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05-31-2008, 02:20 PM
I used to have a tire shop (one of the big national brand shops, believe it or not) that would quietly stockpile me up all the wheel weights I wanted--for $5/per FULL five-gallon bucket. Ended up being two half-filled buckets 'cause no way I could get that full bucket up and in the back of my pickup truck.

Last month, a new manager came to this little town and stopped the saving of wheel weights. I met the little turd yesterday--smallish guy, soft hands, who exuded an air of moral and intellectual superiority.

Started spouting EPA laws and how "lead is destroying the environment." What's more, according to my mechanic pal, this asswipe is now ordering ONLY zinc wheel weights.

But, as bad as losing that source was, a source I'd been working for the past few months paid off huge.

80 pounds of BRAND NEW NEVER USED WHEEL WEIGHTS for no charge. What's more, he can average me around 100 pounds a month, at no charge--actually, all he wants is an airplane ride now and then. Seems he wants to get his pilot's license.


Perseverance pays.

I'm smelting my first batch as we speak.


P.S. Just by walking around the dock/dumpster area of this first tire store (where Mr. Environment works), I picked up close to five pounds of wheel weights that were just laying on the ground scattered about. Stopped by three more big tire shops and collected almost ten more pounds between the three of them just from loose/dropped/scattered wheel-weights.

05-31-2008, 02:31 PM
Wow, good news and bad news!!

I found a local salvage yard that will give me his wheel weights for free and a recycle yard nearby that will sell me lead and w/w for .20/lb.

Happy melting!!


05-31-2008, 02:43 PM
I just lucked into a pretty good deal myself. I gave a guy $15 to cover the cost of his buckets for 340lbs of weights and 23 more lbs of stick ons.

05-31-2008, 08:37 PM
Sounds good, too bad about that one jerk. I got lucky the other day myself. I get free WW's at two different tire stores. At one of the stores the guy asked me to leave a bucket ( which I did ) and he said he would fill it. I went in to pick it up Friday and it was empty. He asked one of the guys what happened to the weights and he was told that some guy picked them up yesterday. He told everybody that nobody touches the lead bucket, it is mine and then he gave me these to make up for it being empty.

http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b8db11b3127ccec468cf99b8e500000026100DZOGblm4Yg9 vPhI

http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b8db11b3127ccec46917e4198800000026100DZOGblm4Yg9 vPhI

I guess they aren't totally free because I bring the guys what they like to drink but it's a small price to pay.

05-31-2008, 08:52 PM
Started spouting EPA laws and how "lead is destroying the environment." What's more, according to my mechanic pal, this asswipe is now ordering ONLY zinc wheel weights.

My condolences on your encountering a faithful foot-soldier in the global jihad on lead.

I wonder if this genius has considered that the area effected is much smaller if it's a berm than when it's spread out over millions of miles of road.

And I'm sure he's not all talk (sarcasm), and he picks up the lead weights he finds on the side of the road when he walks, like I do. Right?

05-31-2008, 10:26 PM
Looks like the idiot is buying into the Greenie Weenie BS that the Mainstream Media is selling. Like Forest Gump say's " Stupid is as Stupid does" Glad you found a replacement lead source.

06-01-2008, 01:34 AM
Looks like the idiot is buying into the Greenie Weenie BS that the Mainstream Media is selling. Like Forest Gump say's " Stupid is as Stupid does" Glad you found a replacement lead source.

The problem is twofold--

1. This genius is young, idealistic, power-hungry, eager to climb the company ladder, and in order to do so, will believe anything he's told if he believes it will help him advance.

Another mindless robot with a modicum of authority and power.

2. He's drinking the Kool-Aid that is being poured to him by Firestone's corporate environmental nazis--and these corporate folks are spreading the lies and misinformation across their entire organization.

I swear, all Corporate America wants today is mindless minions who have zero ambition--or initiative--to think and rationalize for themselves.

Thank goodness I'm within a couple of years of finally hanging it all up for good!
