 AM
curmudgeon, Ken is right it is my hat. Sounds like I got a way to get you to come out to Fernley now.
Lori and I want to thank the B's for the great work they do to put on the shoot.
It is great to know that every year you will have a weekend to look forward to when you can pickup on old friendships and make new ones. Now if we just could get the rain and snow to realize that some of us don't want our toys damp!
Thanks to all again for making the shoot memorable and enjoyable.
Hope to see many of you during the year. Remember we love to have visitors who come armed.

TimB and LoriB

05-11-2005, 06:30 PM
Tim, just let me know the next time you will be in Fernley, and I'll bring your hat so you won't be put in the hoosegow for being out of uniform. Bill

05-11-2005, 09:41 PM
Tim, just let me know the next time you will be in Fernley, and I'll bring your hat so you won't be put in the hoosegow for being out of uniform. Bill

Tim, just so happens I will be going past Bill's casa tomorrow. I will pick up said hat and bring to the shoot Friday.


05-11-2005, 11:09 PM
Thanks Bruce, I wouldn't want to loose two hats in one day after over 15 years on the first that night. Look forward to seeing you Friday. I have been loading/casting today to have extra 40/65 and 45/100 if you decide to shoot on Saturday in the match.

Tim and Lori