View Full Version : God's Medicine Cabinet

08-30-2016, 07:19 PM
I had a skin problem...Big and round as a dime ,twice as thick, and dark brown growing on my temple. Thought I would use my brain and try something home remedy....

Every time I thought of it and especially at bedtime, I cut a clove of garlic and squished as much juice as i could on this spot. 1/2 the time I cut a hot pepper and smeared that juice on it too. Then always add vitamin E oil to cover it good.

10 days later...it's almost gone. Shrunk in size by 60%, just barely feel a bump, and the color is close to my skin color...

In one of his plays, Shakespeare claims God has a plant to cure any human aliment...It may be true... YMMV...

Mods... move this if you so desire....

08-30-2016, 08:20 PM
Interesting. Some growths go away naturally, and old folk medicine had many cures, many of which actually work, and later became the basis for today's pills and capsules, refined and often synthesized. Mom told me when I was young and got a wart, if I rubbed it with a dish rag and hid the dish rag where nobody could find it, the wart would go away, and if someone found that rag, it'd come back. I hid the rag, and sure enough, the wart went away (naturally, of course), but it never came back years later when I found that old dish rag I'd hidden years earlier. Mom's probably still laughing about that one, but not all those "old wive's tales" are invalid by ANY means. Life sure is interesting when we stop assuming we know everything that's worth knowing already.

08-30-2016, 09:06 PM
Funny Story:
Years ago I broke my Thumb ( Dropped a small motor cycle that I got back after 40 Years...wanted my son to have it!) Refused to believe this old guy broke anything! Went to the Old PA Coal miners cure of a Tincture of Comfrey! They rubbed it on everything and went back to work each Day.... Sounds good to me!
Well two weeks later I go to a "Bone" doctor Because I'm really hurting ...He removes my Old World healing Bandage to revel my deep "GREEN" ( Comfrey Stained ) Thumb!...He said "Oh Hell that is very nasty"! I though amputation was imminent!....Until I told him of my "Old wives Cure" Then he couldn't stop laughing!
Left with my thumb in a cast and I was better in 6 weeks![smilie=1:

08-31-2016, 09:43 AM
My old dad used to say if you doctor a cold it'll last 14 days, leave it alone it'll only last two weeks. On the subject of remedies, I used to have terrible fall allergies, ragweed and goldenrod. Bad juju for a rural mailman. Ran up on this one: glass of water, 2 tbsp apple cider vinegar, sweeten to taste with LOCALLY grown honey. ( the bees are using the same pollen that you're allergic to). Started drinking the stuff, tastes pretty good. The following fall my allergies were gone! Still are. Doesn't work overnite, but it does work, at least for me. GW

09-01-2016, 10:37 PM
Yep,it's a little better if you heat the water a little and add just a touch of cinnamon,but it does work.[smilie=1: